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Topics - _Daniel_

Pages: [1]
Playing Card Plethora / Questions about KickStarter Shipping
« on: July 11, 2014, 06:24:09 PM »
I'm from the UK and have backed a few projects, but these are some questions that have been in the back of my head.

  • How do the rewards normally get sent out to the US backers, ie is it as a parcel, padded envelope etc and what proportion of the ~$10-12 does it take up?.
  • International Shipping seems to vary somewhat, form ~$5 to ~$10-12 for one deck (and by extension, for other tiers). Is there a reason for this?
  • Do you think that the extra cost of shipping decks internationally is the main reason that almost always >75% of backers are from US?

Some random questions but these questions come to me when thinking about KickStarter!

Thanks Guys  :)

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