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Messages - sastian

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Design & Development / Re: Here's something I'm may call "Interlaced"
« on: February 20, 2014, 01:09:27 PM »
reserved for court card design...

Design & Development / Re: Here's something I'm may call "Interlaced"
« on: February 20, 2014, 01:08:59 PM »
Continuing the story...

Vectorizing the card back

Why vectorize? Having worked in the graphic arts, I have come to learn that any design worth keeping is worth vectorizing. the ability to make posters, tshirts, wall murals etc are all wide open once that happens. Heck i love running things on my vinyl cutter, it's like getting to print on the world at large.

what I wasn't planning on was the consistency that I would demand of myself once trying to spread it across 52 cards. I get layout, but making sure my lines all carry the same weight and feel became very evident when I started trying to develop my first court card. You'll see how this unfolds in my screenshots I post here.

The first vectorized trace of my sketch gets completed
2-11-2014 5:38pm

It was looking at this version that I realized i was going to have issues with this method. I had already spent more time than I wanted cleaning up Illustrators best effort at tracing my art. and i was still seeing many area that weren't representing my line work correctly.

i trudge forward with blacking the BG out...

2-11-2014 6:14pm

Then I start to play with the possibilities of color..

Playing with a mock up

But long story short,This is where I currently am with the design.

Redoing the linework by hand in illustrator in order to insure that the same method employed on the court cards has the same line weight.

Design & Development / Interlace Deck - Returning to KS soon..
« on: February 20, 2014, 01:05:56 PM »
Well I have browsed the site for all of about two minutes, and I realize fully that there is literally TONS of advice already written in the annuls of those who have gone before me! What I've decided to do instead of spending the next week reading through everything is just post what I've got so far and let you all in on my process.

As a seasoned designer with ink running in my blood, I'm no stranger to technique and process. Although I seem to be on a bender now that I've found out about the world and process of designing playing cards, I'll try and keep this short.

On Jan 28th, I received a message from a friend and colleague of mine, asking me if I "knew about kickstarter." The answer, of course, was "SURE!  Heck I have even backed a few projects." He then proceeded to tell me of what he was seeing as an opportunity to promote his new business. Playing cards!  At first I was more than skeptical. But then, being who I am, started researching. And I discovered a rabbit hole that goes deep. History of playing cards, themes, the cardists and magicians, you name it - there are so many facets to this industry it's easy to get lost. And I did. I got lost. So lost in the details, in fact, that I needed a mental break. I had to stop thinking about themes and what someone has already done or not done, and just started drawing. What would I want to see on a deck? Forget the constraints of trying to mimic some other style or theme. Just my art... just draw.


And then, I got lost in the concept... What poured out on Feb 10th was this:

First concept drawing. 2-10-2014 6:36pm

and an hour after that...

First concept drawing progress. 2-10-2014 6:32pm

and by 3am...

The next day it just kept going...

Refining the first inking for symmetry 2-11-2014 12:44pm

then on to Adobe Illustrator.

This is where I started to cut my teeth on the process.. I initially waffled back and forth between whether i centerline the entire drawing by hand or let the software take a stab at tracing the rendering. I opted for the latter to "save time."

Come to find out when I got to work on the first court card... line consistency began to matter. so it didn't actually save me any time. I'm currently going through a second pass at this, which you'll see in a bit. but its all good learning.

Feel free to follow my progress here: <a href="">Illustrations by Christian Sass</a>
Ill keep posting my progress in here as well since i really want to hone the design with your input...

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hi! My name is Christian Sass
« on: February 20, 2014, 10:24:05 AM »
I live In Elgin. Been here 10 years Before that Carol Stream, Lisle and Quincy ( I was in GA for a little over a year in the middle somewhere as well)

Introduce Yourself / Hi! My name is Christian Sass
« on: February 20, 2014, 01:23:55 AM »
Hello card universe. I'm very new here.*music stops. Saloon door creaks closed behind me*

My name is Christian Sass. I'm a 40 ish year old designer from Illinois. I'm not new to design by any stretch, but l am relatively new to the playing card design world. And by world, from where I'm standing is seems pretty huge! I have been working as a professional artist in one capacity or another since 1988.

If you would like to see some of my design work,  go to

A few weeks ago,  a friend and colleague of mine introduced me to the concept of designing playing cards. At first I was a little skeptical,  but it would be fair to say that has given way to full blown enthusiasm!  I spent a good 4 days alone just reading about card history and I'm dumbfounded how rich the tapestry of art and culture is with playing cards.

 Anyway,  I don't want to go too crazy with a short book on here, I just wanted to announce that I'm here,  and announce that I'm currently working on designing my first deck with crazy enthusiasm,  I literally just found out about this forum tonight and though I should waste no time lurking, but throw caution to the wind and shout "hello world!"

I'll post about the deck I'm working on tomorrow in the appropriate forum category.

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