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Topics - KPopFever605

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I'm looking for one or two Luxury decks from The Blue Crown

I'm located in the United States.

I'm unsure on the market value right now, so personal message me if you have any to sell, stating your price.

Thank You.

Playing Card Plethora / Question on International USPCC Deck.
« on: December 08, 2012, 10:17:48 PM »
As you can see, I am a very curious nut. This time, what I wanted to ask how many USPCC decks are made for international customers. By that, I mean the decks that have translations in other languages. I've seen both standard and custom decks branded for international customers, but I just wanted to know who many are in existence in the world. Think you can help me out? Thanks.

Playing Card Plethora / Question on Ellusionist Finishes
« on: December 07, 2012, 12:36:25 AM »
I just wanted to ask how many Ellusionist decks exist with their new Performance Coating? I've received some decks with and without coatings in the same package, and I was just curious to see how many decks they have reproduced with the new finish.

I've attempted to message Ellusionist, but they haven't been able to tell me because of their sheer large quantities of decks massed produced?

Does anyone have a definite answer on this issue?

Item: Bicycle Actuators by Lance T. Miller

Quantity: 3 Decks - Original, White, and Black



I am looking for silver-backed Bicycle playing cards with black borders. HOPC is giving them away, but I don't want to get it from them. I'm just wanting to see if anyone here has them to buy or trade.

I am also in search of the silver-backed Bicycle playing cards obtained from the Silver + Gold Prestige pack. I have the gold deck, and would like the silver to complete my pair.

If anyone have any of the decks I've listed, please personal message me to work out a deal. Thanks!

Welcome to my magic sale!
Playing Cards

All cards listed here are new and sealed, unless otherwise stated!

1 - Stainless Steel Arcane Clip (Non-Porper) - $10
2 - Arcane (Black - Performance Coating) - $5
2 - Arcane (White - Performance Coating) - $5
4 - Artifice (Blue - v2) - $5
2 - Artifice (Emerald) - $5
1 - Black Ghost (2nd Edition) - $6
2 - Infinity - $5
5 - Masters (Red - Performance Coating) - $3
5 - Masters (Blue - UV500 Air Flow) - $3

1 - Bicycle Titanium (Red - v1) - $5
2 - Bicycle Steampunk (Copper) - $6

1 - Alchemy 1977 England (V1) - $5
1 - Black Rider Back - $3
1 - Revision1 - $8

Dan & Dave:
1 - Bee Erdnase Squeezers - $5

The Blue Crown:
1 - Crown (Red - v2) - $5
1 - Crown (Green - v2) - $5
1 - Crown (Blue - v2) - $5

1 - Blades (Blood) - $10

1 - Massa Casino Playing Cards - $3
Used Playing Cards

Quality Scale:
5/5 - Like New
4/5 - Slightly Used
3/5 - Used
2/5 - Severely Used
1/5 - Trash

Clear Playing Cards (Red/Blue) - $2.50 - 5/5
World Series of Poker (Black) - $2 - 4/5
World Series of Poker (Red) - $2 - 5/5 - Bottom of box is disconnected
World Series of Poker (Red) - $2 - 4/5 - Seal is Missing
Eco-Edition - $1.50 - 3/5 - Box is somewhat beat up.

Big Blind Media:
Karnival Dead Eyes v1 - $7 - 5/5

The Blue Crown:
Vaudeville - $5 - 4/5

Dan and Dave:
Chinatown - $55
Fulton Clip Joint - $55

Circle City Card Company:
Revision1 Poster - Back Design - $5
Magic Products

Holiday Wristband - FREE with any order
Pointless by Gregory Wilson - $10 - DVD only

Jay Sankey:
Descendent - $15
Hellbent - $10
Metal Detector - $15

Magic Pak (Magican's Wax + Invisible Thread + Invisible Elastics) - $10 - Wax and Elasics has been used slightly
I Am Magik Wristband + Identical Wristband with Reveal - $10
Losing Control by Lee Asher - $10
In Search Of

If you have any of the following decks, please message me, and we can work out a trade:
Bicycle Faith
Bicycle Samurai
Magic-Con 2011
Silver Steampunks
Bicycle Karnival Assassins (Foil Tuck Box)

I am shipping from the United States.

Domestic:                                                 International:
1-6 Decks - $6                                              Contact Me for a Quote
7+ Decks - $15

I do accept Paypal. However,there will be 5% fee.
Other payment options may be discussed.
Pictures are available upon request. - If you have any questions, feel free to message me. Thanks for looking!

The Conversation Parlor / D&D's Lecture @ Tannen's ft. The Blue Crown
« on: November 27, 2012, 08:49:30 PM »
Just something about this video made me want to share it with you guys:

I think what surprised me most were the young magicians who were outstanding in their five seconds of fame. For all those who were at the lecture, care to share your experience meeting the Bucks and The Blue Crown team? (Ah, I wished I lived in NYC, maybe I'll move there in the future. Tannen's looks like an incredible magic shop.)

P.S. - Say, Don, did you like the pizza? It looked like Hawaiian, right? MMmmm, my favorite!

The Conversation Parlor / USPCC Membership - Club 808
« on: November 21, 2012, 01:29:27 PM »
Found this membership USPCC is hosting:

Welcome to Club 808

This is it. The exclusive club for fans of Bicycle®. And right now, you have the chance to be one of the first members.

Let’s lay out some of the perks.
  • We have original, one-of-a-kind decks you won’t find anywhere else, plus limited-edition gear and accessories.
  • You’ll hear interviews with card-playing legends, celebrity Bicycle® fans, and unbelievable magicians.
  • You’ll get insightful articles about every angle of the playing card industry and tradition.
  • Participate in high-stakes contests to win big prizes.

If you’re into cards, get yourself the ultimate gift this holiday season–or let your favorite Bicycle® fan in on the club with a gift to him or her.

Club 808 opens New Year’s Day. We’ll see you there.

Membership costs $18.95 per year. With membership, you will also get a "Welcome Deck" with the Club 808 logo. The membership is available for pre-order now, and "benefits" will ship out Jan. 1. Shipping of the deck comes free with all residents within the United States. Canada has an added charge of $2.99, and international $5.99.

Sounds pretty cool for the Holiday season.

The Conversation Parlor / Black Friday - 2012 Season
« on: November 21, 2012, 12:24:09 AM »
I figured it's about time to make a thread to organize all those scattered releases happening this week.

Ellusionist (Friday - 4 P.M. EST):
- Re-releasing Fathom.
- Having a giveaway featuring many amazing prizes.

Theory11 (Friday - 11 A.M. EST):
- Releasing Edge by Mathieu Bich
- Releasing an "Artisans" Deck Box

The Blue Crown (Friday - 12 A.M. EST):
- Releasing a 7 new products
- Re-releasing 7 products
- Having a giveaway feature 10 amazing prizes.

House of Playing Cards (Friday - 12 A.M. EST):
- Releasing the Curator deck.
- Releasing two other decks.

Dan & Dave (Friday - 9 A.M. PST):
- Releasing Smoke & Mirrors v7

David Blaine (Sunday - 12 A.M.):
Releasing Splits Spades: Silver Edition

*If there was any information incorrect or missing, please notify me down below.

P.S. - I am only place information confirmed for this week on this thread.

The Conversation Parlor / "Now You See Me" - real magic or reel magic?
« on: November 17, 2012, 08:56:05 PM »
A while ago, theory11 posted a trailer to a new magic movie to hit the big screens sometime in 2013.

It's called "Now You See Me"

The movie's basically about a team of FBI agents tracking a team of illusionists who pull off bank heists during their performances and reward their audiences with the money.

It stars many great actors in cinema, such as Jesse Eisenburg (The Social Network & Zombieland) playing one of the many mischivous magicians, as well as Morgan Freeman (The Dark Knight Rises & The Dophin Tale). Other notable actors include Dave Franco, Mark Ruffalo, Isla Fisher,  and Woody Harrelson.

The movie also features theory11's Monarch playing cards, which is by far an excellent choice of deck compared to standard Bicycles.

The movie is in its post-production stage, and is due out on June 7, 2013.

The trailer can be seen here:
I for one believe this is a great movie to be coming out, and it sheds some light on the underground world of the everyday magician. I'll be sure to either watch this movie on the big screen, or even purchase the DVD afterwards. I mean, when have you seen a magic movie out this potential out before. The last I've seen was 21, and that was a long while ago.

The Conversation Parlor / Presto - An animated short.
« on: November 11, 2012, 08:17:18 PM »
Just a little something I thought may lighten your Veterans Day:

1 - Bicycle Eistressed Expert Back
1 - Black Ghost v2
1 - Bicycle Berry Playing Cards
1 - Signed Card from Brad Fulton

1 - Fulton's Casino - Midnight

11/3 - Deal has been agreed upon.
11/3 - Address have been exchanged.
11/13 - KPopFever605 has shipped his package.

Playing Card Plethora / Doing Your Part in Helping with Superstorm Sandy!
« on: November 03, 2012, 01:52:25 AM »
Now, within the past week, I'm we've all heard about the horrible news regarding Superstorm Sandy. Many have been left without power, food, or even a home. The storm has even been responsible for delaying the Altruism decks purchased from The Blue Crown. Now, with any worldwide devastation, I am sure many of us would like to help. Well, our fine friends over at BeDeceived (the makers of the Style and Mysterdy deck) has given us a little incentive to help the cause if you haven't.

For one entire week of November, BeDeceived is having a promotion where 100% of sales purchased within that period will be donated to help the healing of Superstorm Sandy. Although their decks are sold out, you are still able to purchase many other products, such as wristbands, t-shirts, or even uncut sheet. Remember, 100% of sales will be going to help the causes of Superstorm Sandy. The entire excerpt from BeDeceived site is posted below:

"Earlier this week, millions of people on the East Coast of the United States were affected by Hurricane Sandy. This area, which is not built to withstand weather of that magnitude, was devastated. The storm has claimed the lives of over 150 people, and has left many without food, shelter, or other necessities. The New Jersey shore has been wiped from civilization. In New York, those in upper manhatten can look out their windows to see lines and lines of people waiting full days for water at the fire hydrant, gasoline, or 5 minutes to charge their cellphones and make contact to family in the outside world. Many still remain stranded or lost, and the death toll is likely to rise as those without shelter endure cold nights and the possibility of another approaching storm.
This strikes a chord within us at Bedeceived. Not as marketers, not as playing card sellers, but as humans. To have a place that you once thought safe taken away from you — to have your world turned upside down — is a feeling that many of us have never fully experienced for ourselves, and will hopefully never have to. To help aid those in need because of the utter devastation left by the storm, we will be donating 100% of all of our sales to the American Red Cross Superstorm Sandy Relief Fund. Any wristbands, uncut sheets, or other accessories bought will directly help those who need the money most. We encourage you to buy whatever you can. If you would like to donate to the Red Cross Relief Fund without purchasing something from us, you can visit this link here.
Every dollar counts in this time of crisis. We're extending this promotion, which will continue for a full week, to give an extra incentive for each of you to help those in need.
Thank you very much, and please stay safe.
Collin Stover
CEO, Bedeceived"

As for me, I won't be buying anything simple because I lack the funds and no products are appealing to me yet.

The Conversation Parlor / Halloween Dilemma: Who should I be?
« on: October 16, 2012, 12:59:37 AM »
With Halloween coming up, I need something to dress as. For a few years, I have dressed up as politicians, and have received much praise for it. This year, I have narrowed it down to two choices:

1) Barack Obama
2) Mitt Romney

Mitt Romney: This might be a good choice for me because last year, I dressed as Obama, and I wouldn't want to repeat the identical costume again. However, I like in California, which is not much of a Republican state, so I might be shunned for it.

Barack Obama: Again, this might be a more favorable costume because I live in a state that is highly Democratic. However, I wouldn' t want to wear the same costume two or three years in a row.

Who do you think I should be? Vote above!

The Conversation Parlor / Curious eBay Finds!
« on: October 09, 2012, 12:42:46 AM »
*No way are any of these my auctions, but I just wanted to point them out as I was browsing through the site.

Exhitbit A:

A seemingly very rare Platinum/Silver/Chrome Bicycle decks has, or had, a listing price of $150, and a buying price of $500. The seller apparently says that he has "never seen anything like it." Thus, giving it the outrageous price tag. Funny, how I have that same deck, or at least a deck similar to it at home, which I couldn't get sold for $1.

Exhibit B:

Not as strange as the first listing, but something to look at. A Gold Crown is up for auction with a starting price of $40, and a buying price of $90. Is that weird enough already? What's even more strange is that the picture appears to be alter so that the Gold Crown looks like a Silver Crown, not that any exist. Either it was a cloudy day, or that seller is very skilled at Photoshop.

What are your two thoughts on these auctions? Post your opinionated answers down below.

Have any other strange, funny, or goofy listing which you have found? Post them here as well.

The Conversation Parlor / David Blaine: Decade of Magic - DVD
« on: October 06, 2012, 11:05:15 PM »
After visiting my local Wal-Mart, I could help but notice, out of the corner of my eye, a Split Spades logo. Upon closer inspection, I found out that Wal-Mart (along with many other department stores and online shopping sites) are selling David Blaine's newly released DVD, Decade of Magic.

Basically, the DVD relives many heart-throbbing moments from Blaine's decade of magic. The DVD set is a package of two DVD's containing live shows of some of Blaine's stunts. included in two of the DVD's are Vertigo, Drowned Alive, and What is Magic?.

What I like most about this DVD is that it won't break your bank...if you buy it from the right sources anyway. It has a list price of $25, but Wal-Mart has it selling for $10, Target is at $15, and eBay, Amazon, and Best Buy have it at $20. If you are a great David Blaine fan, or just want to relive some of his best moments on national television, purchase the DVD before thee price rises, or the DVD sells out.

Below is an excerpt from the DVD description

"David Blaine revolutionized magic with his groundbreaking television special Street Magic. He then took his craft to the next level, creating a unique genre of endurance art that defies what is possible by pushing his body and mind to the limit.
For the first time on DVD, this two-disc collection contains three of the most death-defying stunts ever performed in front of a live audience. Each special also features footage of jaw-dropping street magic that first made Blaine a worldwide sensation. From transforming dollar bills to hundreds in New Orleans' impoverished Ninth Ward to blowing the minds of the likes of Kobe Bryant and Yao Ming in the NBA All-Star locker rooms, this is David Blaine at his most creative, disruptive, and spectacular.

Imagine standing atop a 100-foot tall, 22-inch wide pillar in New York City's Bryant Park. No harness or safety net for 36 hours. Winds rage, pain persists, and hallucinations set in. In Vertigo, crowds of spectators gather to witness what happens when sleep can mean an imminent death.

For seven days and seven nights, Blaine is submerged in 10,000 gallons of water in front of Manhattan's Lincoln Center. Liver damage, kidney failure, loss of feeling in fingers and toes threaten his attempt to break the world record of 8 minutes 58 seconds for underwater breath-holding in Drowned Alive.

To catch a bullet - the deadliest feat of magic ever attempted. In What is Magic? a .22 caliber bullet travels at a speed of over 1,000 feet per second. The slightest facial twitch can be fatal. For the first time ever, Phantom Cameras capture David Blaine's bullet catch using a small metal cup in his mouth, at a speed of 10,000 frames per second. Witness the conviction of a man staring death in the eye of the barrel.":

The Conversation Parlor / Theory11 Elite Rewards Program
« on: September 22, 2012, 12:09:28 AM »
I'm surprised no one has posted about this program yet. I believe it just launched today, and I have the jist of it below:

Name: Elite Member Initiative

- Five ways to earn points.
- Unlimited ways to use them.
- Earn points with every item you purchase, and with four other ways for free.
- Use the points to get rare, exclusive items from The Archive.

Methods to Earn Points:
- Buy anything from theory11 - 10 points per dollar
- Write a published review on any theory11 product - 10 points
- Get your video published in the Media section. - 25 points
- Win a Saturday Night Contest - 1,000 points
- Get your effect published on the Wire - 1,000 points

Signed SOLO Cup - A coffee cup, signed by Michael James! - 750 points
Signed Balloon - A balloon originally used on the set of Detach, signed by Rick Lax. - 750 points
Signed Regeneration - Cards originally used during the filming of Regeneration, signed by Blake Vogt. - 1,500 points
JAQK Red Edition - One JAQK (Red) deck. - 2,500 points
White Monarchs - One deck of White Monarchs - 3,000 points
Propaganda - One Propaganda deck - 3,000 points
Brown Wynns - One deck of Brown Wynns - 3,000 points
White Monarchs Uncut Sheet - One uncut sheet of White Monarchs - 5,000 points
Signed Propaganda - One Propaganda deck signed by Michael Weber, Bill Goodwin, Chad Long, Daniel Garcia, JC Wagner, Dan White, and Max Maven. - 7,500 points
Signed Split Spades - One deck of Split Spades signed by David Blaine, Bill Kalush, Eric Mead, Daniel Garcia, Jason England, Dan White, and Guy Hollingworth. - 7,500 points
Skype Session - A one hour Skype Session with the theory11 creative team. - 7,500 points
Cardistry Training - A one hour private Cardistry Training Session with Andrei Jikh and Michael James - 8,000 points.

*You also get a stainless steel membership card once you have earn 10,000 points.
With that, here are my thoughts. In my opinion, I believe this rewards program is the best between the many others offered on various sights. From theory11, the rewards are amazing, and what's even better is that there are easy ways to get them. Not many sites allow you to have a personal chat, or a learning session with their crew.

What I have a problem with, is the lack of more low-level rewards. Sure, you get a signed cup and a signed balloon for under 1,000 points, but I would much prefer free products with the earned points. I also don't know what version of the Split Spades they are giving out. Looking at the picture, I am assuming it's the blue version. We also don't know how long these rewards will be up. Maybe it only one signed Propaganda or a brick? We don't know. I still really do love the idea of giving people a chance to have a once-in-a-lifetime experience with the theory11 crew.

Another thing that I don't like is that thoery11 only allows your to earn points from the month of September 2012. So, those Black Friday purchases you made a year ago won't do much.

What are your thoughts?


1 White Lions (Series B - Blue)


1 Vortex

- Address have been exchanged and we should be shipping out our decks by the end of the week.

- Both decks have been shipped out.

- Zaganh stated that he has received his deck. However, no clue as to my deck yet.

Playing Card Plethora / {VID} - Deck Collection - 9/6/12
« on: September 07, 2012, 02:30:31 AM »
Hey Guys!

I've finally got around to uploading my deck collection! It's been asked for from many Youtubers, and now, it's finally up! Click the link below and it should take you there. Also, I feel like doing a contest subscribe and look forward to my upcoming contest. Thanks to everyone who's been keeping along with my channel and watching my videos! :D

I've been meaning to get one to sit on my decks, but, in the end, there are just so many amazing ones to choose from. They all feature unique decks, and I can't wrap my mind around which one i'd like. With this poll, let's just leave the AIP Bottle to those created by Jamie. So, I've created a poll to help see which ones other people like. Vote, and let's see if your AIP is the all-around favorite!

Also, if you find one that I'm missing, please leave it down below!

Magical Cardistry Bonanza / Best Way to Perform a Giant Fan?
« on: August 30, 2012, 05:23:59 PM »
Question: What is the best way to perform a giant fan?

To do a giant fan, I know some cardists just Faro straight down the middle while other cardists offset the cards to one side or another. I just wanted to know which style fits better for you, or which style you use most often. Also, which style do you think looks better? Personally, they all look amazing and I can't decide. What do you guys think?

The Conversation Parlor / Question of a Missing Moderator!
« on: August 24, 2012, 06:19:39 PM »
Where's Don!

I haven't seen him post any messages here for a while.

We are trading a few deck internationally:

1 - Smoke & Mirrors v6 (Signed)
1 - Steampunk

1 - Chromatic Deck

Address has been swapped and packages should be out soon.
Packages from both sides have been shipped out.

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