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Topics - phantom1412

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The Conversation Parlor / D&D point system : product review
« on: December 30, 2011, 10:56:24 PM »
Has anyone been reviewing products on D&D site lately?
I did some reviews since 2 Dec, but they are still in pending state.
How long does it usually take for them to approve or cancel the reviews?

Playing Card Plethora / D&D made famous decks?
« on: December 30, 2011, 10:50:26 PM »
Could anybody list all decks that doesn't belong to D&D, but were made famous by them?

Such as: Jerry's, Absolut, Tungstene.

Playing Card Plethora / Ivory finish?
« on: December 22, 2011, 04:56:11 AM »
I just bought an ask alexander deck from D&D.
I never knew what ivory finish is until I first touch it today.
Honestly, I don't like it.
What do you think about this finish?


Finally, I decided to sell a tutorial for this. This is not the one I had on the youtube. I just finished the video today. Sadly it couldn't be finished before valentine. However, there are a lot of improvements, additional tips, different sizes of roses. Everything that I wasn't happy with the first version is all fixed now.

I'm selling this for 15$. Accept paypal, or if you don't have it, I accept decks too. Offer me.
(But I will give to tutorial only when the decks reached me)
And you will need to have youtube account for this.
Because, I'm listing it as a private video, and I'll add your account to my list if you buy it. No downloads.
(Please understand me at this point, I'm avoiding the pirate sharing of this.)

And if you have any problems regard to the production of the roses, you can contact me anytime, I'll be here to answer and help.

Thank you for your time  :)

**For those who traded roses with me, I'll give you free access for the tutorial.
I'll contact you for your youtube account

And belows are pictures of the roses.

Playing Card Plethora / V6 backed in stock at D&D shop!
« on: December 16, 2011, 11:54:42 PM »
I got this from D&D newsletter

"Three Sellout Items Back in Stock
An epic farewell for a fantastic year!
Earlier this year, Smoke & Mirrors v6 sold out within hours. Gone forever... so we thought. In clearing our warehouse to make room for Fulton's Clip Joint Playing Cards, we found a very small supply meant to be sold, but never were. We can't imagine these up for long, so if you missed the opportunity last August, now is your final chance.

Additionally, we also discovered the last remaining copies of our 2010 lecture disc. This limited edition DVD we titled simply, twothousandten, was produced exclusively for our European tour and includes a collection of 15 tricks, sleights and flourishes making up some of our favorite pieces. If you're new to magic and cardistry, this is a great introduction to our material.

To top it off, we've put together a fifth version of our extremely popular Variety Box. This edition includes a collection of our favorite cards, decks no longer in print and hard to find, such as Smoke and Mirror's v6, If an Octopus Could Palm, and Arrco's from the USPCC's extinct Cincinnati factory.

Supply for these items is limited, but are being offered to subscribers of our newsletter first. Therefore, if you're reading this, then there is a good chance they're still available."

Link for v6

Link for twothousandten

Link for the fifth variety box

Playing Card Plethora / What deck is this?
« on: December 15, 2011, 02:33:31 AM »

D&D posted a tutorial of a flourish called Ferris Trap.
And he used deck that I never saw it before.
Does anybody knows what deck it is?
(I don't mean that I wanna buy it, I'm just curious)

Playing Card Plethora / Outlands Playing Cards
« on: December 10, 2011, 10:19:50 AM »

Not much info about this deck, and I can't see where is the pips?

Playing Card Plethora / Typestache Playing Cards
« on: December 10, 2011, 10:17:25 AM »

Just found one project about playing cards on Kickstarter.
I know we are not their prospective customer, but I just wanna share this information to you guys :)

The Conversation Parlor / E shipping is extremely fast.
« on: December 09, 2011, 09:17:03 PM »
I ordered from T11, the BC and D&D in the black Friday.

Non of the packages have been shipped.
For T11, they told me they just ran out of tally ho so I have to wait.
For the BC, well the big mess came up.
For D&D, hmmm they said they will ship on the week of 5 Dec, but it's already 10 Dec now.

But I ordered from E yesterday, and it was shipped yesterday!
Look at the difference.
E is the most well prepared and they have enough crews to do all the work.

Playing Card Plethora / Ellusionist coupon code
« on: December 07, 2011, 08:21:09 PM »
Hello, I was told that the magic10 coupon code valid only once.
So, is there any other coupon codes out there?

The Conversation Parlor / What did you get this black Friday?
« on: November 25, 2011, 06:27:52 AM »
I'm creating this topic because I would like this topic to be places that you can share what you bought and discuss with others. For now, the black Friday is just started. But after it ended. I'll come back and post whsat I've got. Hope to see you guys stuff too.

The Conversation Parlor / A normal day tricks
« on: November 15, 2011, 07:15:05 AM »

Very awesome video.
Much harder than magic tricks.

The table is distorted. What are you doing guys?
Big changes? Any surprise?

A Cellar of Fine Vintages / No jerry's nugget sales in 2011
« on: November 09, 2011, 08:21:21 AM »
As the topic said, Lee asher just tweet that.

He didn't mention the reason.

Playing Card Plethora / What do you do with old decks?
« on: November 05, 2011, 05:09:27 AM »
I have a lot of old decks that I don't know what to do with them.
I use some of them in magic. Torn them, throw them. But there are still a lot of them.
What should I do with them?

And another question, how old is the deck you usually use in magic?

Feedback + Support / Upcoming Birthday
« on: November 01, 2011, 05:35:25 AM »
I just saw at the bottom of the index page that there is a feature that telling us when is the next member's birthday. And mine is coming soon. I'm really exciting to find out new features from the discourse.

Playing Card Plethora / 144 SM v6 at totallwp
« on: October 31, 2011, 03:15:04 AM »
Just found this on facbook.

Only 4 more hours untill our Shops launch!
Available: 144 decks of S&Mv6's

Feedback + Support / I just notice the change of the blue bar.
« on: October 30, 2011, 08:29:08 PM »
My bar was full and has a text "Discourse God".
But I just noticed it change to "Discourse Royalty", and the bar is not full.

Then how many posts to be a discourse god again?

The Conversation Parlor / For all card traders
« on: October 29, 2011, 11:16:07 PM »
EDIT : He return me my stuff and asked me to erase the posts about him.

I tried to find a place that still selling the aladdin 1001 air cushion finish.
But I couldn't find any.

Any one know the right place to go?
I want about 2 bricks of them.

Playing Card Plethora / Lord of the Rings playing cards
« on: October 29, 2011, 10:10:24 AM »
I saw this on ebay, but I couldn't find the information where is this deck printed.
I would buy it if it's USPCC deck.

Anyone know this deck?

The Conversation Parlor / Dan and Dave "Fancy" Coupon code
« on: October 29, 2011, 08:59:59 AM »
I got information from somewhere that we could get a coupon code from

I did register the site and I got a coupon code. But I don't know why it doesn't work.
Has anybody used this before?
Is the coupon have expiration date?

Or why my coupon doesn't work?

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