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LTD. (Limited) Playing Cards from Ellusionist

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Ouchy! got meself another Smite!

@ Good@Sabacc You don't have to apologize for airing your opinions mate (and I won't smite you for doing so), we encourage free speech here. You make some good and valid points. Just because I understand the white border issue does not mean I have to agree with it. I look at my v1 Blues and my reds and They are just gorgeous (Though are not in a glass case LOL!) I look at the greens and I'm disappointed because I see what they could have been.

You are obviously proud of your work at the Hospital and rightly so you did a great service but do you think you are the only one who does?
Here in the UK we have Children In Need. a fundraising day (Friday 18th) led by the BBC, At the College where I work a Lecturer brought in a BB rifle and for £1 each student got 10 shots. I Performed some card tricks to amuse the students whilst they were waiting their turn and also gave out 10 white ghost decks to students who genuinely seemed interested in learning some tricks or flourishing. Did we raise as much as Ellusionist donates to charity? Probably not, is our donation any less appreciated? I doubt it, But how dare you tell me to basically get off my arse and go and perform at my local hospital. that is unbelievably condescending.

If Ellusionist want to say thankyou for being a loyal customer Why not say that for one day only with every order no matter how big or small you could chose to purchase a single limited deck for $5 then they are saying thanks to ALL their customers not just the big spenders. It's just blatent profiteering, but as you rightly say that's capitalism.
As for listening to their customers, you're kidding right? Were you around the facebook page on the day of the red artifice deck? Did you feel the anger? Their customers were pleading and begging them to release a red V2 which would have made amends and instantly brought everyone back onside. which also would have been a lot easier than adding a back border might I add. But all they got was a big Screw you from Ellusionist.

With the introduction of Kickstarter and the limited decks that are being produced we as consumers can pay a reasonable price for a limited product and also obtain unique gifts. why therefore would we want to pay more for a cheap product?

Anyway I buy what I like and I like what I buy. do I need\want every deck Nope do I enjoy my collection, Performing? Oh Yes!.

Oh and just to get into the Holiday Spirit, "Merry Christmas Everyone!!!"

I'm the Master of Nonsensical Sense and illogical Logic



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Don - firstly let me say a heartfelt thanks both for your kind words and for the work you're doing. Your initial email came across my desk and it was truly an inspirational story - and you were thanking us for the work we do! The gifts we're sending your way is of course only a small token of our appreciation that you answered the call, the true reward is of course the performing itself.

Kanped - I may have overstated with my initial remark about leaks being set in stone. Mea Culpa. They of course aren't. Just because someone decided they'd start a rumor of some deck called embassy or executive or presidential or whatever being our Christmas deck, didn't mean we had to run out and make such a deck to release at Christmas because the information 'leaked'. My argument on another forum was  'if word had got out about us selling an amount of Gold Arcanes because of a leak, and then we decided against it - our customers would be in an absolute furor over it, no matter how we tried to explain that the information was correct.' In all honesty, we flip-flopped over what to do with Ltd. for a while, and with the information that's disseminated as it has - it seems it's best for us to stick to our guns, rather than publicly appearing to flip-flop. It was pretty much set that way before the leak anyway.

However - as I always state, we are most certainly open to hearing from our customers. Yes, the second edition Artifice deck proved it. As for Red Artifice - that's been done and dealt with, many times over. Our servers crashed for ten hours of solid traffic, and there was nothing we could do about it - yet we did. I personally sat for 24 hours reading and responding to every possible comment I could on our Facebook page, from the moment of launch at 4pm through to 4pm the next day. I know Marcus and Joe did similar. We apologized for our technical shortcomings with that launch - a launch that we created as response to our customers. No - we didn't create a second edition Red Artifice. We created an Emerald Artifice instead, and we printed it in enough numbers to ensure that anyone who wanted them would get them. It gets another deck out there that's not limited, and it retains the perceived value of the Red Artifice. We thought it would keep both camps happy - those who got the Red Artifice and those who didn't. But, as the saying goes - you can't please everyone, all the time. And we honestly wish we could. Generally - customers being happy means they're more likely to shop with us. That's a win-win situation right there.

We do business in a way that we think keeps a balance. If you feel the balance is out in some way - and you have a better idea - or a different idea - about how to do this sort of thing, we always welcome the feedback. In fact, what I will let you know is that some things will be changing in the new year. Things we think will make it easier on people to get what they want, no matter what their spending level happens to be. We're coming up with new ways to give back every week - so keep an eye out in the new year for some of the things we've got planned.

There is more than one way to get your hands on a Ltd. Deck this year - if they remain in stock after the Christmas period, that number of ways may increase.

All the best,

To enquire about Ellusionist sponsorship,  provide feedback or just have a chat - please email me at Jake {at}



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I think everyone should take note of E's effort's to please their audience. Simply the fact that Jake is here, posting stuff, shows a certain degree of attention to the customer (and a certain level of credibility to The Discourse :) ).  Even if it's just me, I want to shout out a thanks to Jake and the rest of the E staff, for paying attention to what the customers are saying, be it good OR bad.  Ellusionist is the reason I started really performing magic.
They say the greatest trick the devil ever pulled, was convincing the world that he didn't exist.



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I get what you're saying Jake; I really do but I think you may be overstating people's reactions too rumours.  Going with your example, if E came out and simply said 'We're not selling gold Arcanes, we have no idea where that came from but it's not happening', I really don't think you'd see the backlash that you're describing but then again, I really don't know (and I'm sure you're not keen to find out!).  I like to think of people as mostly rational and realizing that there was never any word given officially, from the people with the power to actually do something, people would let it go without batting an eyelid.  On the other hand, I'm well aware that the most irrational people can also, often, be the most vocal.  I guess it makes sense that it's easier for people to abuse a company when it's, in their mind, in their own interest to do so and difficult for others to defend it when it isn't.  Maybe consider the silent masses who are personally content with everything that you're doing and are happy to keep it to themselves rather than just taking in all the hate you inevitably receive by producing any product for public consumption.  I'm not saying ignore your critics, just be aware that there are bound to be many people out there who love what you do and never say it...

it's just dawned on me that I'm giving PR advice to a huge, successful company. :)  Ahem.  If you need a bass player, give me a call.



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it's just dawned on me that I'm giving PR advice to a huge, successful company. :)  Ahem.  If you need a bass player, give me a call.

Might just do that. Joe's a whiz on the Theremin, but he can't really keep time. Then again, I guess that's why we've got Marcus on the Triangle.

Comments - negative or positive - are always appreciated. Being reminded of the silent masses who love what we do - moreso. We may be a 'huge, successful company' - but we're still really just a close 'family' (actually, some of us ARE family) of magicians who love what they do. When you think of Joe as Uncle Fester - it all makes perfect sense.

And AceGambit - thanks for the kind words. We do make an effort to please our audience - and sometimes we get it wrong. We accept that, and listening to what people say just helps us get it right the next time.

Cheers guys.


Oh - by the Way:

To enquire about Ellusionist sponsorship,  provide feedback or just have a chat - please email me at Jake {at}



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it's just dawned on me that I'm giving PR advice to a huge, successful company. :)  Ahem.  If you need a bass player, give me a call.

Might just do that. Joe's a whiz on the Theremin, but he can't really keep time. Then again, I guess that's why we've got Marcus on the Triangle.

Comments - negative or positive - are always appreciated. Being reminded of the silent masses who love what we do - moreso. We may be a 'huge, successful company' - but we're still really just a close 'family' (actually, some of us ARE family) of magicians who love what they do. When you think of Joe as Uncle Fester - it all makes perfect sense.

And AceGambit - thanks for the kind words. We do make an effort to please our audience - and sometimes we get it wrong. We accept that, and listening to what people say just helps us get it right the next time.

Cheers guys.


Oh - by the Way:

Wow! Thats genius! Looks soooo good! Can I post this picture to my Facebook page?



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Amazing joker! It reminds me of the JAQK joker, which I love!
« Last Edit: November 19, 2011, 08:53:27 PM by loldudex2 »



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Wow! Thats genius! Looks soooo good! Can I post this picture to my Facebook page?

Absolutely, go for it.
Yes, I might be the guy you remember from that thing at that place way back when.



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Wow! Thats genius! Looks soooo good! Can I post this picture to my Facebook page?

Absolutely, go for it.
Thank you! So I should keep all the other LTD pics private until they are shown by E?



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That's a very classy joker!

And if it's really coming on $150 free gift.
Can you make it like a free gold arcane at $75 last time that we still get the other $150 gift as well, this deck is just a bonus gift?



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That's a very classy joker!

And if it's really coming on $150 free gift.
Can you make it like a free gold arcane at $75 last time that we still get the other $150 gift as well, this deck is just a bonus gift?
Ellusionist confirmed that it will definitely just be a free gift for orders $150 and up.



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That's a very classy joker!

And if it's really coming on $150 free gift.
Can you make it like a free gold arcane at $75 last time that we still get the other $150 gift as well, this deck is just a bonus gift?
Ellusionist confirmed that it will definitely just be a free gift for orders $150 and up.

I know it will be $150, but I meant that I want it to be a bonus gift.
Because I want the gold artifact coin too.



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That's a very classy joker!

And if it's really coming on $150 free gift.
Can you make it like a free gold arcane at $75 last time that we still get the other $150 gift as well, this deck is just a bonus gift?
Ellusionist confirmed that it will definitely just be a free gift for orders $150 and up.
Oh.... they're not going to do that... I wish they would though

I know it will be $150, but I meant that I want it to be a bonus gift.
Because I want the gold artifact coin too.



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Let's say it costs Ellusionist $3 to produce this deck.

And they give it to you free for a $150 purchase... they are making a killing off of this.
It's like getting 2% off your order.

I love having the limited decks... I purchase stuff to get the Gold Arcane... I purchased stuff to get the White Centurions/Brown Wynn... I purchased stuff to get a Black Ghost 1st Edition...  I can't do it anymore.  There is nothing left from these companies that I want to buy.

So, Ellusionist.. thanks, but no thanks.  I'm done.  I'm very disappointed with this.  I look at it as a slap in the face of your loyal followers. I could have justified a $50 purchase... maybe pick up some infinity decks.  But $150 is an insult.

I'll buy your new releases, but I'll never get suckered in to making a purchase of stuff I have to resell... just to get one item I want

  I was the featured collector on UC for May/June, check it out:

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Let's say it costs Ellusionist $3 to produce this deck.

And they give it to you free for a $150 purchase... they are making a killing off of this.
It's like getting 2% off your order.

I love having the limited decks... I purchase stuff to get the Gold Arcane... I purchased stuff to get the White Centurions/Brown Wynn... I purchased stuff to get a Black Ghost 1st Edition...  I can't do it anymore.  There is nothing left from these companies that I want to buy.

So, Ellusionist.. thanks, but no thanks.  I'm done.  I'm very disappointed with this.  I look at it as a slap in the face of your loyal followers. I could have justified a $50 purchase... maybe pick up some infinity decks.  But $150 is an insult.

I'll buy your new releases, but I'll never get suckered in to making a purchase of stuff I have to resell... just to get one item I want

Although I am still getting the LTD deck because I also need to purchase some new tricks, I totally agree with that and I hope Ellusionist listens



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I hope they are listening too.
For collectors, we want to have 2 decks, one for open and one sealed.
So, I think maybe they could drop the $150 or give 2 decks set at $150.


Don Boyer

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Wow, there's been a lot of chatter since I've been away.

To everyone who agreed with what I posted, thanks.  Especially XntriX/Jake - I really appreciated it.  It's because of Ellusionist that I got into magic seriously back in December of '10.  I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for him and his co-workers.

@dee1orean: I never meant to imply that I've cornered the market on being a volunteer or to sound condescending.  If you look at what I wrote carefully, you'll see I specifically requested volunteers in my area for my particular hospital, then opened it up to more people in other areas simply as a way of wanting to spread the great feeling that volunteering as a performer gives a person.  The fact that you do fundraising work is very laudable, but I'm sure you know as I do just how rewarding it is - recognition isn't really necessary, and not why I posted what I posted.  Yes, I was on the Facebook page during the Red Artifice server issues - after getting my order in for a brick and seeing the sale end shortly thereafter, I actually tried to arrange a sale of some of the cards AT FACE VALUE to a teen girl from Mexico I met through the FB page who missed out, but she couldn't come up with a way to get the funds to me in the States.  I told her that I was hoping to encourage her to continue as a magician - there are too few female magicians out there.  Jake said it very well when he stated that leaving the red deck as a v1 only helps that design retain its value as a collectible.  Imagine how burnt you'd feel if you paid auction or aftermarket retail prices for your red Artifices only to see a v2 come out that dilutes the value.

Again, I never meant to rant with such fervor, and I don't want anyone to take what I said as an insult.  I'm one of you guys.  Do I love the idea of spending $150 on merchandise to get the free Ltd. deck?  Not particularly.  Will I do it?  Maybe, if I can afford it - I haven't bought any Infinity or Green Artifice yet and there's a few DVDs I've had my eye on, so that would be a nice bonus.  But I also recognize that there are many cool and rare decks out there I'll likely never own, like a pack of White Centurions, Bicycle Garden or Jerry's Nugget - and more importantly, it's not the end of the world.  (Even buying the not-so-rare decks can add up quickly, and where do you put them all?)

I don't need every great deck out there to take pleasure in my collection of cards, of which I open one of every deck and use them, even if it's an insanely rare deck like my Broken Spell deck.  As I see the extreme collectors' take on it, it's like buying a fine painting or statue, boxing it into a crate and staring at the crate - that's fine for them, but it's not for me.  (And I'm not saying everyone here fits the mold of an extreme collector, either - we're not black and white, just varying shades of gray.)  I want to enjoy and appreciate my works of art and enjoy the textures, the smell, the whole manual and physical aspect of it.  I used to play a lot of solitaire on my cellphone as a way to kill the time.  After getting into cards, that just doesn't have the same appeal as handling an actual paper or plastic deck and moving around the individual cards on a table.  It's certainly helped my shuffling and built up my finger tendons a bit, which are always good things for a magician.  The video game now feels like a picture of an ice cream cone instead of the actual sweet, dripping mess in my hands and on my lips!  Collecting playing cards is fine and all, but as the name implies, playing cards were meant for PLAYING, whether it's by performing a cool sleight, shuffle or flourish, winning (or more likely losing) at Canfield or sitting around a table with a few friends/family over a game of low-ante Texas Hold 'Em.
Card Illusionist, NYC Area
Playing Card Design & Development Consultant
Deck Tailoring: Custom Alterations for Magicians and Card Mechanics
Services for Hire -
Pre-Made Decks for Sale -



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I'll buy your new releases, but I'll never get suckered in to making a purchase of stuff I have to resell... just to get one item I want

Somebody will be selling these afterwards if there's really nothing you want.



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I'll buy your new releases, but I'll never get suckered in to making a purchase of stuff I have to resell... just to get one item I want

Somebody will be selling these afterwards if there's really nothing you want.

But I think it will go over $50 a deck. (including shipping)



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I'll buy your new releases, but I'll never get suckered in to making a purchase of stuff I have to resell... just to get one item I want

Somebody will be selling these afterwards if there's really nothing you want.

But I think it will go over $50 a deck. (including shipping)
Im thinking it will be even more than that.



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I don't think so. If it goes over $50, then it is wiser to buy something at E. Like pure smoke.



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If they make it possible for collectors to enjoy getting 2-3 decks, I would actually give these a passing thought.

It would be neat to be able to get one deck for every $50 spent. I know for a fact that it would urge customers to buy more, and I can see myself dropping $300 to get six of them.

Forum Founder.



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If they make it possible for collectors to enjoy getting 2-3 decks, I would actually give these a passing thought.

It would be neat to be able to get one deck for every $50 spent. I know for a fact that it would urge customers to buy more, and I can see myself dropping $300 to get six of them.

Then you could review one and let us know how they are :)



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Ugh. I had the LTD pics on my page, but Ellusionist reported it as copyright infringement and Facebook took down the pics. Now all other pages and websites posted the pics but Ellusionist is still saying they don't want me to post the pics.



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but Ellusionist is still saying they don't want me to post the pics.

We are? I was not aware of that. Especially seeing as we posted a Ltd pic on our Facebook wall ourselves.

To enquire about Ellusionist sponsorship,  provide feedback or just have a chat - please email me at Jake {at}