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Topics - xela

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Last night the number of dead was at nine, and today it's 12 with nine more in critical condition, and over 30 people wounded from the attacks.

More info here.

Last night it seemed like the gunman got away, but luckily police have captured the suspect, James Holmes, and he is in custody. There is no publicly released motive for the crime so far, but the guy was getting his PhD in neuroscience. My guesses are that he was generally unstable to begin with, cracked from school pressure and life pressure, and decided to do some kind of villainous deed akin to comic book villains. When something like this happens, with completely random victims, some of which were children, I don't think there is any sanity or reasonable motive involved.

One of the most heartbreaking stories for me was of a man and his girlfriend. She was shot in the leg and he was shot in the waist. As he was calling police he noticed she stopped screaming. She was shot in the head during the commotion and died.

I am glad the shooter is in custody, but I am really curious as to what drove him to do this. I know that there is no justification, but you need to know HIS justification so things like this can be prevented in the future.

I really, really hope it's not another case of someone being bullied by peers/society to a breaking point, like with all those school shootings. I really hope folks are learning not to treat people like garbage. 99.99% will take it, but chemical imbalances in the brain can and will result in things like this.

And the victims are almost never the instigators. It's always innocent people.

Anyway, I wish nothing but the best for those affected.

Playing Card Plethora / *notice* deleted threads
« on: July 08, 2012, 04:27:32 AM »
Folks, you may have noticed some threads gone missing.

Specifically, we have been removing deck review threads from PCP and moving them into the hidden Deck Review board which is launching in a few days.

So don't be alarmed, the posts will be available for your viewing pleasure once again soon.

The board will be home to a sexy index with star ratings for all reviews, as well as tons of your guys' text and video reviews.

It's going to be on the main page too, so reviewers get more exposure and customers can access reviews quickly and easily.

Introduce Yourself / Welcome to the staff, Lara!
« on: May 08, 2012, 02:19:47 AM »
Well it's been a long time coming. I think anyone who has joined here in the past few months knows that one of the friendliest faces is Lara.

I can't think of anyone better to acclimate new members and be the first official face of our community. So wish her luck in her endeavors!

Of course, those of you who were hoping to pop on our staff team needn't worry. It's an absolute fact that as the forum grows, more boards will require moderators. Perhaps even multiple mods per board. Take a page out of Lara's and Don's books and consistently put in a proper effort.

Anyways - Lara, I leave this board to you!

Deck Reviews! / Official Playing Card Deck Review Index
« on: May 05, 2012, 10:24:00 PM »
Below is an index of all the deck reviews posted in this board, categorized by deck.

Not all reviews make it into our index. Only the best reviews do.

- coming soon...

It's been a long time coming but I'm finally rolling it around. There are quite a few things that are a toss up right now but here is what is finalized:

- The board will be for playing card reviews only, not product reviews for things related to magic and cardistry.

- The board will have reviewing guidelines and standards. Any review can be posted, but only those that follow the standards get indexed.

Right now I am looking for suggestions. Please share any ideas you have, or simply what you expect from the board. Feel free to share review guidelines as well.

I am also debating between making the review board a sub-board of PCP or its own board on the main page. Furthermore, I am not sure if I will divide it into two boards: One for video reviews and one for text reviews.

The Conversation Parlor / POSTING INCENTIVES RETURN!
« on: May 01, 2012, 03:23:55 PM »
Well after a long time of them being gone, I decided it's time to bring back posting incentives. Before showing you guys the rewards, let's take a minute to review how they work and why you get them. How they work is simple: When you reach a certain post count or earn a certain badge, you can select a prize to redeem. You may redeem up to two prizes per person over your entire stay at this forum. You can opt to select two low tier prizes which will be worth much less and way less cool, but on the flip side require much less work and time. The high tier prizes may take a year or more to get, but darn it are they worth it. Since we have some of the most awesome members on this forum, you're basically getting cool schwag to hang out with your friends.

Why do you earn these rewards? It's certainly not just for your post count. In fact, spamming or boosting your post count will disqualify you from this program. We want people that contribute. Goofing off is awesome and certainly has its place. Perhaps 1/10 of your posts can be silly, or 10/10 in our spam boards, but elsewhere we want you to add to the thread in some way and to progress the conversation. Some of you may be able to only post one real good contribution per day. Others will manage to post 40, and that's awesome. There is no limit to how many good posts you can make to earn your rewards.

So what are the rewards? Check it out:

250 posts - Two random signed Vortex playing cards + a random drawing (you can request what it is) to entertain your fancies.

500 posts - One random Vortex Protodeck playing card + all of the above

1,000 posts - Your sales thread is stickied in our STISOs board for 30 days

1,000 posts - Your Lolaq thread is stickied for 1 year

1,337 posts - 10% off your next reward. Use this reward to reach any of the rewards below more quickly!

2,500 posts - A voucher for Alex's Playing Card Shop. A randomizer will be used to select a value between $1-30.

2,500 posts - One AetherCards deck signed upon request

2,500 posts - Stickied thread! You make the thread, and it gets permanently stickied in the board of your choosing. Reasonable restrictions apply.

3,000 posts - A random gift will be sent to your address. Current gifts include: Signed playing cards, Aether products, products from Alex's playing card shop, and random
doodles. You will be sent 1-3 of these gifts, with a randomizer deciding the gifts and the quantity. Value of gifts ranges from $0-100.

3,000 posts - One signed-under-cellophane AetherCards deck

5,000 posts - One AetherCards uncut sheet

5,000 posts - Every AetherCards deck release sent to you before anyone else for an entire year.

10,000 posts - $75 worth of AetherCards stuff + all of the above

25,000 posts - $250 worth of AetherCards stuff + Custom Forum Rank + all of the above

50,000 posts - One Jerry's Nugget deck of playing cards + all of the above

100,000 posts - First-class tickets for two to Las Vegas, NV. All other accommodations must be arranged and paid for by you. Included is dinner & a show.

These rewards are final and will not change at this point. If we roll around a finished version of the Fame system, these rewards will transfer over there. Limited stock rewards will be gone and replaced by something of equal value when stock runs out. Rewards may be added at any time.

There is only one rule, no spamming. This will result in disqualification from the program.

You can speed up how quickly you earn rewards![/u]
You can refer members to this site. For every 100 posts your referred member makes, you get 50 posts off of a posting requirement for any reward. Refer five members who end up posting 400 times, and that's 1000 less posts you need to make!

* Referred members will be checked on to make sure they're legitimate people
* Referred members must email and provide your username AFTER they reach 100 posts.
* Spamming rules apply to your referred members as well.
* Referred members permanently get a 5% discount on all these rewards, giving them incentive to help you out.

That's all folks. There are absolutely no limits to how you can refer members. Get creative!


Hey guys! CBJ decided to move on to a position he got offered elsewhere (you can read his departure post in The Lolaq). His work here is going to be far from forgotten and hopefully he will be stopping by to keep you guys updated on new decks.

However, I will be promoting someone else to fill the void next week. In next week's promotion I will also add a new Intro mod.

Keep an eye out on your PMs to see if you're getting the spot. Remember, both positions require at least 15-60 minutes per day of posting.

Furthermore, I will be once again marketing this site in a week or two to bring some fresh blood in. Look forward to some new faces in the weeks to come.


I remember several months ago, watching that, I was fooled. However, watching it now and knowing how easy it is to reseal a deck, I decided that the trick Sean performs is extremely simple in its conception. The moves he pulls to do the deck switch and the force were way over my head, but the concept is there and I am utterly surprised it fooled Penn & Teller.

I've gone through the video several times now and I can see when he does everything I think he does. I know how he "got the signed card into the new deck" and the answer is shockingly simple.

Can you guys figure it out? The hint is to pay attention when Sean allows Penn to fan out the cards and show the audience.

You guys are welcome to post theories below, as we are a censorship-free board, but I will neither confirm or deny them as far as my theory goes.

So after a very long time of sitting on mod applications, our first selection is Don Boyer, who has shown the most consistency out of all the applicants. Because of that, and his dedication to the board, he's taking over STISO's duties. Not that I have been keeping this board organized lately, but that's just further proof that a mod was needed ASAP.

Welcome aboard, Don!

For the rest of you applicants, keep an eye out for a few more promotions and opportunities. We still need moderators for The Talk Park, Intros, and the upcoming Deck Review board. I've made up my mind on a few other selections, so watch out for the next promotion soon! :)


I personally think the deck looks very professional and even sports a two-way back design. It stays true to what real playing cards are and the best part is, they're not bridge-sized.

It looks like the artist is on deviantArt. Does anyone want to shoot him a message and have him come on here? I would definitely buy a few of these from Kickstarter were it to get launched, and I know other people who would as well.

I mean come on, it's LoZ + original, clean art work + functional playing cards.

This is a repeat of an old thread, but with the new members here I'd like to get fresh perspective. What new tech and features can you guys come up with? What should be common sense in a deck that is still not there? What are practical new features that can be added?

I don't mean design-wise, I mean manufacturing-wise.

When we get a hefty amount of responses, I'm going to forward this thread to the USPCC. Worst case scenario, nothing happens. Maybe, though, we can plant a seed! Who knows? Smaller forums have accomplished greater things before.

I for one would like to see a thinner stock available for use with the magic coating + no embossing. As far as new tech goes, it would be awesome if foil could be integrated into the stock somehow. Anyone remember holographic trading cards? I'd love access to that on a playing card, and it would certainly look sweet in any magic routine.

The Conversation Parlor / Why is Spring the season of death?
« on: April 05, 2012, 05:13:45 AM »
Does anyone find it ironic how Spring symbolizes life and rebirth in our culture, yet it is also the season when nothing new happens in our culture?

Movies are dead during these few months. Shows go off the air for pretty much all of March and April. People stop buying things entirely. Even our card community has slowed down.

We see only 1-3 new decks per month now as opposed to 5-10 a few months back. In a couple months, it will be 5-10 again if not higher.

What do you think is the reason behind this?

Playing Card Plethora / The Reviewer's Club
« on: April 05, 2012, 04:44:44 AM »
Hey guys!

I decided to start a little something here in preparation for the Harlequin launch and the very long awaited Deck Review board.

I am looking for some individuals to be official reviewers for AetherCards. You guys will get the products I release early and for free. The trade off is an obvious review, but a couple more things. Below I will list the benefits of being in the Reviewer's Club and what your duties will be.

- Free schwag! Every time an AetherCards product is coming out, you get it free.
- Potential free schwag from others! Sellers are always on the lookout for popular/talented reviewers and getting recognition through our review board is an excellent stepping stone.
- Your reviews are promoted in our Deck Review board and indexed in the official reviews thread.
- You get your decks before anyone else, including some retailers. No more paying an extra fee to get your decks early.
- You get a custom title on the forum of Deck Review Team Member.

- Promote! You are expected to give back by posting a video review of the products you receive (duh) but also throwing up a video from time to time promoting an upcoming product or this site. The schwag you get is determined by what you contributed, though simply belonging to the team means you get free review material.

- Quality videos are expected. Full HD isn't necessary, but there has to be a trade off. You can't have videos in 280p that are 15 minutes long and have 25 views. Your like/dislike ratio has to be decent.

- You do not need a YouTube channel. If you have an outlet for your written reviews other than this site, that is acceptable as well. You have to show that you are a semi-reputable reviewer.

- If you own a YouTube channel, you must have at least 500 subscribers OR at least 500 views or more per video (average). It can be either one.

- If you're partnered with AC, then you forfeit the right to promote other products during selling seasons. In other words, the month that a Kickstarter is up and running, you can't post videos promoting another Kickstarter or new release deck. All non-fundraising times you can promote whatever you want, the content is 100% up to you. Non-fundraising times will be around 90% of the year. Content you can publish during a fundraising "season" is at my discretion. I'll probably say yes to reviews for other products going up, but no to promotional videos. Remember, this is a partnership and not a free handout. This clause only applies to those of you who want more than two decks for review purposes and plan on running promotional campaigns to get extra goodies.

- You must be a respected member of the card community. So if you partner with AC and become part of the review team, and then you start cursing out random people online, we will have problems.

- Fanboyism won't be tolerated. Yes, you can't promote other products during a fundraising season in most cases, but putting them down in contrast with something I am sending you is a big no-no. If you want to trash something, do it respectably if you can, and on your own time in a separate video. Some products out there are truly terrible but most are average or better. Putting down another designer is not okay in my book and will not earn you extra stuff. Unless that designer has to do with The-Con-Artist (ha!).

Applying is simple! Just post everything you want me to know about your channel/website/etc. below. Don't expect responses until the Harlequin Kickstarter. Make sure you include if you want to just post reviews, or post promotional videos as well. You aren't limited in what content you can post if you sign up for just reviews, but you also get less stuff because you're doing less work.

Everyone who doesn't get accepted or doesn't meet the requirements should keep in mind that the reasoning is only that I have a limited supply of how many decks I can give away. I had a limit of about 100 with the Vortex release. I hope those who don't get accepted still make reviews and such!

Let me know if you have any questions, guys. I'm excited about getting decks to reviewers in this method.

Oh! And before I forget, you are 100% eligible for free schwag if you don't do reviews but still own a card-related channel. Post what you do below and I will contact you about opportunities.

Join me tonight at midnight Eastern time as I post the artwork we have been working on for the past month non-stop.

I honestly think it will be the greatest design any of you have ever seen.


Playing Card Plethora / So guys... what did I miss?
« on: March 28, 2012, 03:04:29 AM »
I've been pretty busy the last couple days and haven't been on since the weekend, I think.

What's going on that I should know about? Is there any random stuff you want to share?  :)

The Conversation Parlor / Happy birthday CBJ!
« on: March 20, 2012, 04:22:13 PM »
Thanks for all your hard work on the forums - we all appreciate it. Let us know how your birthday is going/went. :) I hope it was a good one.

Playing Card Plethora / An honest inquiry
« on: March 14, 2012, 10:05:27 PM »
I am considering eliminating uncut sheet bundles from the Harlequin Kickstarter to leave more room for other stuff. If I do that, I'll sell a very, very small amount of uncut sheets at a larger price.

However, I would only do that if the interest in the sheets was low enough. With the clips I am designing with CC, the Ex. decks, and some other stuff, is dropping the dough on an uncut worth it to you?

On the flip side, if I produced uncuts in a greater quantity, maybe that would make it easier for some of you to cross the $100 thresholds for free Ex decks.

There are currently over 30 bundles on the KS, and I am trying to wind them down to make the process more streamlined for people. Removing uncut sheets removes about six bundles.

Honest answers only please, as to whether or not you would buy an uncut. I can't use a hypothetical answer along the lines of "Well if I was one of the people that wanted an uncut, I definitely would vote against cutting their quantity!"

Lastly there is the issue of making something insanely unobtainable, which  is what would happen if I cut the number down to 5-10. I don't want to do that in a way that would drive people to buy my product more quickly. It makes me feel "dirty" saying "Only 10 available!" and seeing people buy them just because of the number and not because they genuinely want something to frame or display.

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