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Messages - krisnapati

Pages: [1]
Playing Card Plethora / Re: Black Lions - David Blaine
« on: January 25, 2016, 08:29:52 PM »
Hi, just got my black lion 3 days ago and its traditionally cut, but for me it doesn't matter if it's not, the more important is how the card handle and feels, over all they not good as Gator back, i had my gator last longer than black lion, 1st i pull the card from the box hold it in my hand the bottom and the top card start to banded, after few table shuffle the start bending all of them, but after few break spring cut etc i place them into the box clip in card clip they good to go again, i don't like the fact that the marking system is really hard to read, especially when you are performer, i prefers madison marking system more easy to read, if you magician, hidden or not people not really care about it as long as they enjoy your performance. but over all i love the black lion, they stand out and really cool deck by it self


Introduce Yourself / Hi. Im Krisnapati
« on: January 04, 2015, 10:37:31 PM »
Hi, everyone My Name Krisnapati, From Indonesia.

starting collecting playing card since 2011 and play little bit of gambling demos and card magic, playing card now become my first girlfriend lol. my hand always hold them for no reason. im part of three of clubs team // Aquila Playing card, with ade suryana and akmal luthfi, i love to take picture of my collection with my phone and posted on my instagram, my favorite playing card is playing card that have marking on it lol.

really proud to join this forum, i really feel to be a part of biggest community this world cheer's  :D

Introduce Yourself / Re: How did you find PlayingCardForum?
« on: January 04, 2015, 10:17:22 PM »
Hi, im krisnapati new member... i heard about this forum from my friends :D Ade suryana and he suggest me to join because this will help me a lot in playing card news.

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