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Messages - the.asics.kid

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Thanks for the clarification.

Is it able to nominate new decks? One of 2020 is clearly missing - Oath Crypt.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Advice on Split Spades
« on: May 08, 2020, 03:51:58 PM »
Nobody can give you an estimate when they will sell out. At least nobody without knowing the size of the print run. Seeing that they sit on the shelf for a while now I would say there is no hurry to get them but maybe there're only a few left and they're gone as we speak.
A holofoil Gatorback from DB was already teased so,  if you miss out on them there will be at least one more edition of the Gatorbacks - but who knows when and for how much, lol.

Introduce Yourself / Re: Nice to meet you, I Introduce myself
« on: May 08, 2020, 02:54:20 PM »
Welcome to the board.

I would definitely love to see some drafts of that semi-transformation deck whenever you're ready to show something.

I saw the creator of that octopus posting on reddit a while back. Fun stand/display for sure. Perfect for IAOCP, HMNIM or for tighter wallets J&T's Seafarers  :).

Why are there three threads created for one and the same kickstarter deck? Pretty redundant.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Advice on Split Spades
« on: April 28, 2020, 12:44:59 PM »
Worth/value is pretty subjective, especially in the collector's realm. Therefore, it is hard to tell you wether they are worth it or not.
They are designed by Mark Stutzman for David Blaine, which raises their price since, you know, David Blaine.
From a stock/finish perspective they are like your regular Bees. The Metalluxe editions feel a bit different (from my perspective) since Metalluxe is changing the characteristics of the card slightly. If you like the gold ones almost as much as the silver and are planning on using them anyways then, for the sake of budget, I would advise to go for the cheaper option.
Gold Split Spades are still available at David's webshop btw. So if you aren't getting them below retail I would advise to shop them there and not on eBay.

Introduce Yourself / Re: Introduce yourself
« on: April 28, 2020, 12:20:11 PM »
Welcome Laura,

what a nice story. I bet there're some awesome gems in that collection. Feel free to share some pictures and you'll find some great fellows in here that can give you infos on a lot of them.

A Cellar of Fine Vintages / Re: Ask the Experts at 52 Plus Joker
« on: April 09, 2020, 09:58:26 AM »
I found these two singles on eBay but besides vintage and what is written on the back (silver one "scandal"/ gold one "the eavesdropper") there're no further infos. Anyone knows additional stuff?

Design & Development / Re: Looking for a Fanning mockup
« on: April 01, 2020, 05:45:26 AM »
The link shows "404 not found". Seems like Cardistry Touch took it down.

Most definitely welcome.

For the part with the black and gold, I've read it but wasn't sure what to make of it. Will it be gold metallic ink or my guess is cold foil since, you wanna go with Cartamundi? Or did you just use Cartamundi for prototypes and go with another printer? Does it mean everything what is white in the prototypes will be gold? Some mockups/renders would be good, especially if you wanna run a kickstarter campaign.

You two deserve a pint after the fulfillment  :). Best of success for reaching the stretch goals.
Are the goodies KS exclusive or will they be available afterwards in your online store as well? Asking because I can't back atm due to life being life with that Sars-CoV2 paralyzing the economy.

Stay safe and stay healthy my friend!
Thanks a lot. You as well.

To be honest, after reading the title of the thread I expected something totally different. Alchemy is something ancient and I would have expected and loved to see a deck that has a very intricate and old, antique style to it. But alchemy is definitely about development, transformation, evolution so you nailed that.

For me - I'm no expert, just a collector that blobs out his two cents - it needs something to stick out of the crowd though. Your back design is good and true to the theme but It lacks excitement and depth. I feel like the Philosopher's stone could need some more details. Something that let's it look more three dimensional/plastic.
The courts, while custom and featuring some nice details, are still a bid bland. The colour palette doesn't help to bring excitement, imo.
Overall a nice and good deck with a theme that makes me want to like it more but as for now not my cup of tea.

Looks definitely like the artwork for a successful project. I know some collectors that will definitely be in for a brick of these decks.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Warrior Women Playing Cards | Live on KS
« on: March 25, 2020, 01:40:00 AM »
Definitely a nice deck worth picking up. Good to see it is almost there. Fingers crossed that it'll make it to the finish line.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Illustrated Monster Playing Card decks
« on: March 16, 2020, 09:12:37 AM »
First of all, congrats on being funded already. Well deserved seeing the artwork of your portraits cards.

A few thoughts though:

1. the back design should be clearly visible in the campaign. If I didn't overlook something there is no picture of it at all and you can only have a short glimpse of it in the trailer and the picture where it is covered from the tuck box render.
2. While the artwork is superb on itself, I wish it would be playing card art.
What I mean by that is - not taking anything away from the beautiful art itself - but there is something that makes a deck of playing cards exceptional compared to just art printed on tiny pasteboards. Things like a two-way back designs and two-way courts for example. Would be awesome to have this combined with your art skill. Maybe we'll see a V3 of this deck ;)
3. Who prints the cards? Some collectors are interested in print and stock quality and the producing company is as important as the artwork to them. It should be mentioned where the cards are going to be printed.

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hello from Ithaca, NY!
« on: March 16, 2020, 06:44:39 AM »
Hi there,

welcome to the forum. Saw the cards and your last project. It mirrors the weather you described. Something perfect for the rainy days :) and to tell some monster stories.
The playing card collector world is big but even bigger in dedication and the numbers of decks in some collector's collections for sure, haha.
Make yourself at home.

Playing Card Plethora / Crypt by Oath Playing Cards
« on: March 16, 2020, 06:34:00 AM »
Just a reminder for the folks that aren't desciple-like following Lotrek (are there collectors like that? lol). Lotrek has a mystery deck for pre-order on his website. It's called Crypt and he plans on never revealing pictures of it, ever. The pre-order started yesterday and is up for 72h. So if you want a deck you have until early Tuesday to order one for the hefty (most certainly justified) price tag of $110. Last chance to ever order it will be on the 10th of April but then it will be priced at $130. After these two pre-order windows eBay will be your best friend.

Yup, it tilts itself for me as well. Regarding the Derren Brown set, it definitely is a nice box set. Only the price tag kinda rubs me the wrong way. I guess I'm still undecided, lol.

The indices on the Ace of Spades are on the wrong side btw! That should be fixed if that deck goes into production.

The tilt is strong with this one. Great collection, definitely a lot of stuff that I'd like to fill my shopping bag with  ;).
How is the Derren Brown set? I'm eyeballing it like forever but ultimately the tuckboxes look too cheap for me to justify the price tag. I love the idea though and the cards plus the box itself look very nice and well executed.

An interesting project. It is always a pleasure to see different designs from all over the world.
One question that immediately popped up for me was, why is the spade index inverted? Not a good choice imho, since it makes hearts and spades harder to distinguish.

The link work(s)ed. It's just that our sisters and brothers at UC have server problems (or to be accurate the company that hosts the server).

Thank you here as well for the insights, Don. I found a set on eBay but it already is above anything close to what I was willing to spend, LOL. I guess I scrape that from the wish list and move on and start harassing Cartamundi and/or USPCC employees until I'm invited to the next event.

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