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Topics - BlueToy

Pages: [1]
Design & Development / Sharing Some Stuff
« on: June 20, 2015, 07:43:32 AM »
I've done some designs of playing cards over the years. I plan to resume working on them and finally finish them this year. I'm posting samples below, accompanied by short descriptions. I'd appreciate to receive feedback on them.

I'm looking into exploring crowdfunding sites to fund their printing. Would have wanted to use Kickstarter but I'm based in the Philippines, so I can't. A friend said I should try looking for a business partner or something  - and maybe I'll look into that (ever encountered a scenario like this?). At the very least, there's always the Game Crafter to fall back on.

Golden Court

Something I did almost 10 years ago. I wanted it to have a medieval feel, and with a warm glow and color scheme reminiscent of leather-bound books. I didn't finish it because back then i didn't know how to get it printed. And I didn't like how I drew the figures. I also couldn't figure out how to execute the suits back then (I've only added the small suits in the sample image earlier today). I'm planning to revamp the figures and finish the deck. Some other samples of the pips can be found here (albeit without the small suit symbols in the corners yet):

Sa Baranggay

The them is Colonial Philippines. I've finished the line art of the courts. The images in the samples show some possible final looks for the deck. I originally intended the pips to have an embroidered look. It works fine with the black suits - I'm just not entirely confident with the red ones (like, should I just do them in red and white?).

Master Graven

I've recently finished a Tarot deck done in the same style and wanted to see if I can adapt it to Lenormand and playing card design. (the figures are actually from the Tarot deck I did. I wanted to get feedback first and then redraw them after). The goal was for the deck to look like rustic woodcuts or rough engravings, or grave rubbings  - something old and medieval. My main problem right now is how to execute the red suits, given the monochromatic color scheme (row 2 shows the results of me toying around with the idea of rendering the initial and suit symbol in black and in white - though I'm leaning towards them being black based on the results). Also, "borderless" seems to be gaining popularity in tarot and Lenormand, so I thought I'd do a borderless sample (King of Spades) and get feedback for it.


I originally intended to adapt/modify Ditha Moser's wonderful planar art designs for her whist deck so that it would be more poker-friendly (move the suits to the corners), but I'm not sure of its copyright status (it was printed over 100 years ago). So I ended up creating this instead.

I enjoy experimenting with a lot of different styles. I've a couple more other sets I've done ,but I'd like to focus on these four first and see if I can get them funded/printed (and learn from the experience!).


Design & Development / Print-On-Demand Printers?
« on: June 18, 2015, 12:18:02 AM »
Apologies in advance if this topic does not belong to this section. I figured that since it involves printers, it's part of the "development" process of a deck.


A.) What print-on-demand printers are you aware of?

B.) What's your opinions on them and their products and services?

Here's my share:

A - I'm only familiar with  3: The Game Crafter, Printer Studio, and Make Playing Cards, and I've only used Game Crafter (because they're the only ones which have a store front option).

B - In my case, as I've only dealt with The Game Crafter, I find their card stock a bit on the thin side - but adequate, although they've recently upgraded their card stock, though I've yet to try out this new stock. Plus, I really like the fact that they have the store front thing - they handle everything, in terms of order fulfillment (for a fee, though).

People in the tarot forum I frequent swear by Printer Studio's linen stock, though there was this person who had the same design printed by Printer Studio and Game Crafter and Printer Studio's came out darker that what the designer expected.

I have read it mentioned here that Make Playing Cards' card stock isn't too good, or at least isn't top notch. I do like the fact that they do custom dimensions - for a fee. I dunno if Printer Studio offers this, but I know Game Crafter doesn't.

Introduce Yourself / Hello
« on: June 17, 2015, 11:16:52 PM »
Hello! I've just recently discovered this forum while looking for communities of playing card enthusiasts online.

I've done a number of tarot decks in the past, and have a couple of playing card designs I want to finish/fine-tune. My card-related art can be found here: (the playing card section's a bit bare - the site itself is pretty new and I haven't yet gotten around to uploading some of the other playing card designs I've done).

I hope to learn more about playing cards (history, development, taxonomy, etc) here as that's been my interest even before tarot.

I'm looking forward to interacting with the folks here. :)


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