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Messages - MrSlaybury

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Sorry if this isn't the right spot to ask this question :(

Maybe it depends on the misprint and the deck of course, but for some reason a deck feels more special to me if it has a misprinted card.  I only own a few yellow Bicycle Cyclist decks that are missing a diamond on the 10D, and out of the brick I bought I've only opened 4.  I'm assuming they all have the misprint.

Are there any well-known decks that were misprinted and considered more desirable?

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Lost a card. What to do?
« on: December 23, 2016, 02:26:33 AM »
I feel this pain.  I lost the 9 of spades from a deck of Green Monarchs the same day I opened them.  I replaced it with one of the Ad cards that came with the deck, and now I'm less scared to do a signed card routine with another Monarch deck knowing Inhave the backup.

I don't own Steampunks, but if they have an Ad card with the back design on a side, that could work as another option.  I've definitely used a joker too for sure, but I know what it's
Iike to lose a card for sure!  Good luck!

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Local Stores That Stock Tally-Ho Decks?
« on: December 23, 2016, 02:18:40 AM »
As always, great info! Thank you!

I ordered a 3 pack of Fan Backs from Amazon: red, blue, and Ellusionist's Viper deck.  Fourteen bucks with free shipping.  I definitely prefer the FBs.  It's always fun to use a black deck, but due to my absolute obsession with faro shuffling the corners get trashed super quick.  Still, I liked that deal considering E's prices.

I've really only been into cards at this level for the last year or so, and I never tried anything from Theory11...until a couple weeks ago.  I went into Barnes and Noble and saw a small card display, and when I searched through it they had almost every T11 deck!  I did not expect that.  I picked up a pack of Green Monarchs, and holy smokes!  They felt so similar to the circle backs I bought; absolutely amazing.

Ive since bought Artisans, Citizens, Blue Monarchs, and Archangels.  Definitely live up to everything I've read about their cards.  Plus, B&N was running a 25% off sale plus I had a 25% off coupon, and I live in tax-free NH lol. 

After practicing with Bikes for hours a day, I'll go back to the Tallys, T11's, and the couple Ellusionist decks I have and they're just so darn smooth.  I'm really wreck decks pretty fast, but these quality decks just make me have even more fun!  I am learning every trick I can find that uses a faro, and I think I'm ready to buy some published work to learn more.  So long as the cards are right, I faro perfectly 95% of the time, and I can't let all this practice go to waste.  I can't wait to see what it's like after years and years of practice!  With the exception of a deck with a Traditional Cut, nothing makes the faro smoother for me than Tally's and everything I've tried from T11.

I got slightly off topic, but to sum it up: 

I proposed to a Tally Hos...AND THEY SAID YES!!!

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Collect for Fun? Or Profit?
« on: November 28, 2016, 10:36:48 PM »
I am new to collecting, Have been collecting for almost a year.
I spend alot of  money,  got great deals, however I do feel guilty about spending so much money, Now looking back, because of that reason, sometimes I regret starting this hobby, afterall it was hobby discovered practically on accident.

I collect for fun,, never intended to sell, or make money. I originally planned on buying 1 deck to keep seal, and 1 to open, but then it got really difficult to open a seal deck that sells at premium.   And decks at release are getting more and more expensive.

I think I have over 550 unique decks and maybe over 1300  in total decks, lost count,
now I find myself now purging alot of my duplicates,  trading or selling.

Even if i get good returns on one deck, There is another that would sell below cost,
It really is just to make a little money, or just get my money back after all the selling/shipping costs.

It's really really difficult  to have a consistent income from buying and selling decks of cards.
I see myself more as selling to buy some other decks later, or buying a bundle, then make my money back, and hoping to cover a few decks for personal collection (less guilt).

Atleast now I ended my search on pre-2016 decks, now I can just get new releases,
Instead of hunting.

Wow, you dove into the hobby head-first, didn't you?  :))  I've been at it since the end of 2010 and I have maybe 50% more than you do.

Chasing the older decks can be fun, but it can also be costly.  It's not a bad thing to do, if you really target your searches and find some good deals - they're out there if you look.  Sometimes, you'll even run into collectors interested in acquiring some of your "trading fodder" (duplicate decks you're looking to sell) in exchange for the older stuff you would like but otherwise might not be able to readily afford.

I never expected collecting cards would make me anything; I expected it to cost me! But...

I recently ordered one deck of what I though was the Bicycle Pluma deck, and I was sent 6 of the Autumn deck, 3 of each color.  I ordered it again (wanting that Pluma deck!), and again I was sent 6 Autumn decks.  I did not accept them and informed the store.  Then the site went out of stock.

Next day, they're back in stock at a different price, so I ordered three.  I was sent 3 half bricks!  Went home and they showed 4 left in stock, so I bought all 4.  Again, I was sent TWO BRICKS of the Autumn deck, one of each color.  I called customer service, and they literally told me there must've been either a mistake, or the warehouse was clearing stock and used an existing sku.  Either way she said, and I'm quoting, "congratulations, enjoy them!"

So, I sold some, and I kept some.  I sold some half bricks on eBay incredibly cheap.  Around twenty bucks, shipping included.  I passed on a great deal, and made a couple bucks.  Now I have a bunch of decks to use, and a bunch to add to my collection.  I really love the cards themselves.  They seem like a thinner stock than Standard RBs.

Yeah, stuff like that can be priceless.  It was due to a similar mistake that I ended up meeting David Blaine in person at his office in New York City!  There's a topic on it around here if you search for it.

Don, I'm definitely searching right now for that story!  I wish I could be around in 200 years when they're still talking about the gifts he gave to our generations!

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Collect for Fun? Or Profit?
« on: November 28, 2016, 10:32:05 PM »
I never expected collecting cards would make me anything; I expected it to cost me! But...

I recently ordered one deck of what I though was the Bicycle Pluma deck, and I was sent 6 of the Autumn deck, 3 of each color.  I ordered it again (wanting that Pluma deck!), and again I was sent 6 Autumn decks.  I did not accept them and informed the store.  Then the site went out of stock.

Next day, they're back in stock at a different price, so I ordered three.  I was sent 3 half bricks!  Went home and they showed 4 left in stock, so I bought all 4.  Again, I was sent TWO BRICKS of the Autumn deck, one of each color.  I called customer service, and they literally told me there must've been either a mistake, or the warehouse was clearing stock and used an existing sku.  Either way she said, and I'm quoting, "congratulations, enjoy them!"

So, I sold some, and I kept some.  I sold some half bricks on eBay incredibly cheap.  Around twenty bucks, shipping included.  I passed on a great deal, and made a couple bucks.  Now I have a bunch of decks to use, and a bunch to add to my collection.  I really love the cards themselves.  They seem like a thinner stock than Standard RBs.

Great story, I'm on the end of it never working out in my favor when a mistake is made. It's cool to hear a story involving a win fall in stead of the shortfall I've experienced. Also very cool you passed along some of the win to others. I would have sent them a quick email to notify them of the error before ordering more but that's just me. I'm curious, while the Autumns are great decks, did you ever get your Pluma?

Thanks, definitely a huge awesome hug for me from them lol., I never got the Pluma.  I'd post the link but I'm not sure if I'm allowed to.  It must've just been a placeholder pic for them.  I kind of paraphrased the entire story, but at one point I definitely made clear to them there was an error, that's one time when it went out of stock.  I assumed they fixed the error, but nope!  I sold half of what I received.  People were definitely stoked on the copper color versus the green.  Still, I would love to have a couple Plumas in my collection.

Playing Card Plethora / Local Stores That Stock Tally-Ho Decks?
« on: November 28, 2016, 10:25:08 PM »
I live in New England, USA.  As much as I love supporting online businesses, I'm never going to shy away from a local purchase.  I found some Bee's at Bed Bath and Beyond for $3.29, and Rite Aid had 50% of decks all week for Black Friday.  Grabbed some Bee's as well as some breast cancer Bikes and a couple Panda Decks just for the lulz. But..

For the life of me, I can't find Tallys anywhere locally.  Sometimes I just like to go cruise to the store and pop open a freshly bought deck.  I even went into the closest Magic store to me in Peabody, MA (over an hour away), and they didn't even have any Tallys.

Has anyone found some locally outside of their local magic store?  Even if you don't live near me, I'm just curious to know.  Maybe there's places I'm overlooking.

Thanks everyone!

So, I'm addicted to any Rider Back released directly by Bicycle (not the  custom orders for T11, E, etc).  I'm currently in love with the Coral and Indigo fashion decks released this year (although the decks I've opened were printed in 2015).

These decks feel SO MUCH DIFFERENT than a standard RB.  They're softer out of the box, they don't typically develop the super curved corners that standard RBs have...

Is it just me noticing this?  I feel spoiled with some of these special editions to the point where I just don't want to use standard blue/red/black RBs anymore.  Out of the box they spring and faro smoother, and they seem to break-in differently.  Sometimes I think I'm going crazy, and other times I think I've been blessed with a gift of feeling  minute differences.  Maybe it's just me?

I know that there's the two different presses at USPC, I've read everything I can find about stock and finish and cut, etc., but do these special editions feel different because they've been printed on a different press?  Is it that the colors being used make the cards literally feel different?

I'm addicted to the faro shuffle.  It's an issue.  Still trying to see if it's a treatable disorder, or if I'm stuck with this addiction for life.  As soon as I crack open a new deck, I pull the jokers off and go right to trying 8 perfect faro's in a row.  With standard Bike's, it's basically impossible (for me).  With these special editions, I weave up the perfect 8 almost every time ( in the hands, of course:). 

There's also a Silver-backed RB deck that comes in a black box, that has all silver and black pips and faces, with the court cards enlarged and only facing one direction.  For any trick I can do involving the faro (like the vernash ace control), it's my go to deck.  My variation is I faro the deck in both directions during the performance.  I've tried to find more information about this deck as well, but I'm failing.

I know this post has some craziness thrown in there just for fun, but in all seriousness, do others notice these differences?  I've treated Magic Orthodoxy's videos explaining cut and finish etc. as my personal plethora of bibles.  His details are the ones I'm always looking for, but sometimes I feel like I need to talk directly to whomever is in charge over at the design desk at Bicycle to get my answers lol.  I think I need to buy a caliper.

I also just unboxed a deck of the Autocycle No. 1 (Target exclusives), and those feel completely different than all of the others!  Again they're smoother around the edges. I definitely feel the differences between the Bee and Tally stocks (I think Tally's are my absolute favorites, but lack of variation keeps me away).

I may be going crazy, and for all I know, tomorrow after this post USPC may knock on my door with men dressed in suits and earpieces asking me to "please come with us, sir".  Maybe I've said too much!

(Thanks for any real info anyone has for me.  Just thought I'd start a topic on a serious thought I've had for a while.  Cheers!)


Playing Card Plethora / Re: Collect for Fun? Or Profit?
« on: November 18, 2016, 11:13:53 AM »
I never expected collecting cards would make me anything; I expected it to cost me! But...

I recently ordered one deck of what I though was the Bicycle Pluma deck, and I was sent 6 of the Autumn deck, 3 of each color.  I ordered it again (wanting that Pluma deck!), and again I was sent 6 Autumn decks.  I did not accept them and informed the store.  Then the site went out of stock.

Next day, they're back in stock at a different price, so I ordered three.  I was sent 3 half bricks!  Went home and they showed 4 left in stock, so I bought all 4.  Again, I was sent TWO BRICKS of the Autumn deck, one of each color.  I called customer service, and they literally told me there must've been either a mistake, or the warehouse was clearing stock and used an existing sku.  Either way she said, and I'm quoting, "congratulations, enjoy them!"

So, I sold some, and I kept some.  I sold some half bricks on eBay incredibly cheap.  Around twenty bucks, shipping included.  I passed on a great deal, and made a couple bucks.  Now I have a bunch of decks to use, and a bunch to add to my collection.  I really love the cards themselves.  They seem like a thinner stock than Standard RBs.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Pink and Silver Bicycle Decks at Walmart?
« on: September 14, 2016, 09:40:03 PM »
Wow.  Awesome info on the Rider Back design.  That got me stoked.  I wondered why you don't see any "official" rider back marked decks.  Like when I went into that magic shop all the rider back decks that had been gaffed had open seals; like the owner made them himself or something.

I am definitely going to look into those two newer designs.  Thank you so much for letting me know that.  I do like that stock, although after playing around with my RT Bike deck for a little while today, I'm not sure I like them as much as I did when I first go them.  I can really see how someone who does more table work would like them more.  I've broken in a dozen or so decks since I bought the RT's, and Ive used all the tips I've read about breaking in decks.  They really do perform how you want them to based on how you break them in.  Ive found I can mail a perfect faro both directions for quite a while with a deck. 

I often find myself smiling just thinking about the history with cards in general.  Like Whist, for example.  It is my favorite game to play, and to imagine people in the old west betting on hands just like I did is crazy.  Or someone 100 years ago practicing a sleight that I'm trying to learn.  Unfortunately having a hard time finding anyone that plays Whist near me.  I learned when I was living in MA, and up here people don't seem to know the game, or lmao, "their grandparents play it" 😂.

Thanks for the idea of contacting Corporate too.  Being someone who's been in retail management for years, I don't know why I didn't think of that lol.  I went to the beach and practiced for 4 hours straight, and really got to thinking that despite of all these flashy designs and new magic specific decks and cuts, I think a normal Bicycle deck is just what makes sense to practice with.  Especially finding them for $2 a pack at Target.
Thanks Don, you're a wealth of knowledge and I appreciate it!

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Pink and Silver Bicycle Decks at Walmart?
« on: September 14, 2016, 12:20:20 AM »
Thanks for all the info, Don.  I appreciate it.

Well, the manufacturing date on the decks I have open are all in 2016. As well as the copyright date on the box.  So that's interesting.  I'm going to have to try and talk to a store manager at my local Walmart and maybe they can get me hardcore facts, or even a brick of them.

I grouped them into the same category, but both the colors are designed differently.  The court cards are completely different.  Love them.

I've seen the DiFatta set, and really hope to buy it when I have the money to.  Although I'm new to collecting and card manipulation, I spend hours and hours online looking at decks and watching YouTube reviews.  I actually was one of 6 winners of 52Kards' giveaway for the Mint decks.  I won the Black Mint and should have it this week!

Even though I'm new, I still feel the collective pain of USPCC's decision to change the box.  But yet they still offer it as a separate purchase which is crazy.  I bought a MMS Blue Ice deck from Diamonds Magic in Peabody, MA, and I was incredibly disappointed in the quality.  To the point where I don't want to use the, because I feel like the cards are going to rip.  I reached out to MMS to ask if I got a knockoff deck it's that bad.  Two emails and they never responded back to me. 

I really find myself fascinated by the Rider Back design.  Not quite sure why.  I just received my second Ellusionist deck today, the white Ghost deck.  Pretty fun to play around with.  I've also bought the Richard Turner deck.  I wish I could find a deck of Bee's locally.  I'd like to own that classic diamond back design, and I love the thicker stock.

Again, thanks for the info.  If I find out more, I'll post it here just in case anyone else searches for the info in the future.  I'm injured right now and on SSDI, so I have plenty of time on my hands haha.

Playing Card Plethora / Pink and Silver Bicycle Decks at Walmart?
« on: September 12, 2016, 02:57:52 AM »
Hey.  My first post, and I hope I placed it in the best spot.  I searched and searched and can't seem to find the specific info I'm looking for...

A couple months ago, I went into Walmart looking to grab a couple Bike decks, and came across a Pink deck.  After learning about how certain decks are only available at Walmart, I'm trying to figure out if this is one of those decks.  I've also found the same deck in a Silver color, and I've searched 7 Walmarts looking for more and/or different colors.  I haven't seen anything else other than the Pink and the Silver.

When searching online, information has been limited, with a couple stores referencing these as a "vintage design".  Does anyone out there have some more info on these decks for me?  If they're "custom", who have they been made for?  Are they called something specific that may help me search for other colors?  I'd really appreciate any help or links or anything lol. 

I know about the "fashion" decks that are available through Walmart, and I don't think they're part of that line.  So far I've purchased Daybreak, Marsala, Coral, and Indigo.  Also stocked up on the Neon Cyclist decks when they went on sale for $2.  If I can find these specific decks in purple I'll be completely stoked!

Roaming the beachside this summer with the Pink deck might've gotten me a few pretty tourist's numbers...might've...Ill leave the stories to your imaginations  ;)  8)

Introduce Yourself / Re: New
« on: September 12, 2016, 02:24:25 AM »
Thanks!  I've given it a search and haven't seen anything, so I'll try and find the right area to ask.  Just a type of Bicycle deck I can't find any info on.

Introduce Yourself / New
« on: August 20, 2016, 11:18:16 PM »
Hey everyone.  Although I've been playing cards all my life (32), I've never gotten into card magic until recently, and of course with that came collecting! Lol

I joined here to ask a couple questions about certain cards, and I'm hoping someone out there has the answers for me!  Thanks in advance!

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