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Playing Card Plethora / [Sort of KS] Boss Deck of Playing Cards
« on: March 04, 2013, 04:31:18 AM »
Figuratively stumbled upon this; it's not a kickstarter in its own right:

It's a reward tier from this kickstarter:
With an early bird option for just the playing cards limited to 50. It'll only get made if the book/DVD itself gets funded.

I'm really digging the cards they've shown so far, huge fan of the topic and of the style they chose to do it in. Only shame is that the book's gotta hit its £30,000 goal for these to be produced. It's roughly $11 for the early bird and $15 after. They didn't mention anything about shipping.

The Conversation Parlor / Playing Card Collection Displays (?)
« on: February 28, 2013, 04:31:53 PM »
So I've been rooting around the forums wondering how you folk display your collections and it seems like people tend to just stack them or use those acrylic display cases. I'd appreciate your opinion on the following.

-Do you keep a rotating display, a fixed display, or no display at all?
-What do y'all do about playing cards that don't come in standard cases or come in boxes that you'd like displayed
-Do you keep them in the cellophane or do you open them?
-Do you display the back in any way (through a mirror or just displaying the back facing forward)?
-Do you mix your playing cards with other paraphernalia such as dice?
-Do you just hang them on a wall or do you have a case for them?

Post pictures? I'd love to see everyone's collections.

Introduce Yourself / Hm. So.
« on: February 01, 2013, 02:11:04 AM »
I think I did something like this once. Then I returned to lurking forever.

So I'm Stephanie and I operate from southern California. I started as a cardist when I was in high school and evolved to parlor tricks along the way. I stopped for a while for various reasons and then when I took it up again in college, I proceeded to sprain both my thumbs consecutively (huehuehue). Magic's always been in the back of my mind ever since I started though, so I decided to try for it again now that my academic workload seems like it's not trying to kill me. I'm trying to be a magician with some cardistry skills and I have a fondness for collecting playing cards and other paraphernalia of the vices.

I found this place while I was hunting for information on some decks and found that not only do card collectors have their own little hole, this place has an entire category dedicated to designing decks which I am totally going to stalk. I also wanted to see the pictures in the threads. They're very nice pictures.

Did I cover everything?

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