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Messages - Kitten Madness

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Hey guys!

I hope everyone is having a nice day!
Thanks to all of you who supported us, it means a lot!!

But we need much more people! ଲ( ⓛ ω ⓛ *)ଲ
Maybe you're hesitating so I'll be posting a simplified version of the rules today!
Just know those rules can be tweaked to match your player circle:
     > you can make it simpler for kids: remove some effects, reduce the number of cats needed, etc...
     > make it more challenging for seasoned gamers: use special effects, raise the number of cats needed, etc...
     > crazier for ... well... crazies: remove defense cards, set a timer for a player turn, etc...
So much possibilities !
Did I tell you it's extremely simple to learn?
It is!

So come and join us asap!
It's a great adventure and we'd love make it and share it with you all. :)

Do not hesitate if you have questions or suggestions!
I'll be super happy to answer or hear about your ideas!!! (=ↀωↀ=)✧

Alexia, the Kitty artist

ps: i'm sorry for the broken english  (•́ㅿ•̀) ᔆᵒʳʳᵞ

Hi everybody!  :D

We are HAPPY BLUE FISH, a video game company based in France. We love board game and card game, that's why we've decided to create our own: KITTEN CARDS MADNESS!!

Let us introduce it to you:

- Kitten Cards Madness is a card game with 5 scary kittens and a COUCH (very coveted)!  ::)

- The goal is to get and keep the couch during ONE full turn... Sounds easy, yes ? But be ready for a BATTLE!!  :bosswalk:

- Your ennemies can be STEAL our cats, EXCHANGE them, ATTRACT them, SCARE them away: SO do your absolute WORST to keep that couch for yourself and your cats!  :t11:

- There is special cards too with a flood of SURPRISING EFFECTS!   ;D

Kitten Cards Madness is a game very simple, for EVERYBODY, adapted for family afternoons or parties with friends!

We designed and playtested it with love (so much love <3) in our french studio. We've launched last week our Kickstarter campaign!

So if you want more informations about the game or if you want to support us, it's here :

We're interested about ALL ideas, opinions, feedback... Do not hesitate!!!  :D


See you soon on PLAYING CARD FORUM!!  :D

Introduce Yourself / KITTEN MADNESS: crazy cat friends!!!
« on: July 02, 2019, 05:02:42 AM »
Hi everybody!
We're very happy to join PLAYING CARD FORUM:D

We are HAPPY BLUE FISH, a video game company based in France. Because we looove board game and card game, we've decided to create our own: KITTEN CARDS MADNESS!!

We have just launched our Kickstarter campaign (, so if you can share it to support us in our project it would be very nice!!!  ;D

This week, we have an EXCLUSIVE SPECIAL LIMITED offer!
For every new backer supporting us, WE.WILL.PET.OUR.TEAM’S.KITTENS. FOR.YOU!!! The very ones who inspired the game!
If we manage to get to over 100 backers by the end of the week, we will film our kitty cats getting stroked once for each backer (and give you credit).  ::)

So TELL all your FRIENDS, FAMILY or ANYBODY you happen to meet so that our gracious kits can live the #life and turn us into petting machines!! ლ(=ↀωↀ=)ლ

Thank you veeery much (<3)

See you soon on Playing Card Forum and LONG LIVE CATS!!  :D

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