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Schmiegel v2.0 - Minimalist Standard Deck & Dice PvP RPG

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Folks, here is a set of custom cards for Schmiegel v2.0 that can also simulate polyhedral dice and provide some other goodies for role-playing games. They are based on a design by Matthew J. Neagley of Gnome Stew.

Have you played Schmiegel v2.0?
If so, hope you enjoyed it.
Please comment on your experience.

For a quicker game, in phase four, have the attacking player roll first.

If you like Schmiegel v2.0, you might enjoy Crawlitaire.

I made a clarification regarding training:
"TRAINING: For each card associated with the fighter (ace), the player can take one card from the number card pile and place it in their hand, then attempt to associate one number card from their hand with another character. An ace cannot use the training ability to associate a card with itself. Lastly, an ace is immune to thievery (the special ability of a jack/rogue)."


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