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Double Bluff Darts playing cards now live on KS!

Author (Read 2262 times)

Double Bluff Darts playing cards now live on KS!
« on: January 24, 2021, 02:20:37 PM »


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Double Bluff playing cards was created by a darts player for darts players.  The unique idea brings together an ordinary deck of playing card and darts.  Several games were invented with the intention to provide practice for darts players of all abilities, primarily focused on finishing within the popular game of 501.

Here?s just a couple examples of the 10 brand new, completely unique copyrighted games that are included in the instructions;

Steal Bridge.

Our version of Bridge is played in the same way as the traditional versions with one exciting twist, when a player wins a trick, before they can claim it they need to take their darts and sucessfully complete a checkout on that card (one of the coloured numbers on the outside of the card), should they miss their opponents get a chance to steal the trick by taking out a slightly more difficult checkout!

Double Bluff Poker

In our variation of poker each player is dealt 5 cards, then there is a round of betting before five cards are dealt face down on the table. These will be communal cards, players take it in turns, with three darts each, to try to hit the dartboard area that is shown on any of these cards, succeed and they can swap that card for one of their own. If not play moves round to next player taking it in turns to do the same, another round of betting follows before the showdown, best poker hand wins the pot!

The YouTube channel LoveDarts also explained a couple other games in a fantastic review they done for Double Bluff. Check it out here;

If the campaign reaches 150% funded new reward tiers will be unlocked allowing access to our superior quality decks.  Available in both Twenty's and Nineteen's, they will be printed on Ivory Graphic's exclusive 'Sureslip' cardstock.   Sureslip has been described by some experts of Cardistry to rival the air cushion finish made famous by Bicycle.

Please check out the campaign for more info and to pledge and be rewarded with a deck or two. I really do appreciate every single pledge large or small. Thank you very much.