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Topics - High Noon Cards

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Hey card people,

My first project, High Noon: Memories, is now 70% on Kickstarter!

If you have the chance, it would mean the absolute world to me if you would check out the new campaign.

This rendition of the deck includes a bunch of upgrades, new premium bee casino stock, new faces/courts, new tuck, and free STICKERS for all backers! 😎🌤

I spent a lot of time reflecting on the feedback that I got from many of you in light of my first campaign for the deck. I wanted to do something special and clean for the faces while preserving the deck's original aesthetics and design, and I hope you guys like the additions!

Playing Card Plethora / High Noon Cards: Memories, LIVE on Kickstarter!
« on: February 22, 2022, 04:03:07 PM »
Hey All,

I recently launched a deck that I designed for Cardistry and Magic called the Memories. I really wanted this deck to invoke "chill vibes" whenever the user picked them up. I put a lot of effort into making the deck aesthetic through the designs/illustrations and colour palette. It would mean the world to me if you checked it out! Have a good day :)

Here's the link to the campaign:

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