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Topics - Jonathan

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A Cellar of Fine Vintages / Fake Jerry's Nuggets?
« on: January 06, 2014, 12:19:05 PM »
Hey guys, wasn't sure where this post should go - I read the STISO possible frauds section but I don't think it fits those rules so I'm sticking it here now.

There's one seller on ebay with these two listings

Until I went to Hong Kong recently I didn't know about the existence of hi fidelity jerry's nuggets fakes and probably would have tried to bid on these thinking they were a good deal.
But thanks to the Discourse I have a suspicion this seller is seller counterfeit ones as authentic whether knowingly or otherwise.
Should all authentic Jerry's Nuggets come with a CoA or are those only the ones Lee Asher sells (at the moment the 2014 Lee Asher J Nuggs sale, and possibly 2015 sale are where I plan to get my Jerry's Nuggets, not eBay)?
And I'm not sure if this has been discussed in detail before but is there a way to tell authentic from counterfeit? Is there a particular batch number that isn't good/gets counterfeited a lot? I suspect Lee might have a bunch of knowledge on this topic?

Cheers guys, and I hope no one on these boards is being suckered on those listings (that is under my assumption that they're not authentic listings)

Playing Card Plethora / Decks with complete customisation?
« on: December 28, 2013, 09:31:06 AM »
Hey guys,

For those that have been around these forums longer I was wondering if theres a list anywhere of the modern custom decks that have full customisation - ie back design, courts and pips?
I tried doing a search but couldn't find a forum topic on it.

The reason I ask is I'm relatively new to the card collecting scene and I've bought a few decks and notice I like decks like the uusi blue blood deck (which has completely custom court design as well as really, really nice touches to aces) more than decks that are just a different back design and tuck box but have standard faces and pips.
I remember reading somewhere someone saying that non-standard courts aren't as good for magicians because people aren't as familiar with them/don't recognise them as they would the standard courts.


Playing Card Plethora / Where to buy playing cards in Hong Kong
« on: November 18, 2013, 09:13:28 PM »
Hey guys,
Hoping one/some of you may be able to give me some advice.
I'll be going to Hong Kong in a week's time and was wondering if you guys know any physical stores I can walk in to in Hong Kong and pick up some more decks to add to my collection.
I found one youtube video from 2010 that pointed one store I plan to try finding, but I'd appreciate if any of you guys could point me in more right directions, thanks!

Hey guys,
Not sure if there's already a discussion topic on this so I'm creating this one.
For you card flourishers out there, are there specific decks that you use/like/find better for specific flourishes?

I'll give you guys the example that set this topic off:
I've recently been trying the ninja flip (a one handed top card reveal) with some of my newer decks (eg Ltd Blue and a bicycle standard rider back) and was finding it hardish. By that I mean more than half the time the top card flew away instead of just flipping over XD. I cracked open an old cancelled aristocrat casino finish deck of cards I picked up in vegas in the early 2000's and tried a few things with that deck.
I found it fanned like s&%* but I could do the ninja flip so much more easily and more consistently than with the newer, smoother decks.

Anyone else have anecdotes like this?

Introduce Yourself / Hey guys!
« on: November 03, 2013, 05:18:34 AM »
Hey everyone!
My name's Jonathan and I'm from Australia.
I've recently become a card collector, beginner magician and beginner cardist.
I originally got into cards because I liked to play texas holdem poker; then I youtubed some card magic from the like of David Blaine etc.
My inner card collector was really kicked into existence with when I joined kickstarter midway through this year and found all the awesome card projects listed there. Sadly I joined too late for some of the amazing projects *COUGHFED52PART1COUGH*
I'm mostly a card collector that tries to play with some of the decks I have duplicates of.

Cheers guys,

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