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Topics - codyman

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A Cellar of Fine Vintages / Interesting 1880-1900 32 card deck...
« on: July 06, 2013, 08:50:32 PM »
Found an interesting deck of cards today.  32 Total, all with various characters that seem to be fairy tale figures written in french (sleeping beauty / little red riding hood / etc.)  I believe it's between 1880-1900 because of how on the "Devil" card, he's reading a french newspaper with the author named as "Zola" as in Emile Zola, who wrote for the paper and had a little controversy back then to the point where he became a fugitive from the country in 1899.  The link below is the full 32 card deck plus closeups.  I'd love to know any information anyone could provide as I know nothing about these cards other than they seem to be very cool and unique!

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