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Topics - Lukeout

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Playing Card Plethora / What brings long term value?
« on: January 27, 2014, 04:44:31 PM »
I'm new to collecting, and I'm not interested in collecting for value so much as just enjoying all the decks. But I come from an industry of collectables and it seems each has it's own pattern for items that become valuable. The obvious ones are rarity (how many are made) and scarcity (how hard is it to get).

There seems to be a few additional ones in playing cards. Some seem to have built in tricks in the tuck boxes (I need to get some of those - would love some recommendations).

There does seem to be a a specific design aesthetic that seems popular for decks on release, but so many decks are released with that general aesthetic that it seems like it would be a minor factor in long term collecting.

I know in toys, some odd trends played out that fought against rarity - where super popular toys became very valuable later due to the high % of copies that were destroyed in play (early Smurf happy meal toys, etc...) That trend sort of started the "Mint In Box" collecting idea that seems to have taken hold with playing cards as well.

What feature do you think will make a specific deck of cards worth more in the future?

Design & Development / Binary Deck - Early Development
« on: January 13, 2014, 01:49:28 PM »
Hey folks, I thought I'd share some early work on our next deck. Like the Meeple Deck, this is a mash-up of something we love and playing cards - this time to technology. Like the Meeple Deck, it's going to be pretty far outside the norm of collector decks. Much more of a concept/execution deck than a detailed/art deck. Our hope is to launch this deck in 4 months or so.

For those who don't know, binary is the language of computers - it's only 0's and 1's. It is also called "Base 2." That means that the "3 of hearts" is really the "11 of hearts". And when you get to letters, things go a little off the rails, as letters have 8-digits! Yea, I know it's geeky, but I'm a guy who wears that label proudly!

For a look, we wanted to go with something super clean - sort of like the more modern cel-phone design interfaces. We still have a lot of work to do on the royals (and probably the Aces...) to get them to fit into the theme, but here is some of our early cards. Would love some feedback! (which I expect to be highly polarized..)


Playing Card Plethora / 1 Color Relaunch of Meeples with Early Birds
« on: January 02, 2014, 10:18:01 AM »
Thanks to all the help from this forum, I've finally got my deck ready for Kickstarter and just launched it. I really appreciate all the advice - you guys were amazingly helpful. I'm super happy with how the cards turned out, but I'm going to be letting the backers guide the deck box design during the campaign as I think it can be better.

Luke  :D

Design & Development / Post KS Sales Channels?
« on: December 26, 2013, 10:56:21 AM »
Not sure if this is the right sub-forum or not. But I'm curious if there is a thread somewhere on post KS sales channels. For my previous game Kickstarters, it was fairly easy to tie into an established network of distributors and retailers. As a newb to playing cards, I'm curious if there is a similar network for playing cards? I see a few on-line retailers, but I don't have a good sense of who the "big boys" are in the space.

Thanks all! (and apologies if I put this in the wrong forum!)

Design & Development / Short KS Campaign?
« on: December 18, 2013, 11:51:04 AM »
Are there any examples of a short (14 day or so) KS campaign for a playing card deck?

All my gaming ones have been 30 days or more, and there is data to support longer campaigns, but I'm curious if anyone has tried a shorter one for playing cards.

Playing Card Plethora / Meeple Playing Cards
« on: December 11, 2013, 02:27:17 PM »
Hey Everyone, I wanted to share new playing cards decks here that I worked on with my friend Jordan Martin. It’s not an art-centered deck - it’s more about the collision of two of our passions.

To be honest, we didn’t make this deck to appeal to playing card collectors even though we both love what is being done in the medium. Instead, we made this deck primarily to appeal to people who share our passion for board games and who also like playing cards. We expect these cards to be used for traditional games by the purchaser, as opposed to static collecting or magic.

For the design, we chose the iconic shape of the “meeple.” If you don’t know what the meeple is, it’s basically a wooden game piece that is used in lots of board games sometimes with slight variations. It’s sort of the European version of a “pawn.”

Because the meeple is so simple in form, we wanted to keep the imagery in the deck iconographic and clean. Since I expect this deck to be used to play games (by most purchasers), it needs to be uncluttered and easy to read at a glance. It has to fan well, stack well in solitaire games, and be easy to recognize across the table for games like Hold ‘Em poker. It also needs to be very meeple-ee while capturing the traditions of playing cards. After tons of tinkering, this is what we ended up with, I’d love to hear your thoughts!

We are planning on launching the deck early in January on Kickstarter.


Playing Card Plethora / Uncut Sheet Purchase?
« on: December 11, 2013, 12:03:36 PM »
I'm curious how many folks here also buy uncut sheets of cards. As a creator, I'm trying to figure out if I should offer them, and honestly I'm just curious! (I don't own any, but I own a lot of gaming art).

Design & Development / Kickstarter Question for Past Designers
« on: December 10, 2013, 11:05:51 AM »
I'm preparing my first deck for Kickstarter in January. I'll be posting more here about it shortly (I just found this forum yesterday!). I've been looking at all the KS campaigns, and all the non-deck offerings that seem to go along with playing card decks. I've done 5 Kickstarters to date, 4 games with friends, and a kids book with my wife, and I prefer to just focus on the key product - the decks.

My deck isn't painterly (more like a clever mix of two iconic genres). I couldn't imagine anyone wanting a print or an uncut sheet, but then again, I've never made a playing card deck before. I'm just trying to get a handle on if I should offer a bunch of other things or just focus on decks. I figure by focusing, delivery and production will be more straight forward, but I don't want my campaign to look too sparse.

Any of you past publishers or backers have any insight into the value of all the extra-type offerings? Worth doing?

Thanks everyone,

Introduce Yourself / New Designer Hello!
« on: December 09, 2013, 12:02:33 PM »
I have been loving all the action on Kickstarter and other places with playing cards (that Pagan deck on right now is particularly great IMO). They motivated a friend and I to design a deck which we will be putting up on KS in early January. I've got a lot of experience with games on KS (4-for-4 funded and delivered on time or early), and I even published a kids book with my wife this year on KS, but this will be the first deck of cards I've worked on.

I found this forum today, and I am really blown away. I've read through probably 500 posts today (seemed that way at least), and all of them seem very helpful, polite and considerate even when opinions varied. This is the kind of community that the internet was made for. Very happy to be here to learn and hopefully contribute.


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