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Messages - dkrouskop

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Thanks for the feedback, Don! They're poker-sized.

Playing Card Plethora / Question About Boeing's Earth Day 2013 Deck
« on: July 11, 2019, 12:51:54 PM »
I recently found a deck of Boeing Earth Day 2013 cards for 50 cents at a Goodwill store near me, but noticed it contains only one Joker. The cards are in immaculate condition, and the tuck case only has some minor wear and tear on the edges. I know it's highly unusual for a deck to have an odd number of cards, so I was wondering - is this deck missing a Joker, or did Boeing only include one, in the name of conservation? Any collectors out there familiar with these cards?

I picked up the red & blue in these cases at the Wal-Mart around the corner several days before finding the original, solid-colored cases at Family Dollar today (only been collecting for about a week now). Got Jumbos in these new cases, too. These are dated 2018, while the ones I bought in the traditional cases have 2010 on them. So I'm assuming they've just changed the case design with the most recent batches printed.

Introduce Yourself / Re: Deal Me In!
« on: June 11, 2019, 09:15:41 AM »
Thanks, Don!

One thing I've really been wondering about is if there's an FAQ or a Collecting 101 area where the basic terminology of the hobby can be referenced. I've picked up a fair amount from this board & watching Youtube videos (for example, I'd never heard a card box called a "tuck case" until I started collecting), but I still have much to learn. When collectors start talking about the process by which specific decks of cards are printed  and such, I think "Boy, that sounds cool! If only I knew what it actually meant!" Is there a glossary of terms online somewhere, or a book you'd recommend.

I sent you the edited bios in a PM. Hope you like them!

Very cool!

Assuming I knew almost nothing about playing cards (and, as a newbie collector, I really don't know much), I'd still be pretty skeptical about playing poker with any artificially aged deck - particularly if the person who brought that deck was winning more often than everyone else! As fun as it sounds to "spice up" the game with a vintage deck, I'll take my poker cards as straightforward & ordinary as possible, thanks.

This is a cool set, though, and these funny reviews only make me want to own one even more.

What's baffling about this is why they would try to exaggerate the difference at all. Based on your green lines, it's still a notable difference in thickness - enough of one that any hyperbole in the ad copy would still be basically accurate. So what was the benefit of adding a few millimeters by using a deceptive photo?

(For the record, I still want a few decks, exaggeration or not.)

I would be happy & honored to help out! I'll look them over when I get home from work this evening and get them back to you very soon!

I love the backstories created for these characters!

There are, however, some editorial/style issues that could be addressed to make the bios read more seamlessly.

The first is punctuation - specifically commas. In the first line of the second paragraph of the Jack of Spades bio, there's no need for a comma between "...for wine producing" and "led to a partnership with..." The two phrases being connected there are actually part of the same idea, so it's not necessary to separate them. In the second sentence of that same paragraph, there should be a comma between "Together" and "both..." In this context, "Together" functions as an interjection, and should be separated from the main body of the sentence. There are other instances throughout the text where comma usage could be cleaned up a bit. Good rule of thumb for comma placement is to read the sentence out loud and listen to where the natural pauses occur in them. Often, that's where a comma belongs.

The second concern is run-on sentences. You include a lot of great detail in each bio, but tend to try and cram too much of it into each sentence. The aforementioned second sentence in the second paragraph of the Jack of Spades bio (beginning with "Together both...") is an example of this. So much wonderful detail packed into that single sentence that it becomes clunky and hard to read by the end of the third line or so. If you break some of that up into shorter sentences, it will be a much smoother read.

Hope this criticism doesn't come across as harsh or negative. I'm a writer and an editor by nature. This deck looks amazing, so the tighter the prose in the bios, the more successful it's likely to be.

For many here, a couple of $10 decks from Target & an $8 deck from Walgreen's probably wouldn't be all that exciting. But for a newbie like me, picking up blue & green Monarchs and a pack of Black Tiger Backs constitutes a pretty big day!!!

Very cool history lesson! Thanks for this well-researched, informative post!

Deck Reviews! / Re: James Coffee Co - Art of Play - Deck Review!
« on: June 08, 2019, 07:18:51 AM »
Excellent review of what looks like a very nice deck!

Deck Reviews! / Re: WOW! Jerry's Nugget cards are BACK! from EXPCC
« on: June 08, 2019, 07:07:02 AM »
Based on the Youtube comments, not everyone is pleased with this. As a newbie to the hobby, however, I'm excited to see new Jerry's Nugget cards produced. I don't own any rare or valuable cards yet, and buying a deck of the originals isn't really in my budget for the foreseeable future. But I might just pick up one of the new sets.

Introduce Yourself / Deal Me In!
« on: June 07, 2019, 07:49:46 PM »
Hello, everyone!

My name is Don, I'm from scenic Ohio, USA, and I've only been collecting playing cards for about three days now. I'm a 48-year-old widower with no children, so I really needed a hobby to immerse myself in when I'm not at work. Always loved the elegance & omnipresence of playing cards - there's an endless variety, they're available everywhere, and there's just something perfectly collectible about the size & shape of a deck of cards. It seemed a natural choice, so here I am!

In my short time as a collector, I've accumulated 24 different new decks. Nothing particularly fancy yet. My coolest decks so far are a pack of Bicycle Aureos & a pack of Bicycle Stargazers, but there are a few others I really like - a TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE deck, a black light deck, two neat Ohio State Buckeye decks, and a pack of Medalists which I think, though bought at Wal-Mart for under $2, look pretty stylish. I have no real set plan or agenda for collecting as of yet, save acquiring as wide a variety of different cards without spending myself into abject poverty. If there's a theme to my collection so far, it's "Cards That Would Be Cool To Have."

I've opted to remove the cellophane from my decks, but leave the seal (if one is present) intact. No real reason behind this except that there's something about feeling the cardboard of the box that makes it feel more like mine than when it's still in the cellophane. I'm too obsessive-compulsive to leave half the cellophane on, but too hands-on to leave a deck completely wrapped. Those decks which have no seal on the box I'll open once & thumb gently through IF doing so doesn't damage the box in any way. All that said, I'm not collecting for value or wealth. I'm just that guy who likes his stuff in the best possible condition. Down the road I may buy duplicates of sets so I can have one to open & use, but for now I'm focused on building up a decent-sized collection.

I'm hoping to make some friends in the collecting community, and make this hobby about more than just hunting for cards and (eventually) showing off what I've found. Always had that collector's impulse, but I've found that other things I've dabbled in collecting over the years have either been too limited in their variety, too expensive to build a sizable collection, or tainted by drama & competitive nonsense in the collector community. Have a very good feeling about collecting cards, though. I love them, and the community seems generally to be a very friendly & positive place.

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