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The Full Monte by Liam Montier - Big Blind Media

Author (Read 390 times)

The Full Monte by Liam Montier - Big Blind Media
« on: December 23, 2015, 09:54:45 PM »


  • Jack of Diamonds
  • *
  • 1,585
  • Reputation: 117
  • "Simul iustus et peccator"
Creator: Liam Montier
Publisher: Big Blind Media
MSRP: $ 24
Skill Level: intermediate

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Type of effect: find the queen

Manufacturer's Write Up: Picture this - you show four cards, a Queen and three Jokers. So far, so ordinary. But then you show the backs - to make it UBER fair, the Queen has QUEEN written across it's back (and it's green), and each Joker has JOKER (and they are red)! All your spectator has to do is follow the Queen. Simple. But then you make it EVEN EASIER. You offer to remove one of the Jokers. So now there are just two red backed Jokers (with JOKER printed indelibly on them) and one green backed Queen (with QUEEN written on it).

So would your audience bet on which card was the Queen now? You betcha.
Suddenly, it turns into a scam, and the packet changes into a rainbow of cards, all with ‘QUEEN’ written on the backs!

Then, before your spectators have a chance to even recover, you show that not only the backs changed, but now the faces, because there’s not a single Queen or Joker in sight.

How accurate is the ad copy? Perfect!

What's in the box? DVD and needed gaff cards

Key points: cards are completely examinable once the effect is over

How are the production values: Exactly what you'd always expect from Liam and BBM, in fact "it looks" like most of his recent DVDs, same sets and models.

Is it well made: Gaffs are precision made Bicycle cards

Is it well taught: Liam is one of the best magic teachers today

My thoughts (what I personally liked/disliked): I loved that he has multiple ways to learn the effect on the DVD - he has a beginner teaching and an experience teaching not to mention a "I'm just going to review the effect and not slow down and stop teaching" all awesome ideas I wish more magicians would incorporate into their products!

Storage? Does it "pack flat?" this is a packet trick that would easily fit in a card wallet.

Does it "play big?" find the lady (queen/ace) is such a familiar plot I think you'll grab a lot of spectators right away with it's ease of presentation.

How practical is this in the real world? (can it really be done?) Absolutely, it's all cards and sleights, that said this is a "knuckle buster" of a routine so be ready to put some of your card handling skills to use.

How original is this idea? The monte plot is one of the biggest frauds that ever masqueraded as gambling in history. George Devol and three other men, Bill Jones, Tom Brown, and Holly Chappell, teamed up to play it for four years during the 1850s and, scammed enough money away from the "suckers" to be able to divide up a million dollars by the end of their partnership.

Overall score: 9/10

+ If you want to see my full review with even more of my opinions and ideas you can visit this link:
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