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Messages - HolyJJ

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Playing Card Plethora / Re: Chancellor - Encarded Signature Series
« on: February 05, 2016, 03:12:16 PM »
10ofclubs, I've not carried out any analysis into my any running patterns into my posts... and so due to time constraints, I'll just take your word for it brother.

At the end of the day, nobody is obliged to like (or even dislike) every single deck. To call a deck good or bad is a highly subjective thing -- I'm stating the absolute obvious when I say that.

I genuinely think that the Monarchs decks suck rotten eggs, just as I think other lazy recolours do. The Monarchs recolours (and I genuinely don't even remember what the colours were this time. Red? Green? Black?) released around the same sort of time as the Chancellor deck, and so a comparison between the two really shouldn't come as a shock to anybody's system. Some people may choose to express their likes/dislikes in an ultra-politcaly correct way to ensure that nobody living, dead, or even imaginary ends up getting hurt feelings... where as others will just call something outright brilliant or outright garbage.

I've done just that, and I although I haven't memorised my posts from the past few days/weeks/months, whatever I wrote, I'll stand by the posts. The "superiority complex" thing... nah, I don't have any interest in that sort of stuff.

Back to the deck, I got my shipping confirmation for my 5 decks today... and needless to day, I really look forward to receiving these beauties! :D

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Chancellor - Encarded Signature Series
« on: February 03, 2016, 11:40:55 AM »
Ellusionist also declared that the Madison Hustlers were the last in the Madison logo series... and then we had the Madison Revolvers!

Okay, T11 and Ellusionist are not one and the same... but still, it's tough to imagine T11 really doing the world a favour and sticking to their word by not releasing more Monarchs.

Anyway, my point was only meant to be as follows: I'm guessing that there will be a fair few that will regret blowing out money on Monarchs recolours, and leaving themselves nothing to be a deck like Chancellor that is superior to Monarchs in every way possible.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Chancellor - Encarded Signature Series
« on: February 02, 2016, 04:20:21 PM »
As stunning as the cards (and tuck) look in the images, this seems like another one of those decks which look tenfold better in person :D

For me this deck has everything that I loved about Aurum (in terms of intricate design, and beautiful use of colour), and then taken it to the next level. It's a masterpiece.

I'm guessing that this deck is going to follow the same path on the aftermarket as decks like Empire (V1) and Zenith did -- after year, the few that will show up on the bay will have something like 5 times the original pricetag.

People who busted all of their money on the 28th recolour of the T11 Monarchs (and I fully expect at least another 10 Monarchs recolours in the upcoming years) and were left with no money for a Chancellor deck may end up contemplating suicide.

Over here in the UK £6.99 (and definitely £6.49) is about as good a deal as you can get for a custom deck of cards -- and when it's an LPCC or EPCC deck, the whole deal becomes even better.

Paul, I've seen the preorder page for the LUXX Elliptica over at JPPlayingCards, and it looks cool so far. Do you have any plans to put up a pre-order page for split bricks, just like you did with the previous LUXX releases?

Paul, those proofs really are stunning -- every single one of those tucks look amazing! :D

Even though you stated earlier in this thread that your vision for this deck was for it to be a "value for money" deck, it currently looks a lot more like an expensive high end deck. Very nice :D

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Superior Brand: Robusto Classic, by EPCC
« on: January 28, 2016, 10:02:54 AM »
The price has indeed gone up... but if you live outside the US, and you're ordering a relatively low number of decks, it would still work out a lot cheaper.

I got myself in for a brick of the regular decks, and 3 of the reserve decks.

The reserve decks are now sold out... and so that means that out of the 1000 that were made, 250 are gone (100 last time, and 150 this time). If CARC keep around 200 for their own private reserve, then only 550 will remain for general sale... which really isn't a lot (for a deck which seems to sell pretty fast).

Resellers will likely jump on them, and 550 will probably be gone in a week or less. If anybody wants a reserve deck and they missed it this time also, then they really will need to act on CARC's e-mails pretty fast next time, otherwise they'll have to sell an organ to pick up a reserve deck on eBay.

Woohooo!! :D

Finally, something for the gambling sleights person! Finally, something that is superior to the bee deck in terms of design and paper quality. Finally! :D

Everything about this deck gets the thumbs up from me.

By the way, the joker looks like the boss character Shinnock from the Mortal Kombat video games. Hahaha!

I'm looking forward to March 2016 :D

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Superior Brand: Robusto Classic, by EPCC
« on: January 14, 2016, 11:20:54 AM »

Personally, I would have liked the cards to still be a little stiffer... but hey, I can't complain -- I'm just glad that this card stock exists!

STIFFER?!?  What are you, a masochist?  :))


No masochistic stuff from me brother, honestly. Boxing is one of my hobbies, and if got pleasure out of getting hurt or beaten up, then I'd probably be better off looking for a new hobby instead.

Whilst the Rubosto finish is definitely stiffer than any other "papery" ‎feel cards, they definitely are not finger-breakingly stiff. They're very good, and very well balanced feeling cards, in my humble opinion. I don't have any difficulties doing those Steve Forte style bridged table riffle shuffles with the finger tips (even Daniel Madison does those pretty well)‎, and nor are the cards difficult to spring.

I just think that for cards to be considered to be ultra-stiff, they'd have to be a few notches stiffer than Robusto. However, if the cards were as stiff as what I've suggested preference towards, then I do recognise the fact that their practical use would be seriously limited -- probably down to just false dealing and certain shuffles, shifts, and passes. I'm probably in a tiny minority that likes cards to be very very very stiff.‎

And so what EPCC have put out with this Rubosto Finish, I think is pretty much perfect‎ for a "paper" feel deck.

I think for the future, maybe EPCC can consider experimenting with the coating, perhaps to get the slip factor up some more

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Superior Brand: Robusto Classic, by EPCC
« on: January 07, 2016, 05:51:54 AM »
I've been practising with the superior brand for a week, and I really do love this deck! :D

Although Diamond/Master Finish still is my favourite (the slip factor is better on them), Rubosto is definitely excellent.

Personally, I would have liked the cards to still be a little stiffer... but hey, I can't complain -- I'm just glad that this card stock exists!

I definitely see myself stocking up on these once they get a regular release, and I really hope that EPCC puts out more Robusto decks.

When I think "Casino quality cards", this is the type of stock/finish that comes to mind. EPCC have definitely hit a home run with this one :D

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Black Lions - David Blaine
« on: January 05, 2016, 06:46:10 PM »
I genuinely don't like these cards (in comparison to the White Lions)... and I'm having a tough time selling them off on eBay also.

I picked up the deck I'd initially opened, and gave them around half an hour worth of shuffles... and they're already starting to feel like newspaper that's been trodden on by wet boots. The cards feel really cheap in comparison to the White Lions and Bee decks of times gone by. USPCC card stock really has gone down the toilet.

I guess they feel even more cheap now, because I've spent the past few days using only the Superior Brand Robusto Classic by EPCC... and so maybe that's changed my view of Black Lions being mediocre, to Black Lions being cheap, flimsy, and handling like newspaper.

If Blaine releases any more colour variations, then I'll be passing on them as my assumption is that they'll handle just like the these Black Lions.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Robusto Classic by EPCC
« on: December 30, 2015, 03:47:22 AM »
Mine arrived yesterday also :D

I've given them about half an hour of shuffles so far, and whilst I will want to put them through at least another 3 hours of heavy use, I can straight away conclude that once again, EPCC quality completely demolishes U‎SPCC (lack of) quality.

As KSI has pointed out, the tuck box paper is thick and feels nice and sturdy. Jackson's tuck design is very classy, and it certainly does put across the image of superior quality. 

The cards themselves... in all honesty, I was expecting them to (1) feel more like master/diamond finish cards, and (2) feel stiffer. 

The cards have a more "paper" type of feel to them, rather than the somewhat slick and "plastic" type of feel that many say master finish has.‎ The cards are thick. Very thick. The flimsly and cheap feeling Bee casino paper of today from USPCC is a joke (that's what on social media I call it the toilet paper finish)... and so comparing the Robusto stock to today's Bee Casino would probably be insulting. 

However, the Bee Casino paper from 2006 was definitely great at its time, and in comparison to that, the Robusto stick is both thicker and stiffer. 2006 Bee Casino had a thick and spongy feel to them, where as Robusto is thicker and stiffer.

Am I disappointed? Nope, not at all. Not one bit brother. It's just different, that's all. 

I agree with KSI that the thickness makes Rubosto a little more difficult to do faro (or interlace) shuffles with.‎ Even though the cards are slightly stiffer (although not by much) than master finish cards, it's still easy to do moves like Steve Forte's tabled bridge shuffle that he does with his fingertips. 

Riffle stacking is very very easy with this deck, in comparison to thinner stocks (such as USPCC junk). For my style of bottom dealing, master finish is still the better choice for me, purely because of the coating which makes master finish cards easier to grip.

Overall, very very nice deck. The classic back design looks superb in black and gold, and the quality is definitely something that EPCC have every right to brag about. Great stuff.

I look forward to the regular release, so that I can get some of the limited reserve decks this time!

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Black Lions - David Blaine
« on: December 20, 2015, 05:38:22 PM »
I don't know about "people", but as I said, the deck I opened was not traditionally cut.

Blaine may well have asked for the decks to be traditionally cut, but as has been established during some of the replies, USPCC are unable to guarantee that every single deck will receive the direction of cut that was requested.

I probably just ended up being one that was unlucky. I had a similar problem with the Madison Private Reserve Rounders deck that I opened -- despite that deck being touted as being traditionally cut, I got one that wasn't. I guess USPCC's quality control really is as bad as it's reputed to be.

Therefore, there really isn't any reason to think/not think about whether or not BL's are traditionally cut -- especially when people are able to test it themselves.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Black Lions - David Blaine
« on: December 20, 2015, 05:14:04 PM »
KSI, I don't have any Silver Split Spades decks left... but from what I recall, the Silver Split Spades paper did feel very slightly sturdier than the Black Lions.

I wouldn't say it's David Blaine's fault... it's more USPCC's fault for not even attempting to improve their poor quality paper at a time where EPCC and LPCC paper stocks are tons better.

You're right about the Classic Twins (and also the Classic black and Classic gold) featuring the Classic Finish, as does the Draconian deck. The Elite Finish that the LUXX Palme uses I very good also. Whilst I'm not 100% sure about this, to me they feel like the same paper stock, but with a different embossing pattern (and possibly a slight variation in coating).

The Elite Finish pattern does appear to give the cards more durability than the Classic Finish. For what it's worth, I like the Elite Finish very much.

If only Blaine printed his cards with EPCC of LPCC... they'd be so much better than the badly cut, and cheap feeling, non-traditionally cut cards that they presently are.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Christmas Miracle?
« on: December 20, 2015, 12:53:10 PM »
For anybody that doesn't believe in the existence of Santa Claus, point them to this thread. Lol

Excellent receivings -- beats having to pay $299 for just one of them on eBay!

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Black Lions - David Blaine
« on: December 20, 2015, 07:48:43 AM »
Don, from my experience, juiced decks are the ultimate when it comes to marking systems -- my 8 year old cousin (who is obviously not a magician) found the marks on the Madison dealers, and so I'm never comfortable handing out decks like that for inspection. Sharps on the other hand, I don't mind if a person inspects them for hours!

The marking pattern on the Sharps is very similar to that on the black lions (at least for card value/number).

KSI, Don's assessment of the Black Lions is correct -- the card stock doesn't feel anywhere near as thick or study as the Bee Casino decks from around 8 years ago.

I personally preferred the card thickness and feel of the White Lions more.

Expert Playing Card Company's classic twins feature a stock which has much more of a Casino quality paper feel than anything that USPCC is putting out these days.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Black Lions - David Blaine
« on: December 19, 2015, 09:28:27 AM »
Don, to answer the question, the White Lions series B decks (at least the ones I used) were traditionally cut, as were the Silver Split spades. That's one of the reasons why Blaine decks were one of my go-to decks for practising with, before EPCC and LPCC started business.

In response to a question I posted in one of his KickStarter campaigns, Erik Mana also confirmed that even if you ask USPCC for your deck to be traditionally cut, every single deck won't be guaranteed to have the requested/demanded cut.

I think I've tested pretty much every single marked deck that's released in the past 4 years -- because card cheating/crooked gambling is what got me into cards in the first place, and so I marked decks do intruigue me.

The UMD deck is terrible. I was going to start putting it through the riffle test, but before I even started, I saw the blatant marking in the top corner. Wasn't impressed at all.

The Bicycle 1800 marked deck isn't bad, but it doesn't pass the riffle test -- that's how I found the markings, because I couldn't find the instructions video anywhere. As the 1800 design deliberately has different wears and tear patterns across different card backs, the markings are definitely better hidden than 90% of other marked decks... but as the markings are in "the usual place", after a few riffle tests, you can see them. It took me four riffles. Not bad.

The Madison Dealers fail the riffle test quite blatantly. Yeah, it does require one to figure out the dot code, but it's not difficult.

The Black and White Lions marking system is much better than the Madison Dealers, because although the Lions do also have a pattern type of code, even though they fail the riffle test, like the Bicycle 1800, the riffle test failure is difficult to detect, because the offsetting of the pattern is probably by only a couple of pixels.

The Sharps are the only marked (or rather, readable-via-back-design) deck that I know of. I trust that you know about "juiced" decks that cheaters use... that's what the Sharps use.

As per LPCC's Instagram account, they're producing a second edition of the Sharps. For me, that's probably the best news I've heard in months. I'm curious to see whether they really can top the first edition!

In the interim, for those who don't have the Sharps, the DB Lions decks are a decent alternative... if you don't mind the furry edges!

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Black Lions - David Blaine
« on: December 19, 2015, 02:41:50 AM »
I got a brick as part of a trade (got rid of some decks which I was not having any luck selling)... and now that I've opened a deck and checked them out, I seriously don't like them.

For starters, the deck I opened was not even traditionally cut. As for the back design... the marking system is exactly the same as the White Lions Series B. Yeah, it does have the advantage of allowing the magician (or cheater) to be able to read the card value from backs from across the table, but unless you have the eyesight of an eagle or binoculars strapped to your face, you won't be able to read the suit unless you're very close to the cards. Furthermore, the back design does fail the riffle test.

The Sharps by LPCC still retain their place as the best marked deck by far (can read the suits from across the table also, and the marking system passes the riffle test!), and the Lions (both white and black) by David Blaine are still the second best. Having that second place spot isn't terrible by any means... but I'm kind of disappointed seeing as it's a David Blaine deck, and nothing has been done to improve that marking system.

The edges on the Bicycle metal luxe deck that I got were pretty good (for USPCC standards), and so I thought maybe that improvement would be noticed on the Black Lions also... but sadly, the edges were as bad as they get.

On the plus side, the tuck on this deck is pretty awesome, as is the silver foil deck seal.

Overall I'm disappointed though. I'm going to have to try and sell off the remaining decks!

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Robusto Classic by EPCC
« on: December 17, 2015, 02:17:47 PM »
The reserve version was sold out before I could get in :(

Got 3 of the regular decks though.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Robusto Classic by EPCC
« on: December 16, 2015, 12:00:09 PM »

The release date that EPCC proposed is indeed today... but it was relatively clear that this provisional release date was a best case scenario, rather than a finalised date.

Anyhow, if it does release today, then I'd expect the e-mail to go out in 4 or 5 hours time -- off the top of my head, that's the usual time of day when EPCC/CARC e-mails go out.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Robusto Classic by EPCC
« on: December 13, 2015, 05:23:28 PM »
OK, stop torturing us already, when will they be released >:(. I know that the sid that it might be before Christmas, but this waiting is killing me :-[

EPCC are considering releasing these beauties on Wednesday :D

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Robusto Classic by EPCC
« on: December 09, 2015, 03:12:59 AM »
I, for one, like thick cards and I also like cards to be very sturdy... and so Robusto really does appeal to me.

I think it'll be excellent for gambling slights and riffle stacking routines (even though Erdnase was of the belief that thin and flexible cards are best).

Before USPCC's Bee Casino stock turned into the flimsy toilet paper stock that it is today, the old Bee Casino stock that was used in Ohio really did have a nice thickness and feel to it. If Don says that Robusto trumps even that, then seriously, this could be very impressive!

The fact that the back design for this deck looks so darn cool, is a massive bonus. The only *potential* letdown could be the usual registration issues associated with foil on playing cards... because as has already been discussed in other threads, the Taiwan factory hasn't perfected foil application just yet.

The Classic Twins were an excellent debut* for EPCC's Classic Finish, and the Robusto Classic is undoubtedly a great start for the Robusto stock.

*Although the Sharps were the first deck to feature the classic finish, they weren't mass produced, and are still relatively tough to find.

EPCC's instagram account states that this deck might release before Christmas... and that'd be pretty awesome! :D

Playing Card Plethora / Superior Brand: Robusto Classic, by EPCC
« on: December 08, 2015, 09:22:04 AM »
The next edition to the Classic series from EPCC appears to be ready for release sometime soon... and unlike the previous 4 colours of Classic, this new edition, as the name suggests, features EPCC's new Robusto stock.

Looks great in the image... and so I'm hoping that the handling is just as great also! :D

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Omnia: The Golden Age
« on: December 07, 2015, 08:01:15 AM »
When I comes to fully custom courts, I think the Omnia series features the best that I've ever seen in my years of collecting playing cards.

Excellent work Giovanni, you're the real deal!

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Royal Red Zen
« on: December 04, 2015, 03:37:24 PM »
Thanks for the photos PT :D

Clearly, the factory that EPCC and LPCC still hasn't perfected registration issues when using foil directly on cards.

The only EPCC decks I had which use foil on cards were Exquisite Bold and the gold 52+J deck. Foil registration on both was really really bad.

I think they will improve over time though... or at least I hope they improve. If they get that sorted, then they'll be absolutely flawless when it comes to anything playing card related.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Arctic Playing Cards (KS)
« on: December 01, 2015, 08:08:07 PM »
I don't usually like back designs that most would consider minimalist or overly simple... but these, I like.

Kind of reminds me of the White Nautical deck's back design (the one that HOPC printed in China)... but better.

I like the theme, the faces, and the decision to go with the Emerald Finish. Nice deck :D

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