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Messages - dee1orean

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Playing Card Plethora / The gift of giving
« on: July 16, 2012, 04:01:18 AM »
So, I was on my way home from visiting my mother in Hospital in London (don't worry she's coming home Tues!), on the train I was practicing some basic cuts and flourishes with a Galvanic deck to pass the time. When a young lad sitting opposite on the other side of the train complemented me on my dexterity! Too much time on my hands was my joking reply. So I asked him if he wanted to learn, so he joins me at my table on my side of the train, I hand him the Galvanic and take out a Tendril deck (never leave home without it. So I go about showing him the charlier cut, thumb fan and one handed fan. By the end of journey he was getting good ay the charlier as we reached thw end of our journey I told home he could keep the Galvanic with the understanding that he keeps practicing. He was very greatful and assured me he would.
And at that we went our separate ways. I may never see him again though the town I live in isn't that large so who knows.

But it felt good to know that I may have encouraged another into this hobby of ours!

The contests are in our event, which Evan posted a link to earlier.

Umm. No It's not.

That link takes me to my events page which lists:

Saturday - Party - Just for the hell of it

Rosie & Gemmas 21st Birthday

Ant's 40 1\2 Birthday Bash.

Nowt whatsoever regarding any blue crown contest

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Seasons Playing Cards - Launch TONIGHT!
« on: May 01, 2012, 06:00:33 AM »
I had issues. Placed order fine. Went to checkout on the site card declined tried multiple times through the site and through paypal with no luck. Turns out the fraud dept at my bank froze my card after multiple transaction attempts in a different country. Alex sorted me out though.
Cheers Alex.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Seasons Playing Cards - Launch TONIGHT!
« on: April 30, 2012, 03:38:28 PM »
My Main worry is whether the site will be able to handle the traffic.
Do we know whether the site will support Paypal for quicker checkout.

It's guna be one hell of a rush!!! 5.11AM wake up once again LOL!

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Bicycle Revision 1 Playing Cards
« on: April 19, 2012, 06:39:11 PM »
I'm actually starting to get annoyed now too. I've sat patiently watching resellers and youtube reviewers getting their decks, all the time thinking i'll get mine soon... It won't be long now..... etc

Well... Still no decks.

I emailed Russell on the 11th april and he said he'd forward the email to Adam and that I'd hear from him later that day or the next....

No contact from Adam.

I again sent a brief note to Russell on the 16th saying that I still hadn't heard from Adam and as of today, the 19th I've had no reply from Russell.

To be honest it's getting ridiculous.

I think I'll buy from resellers in  the future

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Actuator Deck Number Sound Off
« on: April 16, 2012, 02:42:30 AM »
I like this idea!

0973 and 0974 here!

0973 Opened 0974 still sealed

find a couple of packages of new decks waiting for you:
 8) 8)

There was also blue, red and green crowns 2nd ed. and an Infinity

Oh happy days!!!

 :D :D ;) ;)

The Conversation Parlor / Re: The meaning of life
« on: April 03, 2012, 02:33:40 PM »
It's Forty Two..... Isn't It?

Design & Development / Re: new deck
« on: April 01, 2012, 03:48:37 AM »
Hiya, I don't know if you are from the TCA or not but most new members spend some time on the boards participating in and contributing to threads before posting artwork for critique.

You could have offered to to design one of the cards for The Discourse Deck.

May I ask how old you are? You say you've been drawing since you were very young? How long have you been interested in cards? do you have a collection? Post a pic of you collection in the relevant thread.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: De'vo's Blades, Blood Edition
« on: March 29, 2012, 05:42:14 PM »
Both the White and Midnights Both state 1st edition on the barcode and De'vo has stated they will not be reprinted so I wouldn't hold your breath for a second edition blood release. I really hope I'm wrong as I missed out on these.

On the previous page someone quoted De'vo as having said if this was a popular run he'd make a second run.

Yeah I read that, when the Whites and Midnights were released De'vo would keep saying he "Might" reprint them or he was "Unsure" whether to or not. Despite alot of people asking for them to be reprinted he decided that they wouldn't be reprinted.

Like I said, I hope i'm wrong.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: De'vo's Blades, Blood Edition
« on: March 28, 2012, 07:04:36 PM »
Both the White and Midnights Both state 1st edition on the barcode and De'vo has stated they will not be reprinted so I wouldn't hold your breath for a second edition blood release. I really hope I'm wrong as I missed out on these.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: De'vo's Blades, Blood Edition
« on: March 28, 2012, 06:03:57 PM »
I got my 2 decks today and I am a little disappointed. It's my first De'vo deck so I didn't really know what to expect handling wise but it doesn't handle well out of the box. Hopefully it will feel nicer once I break it in. The decks is pretty cool and I love the coloring of the court cards but the back design seems to be lacking something.

Really? the blades are renowned for handling amazingly straight out of the box. I've got all the others and without exception they all handle amazingly at first before getting worse.

I missed out on these so can't compare at the moment I'll try and pic some up from a reseller.

I don't understand why all these deck releases happen one week before payday when funds are tight. rather than the first of the month when we are all flush.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Ultra Ape deck launch party
« on: March 24, 2012, 05:46:55 AM »
When I first saw this deck I wasn't impressed with the Apes head on the back. The Sillouette version is better but I'd remove it altogether.
I really like the King though and maybe you could take on Krystles comment regarding his "Fashion Disaster" Lol, as I  kind of agree.
Finally, I would buy this deck..... If it were Paper. I just don't buy Plastic Cards.

Good luck with the kickstarter!

Introduce Yourself / Re: Is this the Cardaholics Anonymous meeting?
« on: March 03, 2012, 12:49:55 PM »
Wow, well I now know more about one of the most respected members of The Discourse than I probably ever needed to!!

They say that the first important step to conquering your problem is admiting you have a problem. I don't think there's any of us here who won't admit we have card issues... I for one have no interest in conquering those issues just yet, I'll settle for just managing the addiction better for now.

I don't think I need to welcome you, or tell you you are amongst friends, or if not friends, at least like minded individuals.



You are!

Playing Card Plethora / Re: NEW DECK - April Fool's Deck from De'vo.
« on: March 02, 2012, 07:21:45 PM »
ok I am extremely confused, is he releasing 4 decks on april fools day? I just don`t understand he has:

Blood Blades
Blood Metal blades
April Fools Deck
Cardistry deck

Is the cardistry deck and april fools deck the same or what?

No the Cardistry Deck IS the April Fools Deck

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Your thoughts on Expose v2
« on: March 02, 2012, 05:06:41 PM »
It's now to slick, I liked the amateur look of the previous incarnation, Christen has gone from the really attractive girl next door to looking like a b list celebs ex girlfriend.

I mean, I can see what theory 11 are doing and there's nothing wrong with raising production values. I'm just not a fan.

As I was watching it when Andrei Jikh came on I started tuning out... It just didn't work for me.

Besides hasn't Ellusionist got something familier now with rewind?

Playing Card Plethora / Re: NEW DECK - April Fool's Deck from De'vo.
« on: March 01, 2012, 05:43:29 PM »
OK, You know he's taking the piss right? It's a direct stab at those he thinks ripped him off.
What do you mean by that?

Oh boy, can of worms... I'm not guna get into the whole story but the basics are.... Devo's been around for years in the card manipulation field and was part of the movement that separated card manipulation from Magic and One of the founders of XCM... xtreme card manipulation. This was years before the term Cardistry appeared  there's also copyright issues which I'm not going into here! but that's the basics

Playing Card Plethora / Re: NEW DECK - April Fool's Deck from De'vo.
« on: March 01, 2012, 05:21:40 PM »
OK, You know he's taking the piss right? It's a direct stab at those he thinks ripped him off.

Playing Card Plethora / Anyone else
« on: March 01, 2012, 12:33:18 AM »
bored of waiting for decks like Seasons and Mana? Whilst the cards look amazing the sense of excitement and anticipation has vanished.... to be replaced with a "Meh" feeling i don't know if I can even be arsed to buy them anymore

Seeing that makes me want an uncut

Playing Card Plethora / Re: What does your social circle think?
« on: February 26, 2012, 02:03:45 PM »
Nothing different to what has already been said really. I seem to be the performing monkey amongst my peers, "Come on, show us a trick!" they don't seem to understand that I prefer flourishing and cuts. they see cards they think card trick. So I know some simple effective tricks, barcode or Joker reveals still seem to amaze them and the trusty Svengali deck goes everywhere with me.

Some people think it's a waste of Money, I collect 1\64 Diecast too and people think that's childish too, it's not like I bash them together like I did when I was six! these are collectors pieces as are most of the cards.

Get paid on Wednesday Alex. Will donate $20 then as promised.

Playing Card Plethora / Lulu doesn't like De'vo's Blades
« on: February 24, 2012, 06:58:20 PM »

It was an old worn out deck anyway, she must have nicked it when I wasn't looking and then taken it to her bed for a nibble....!!

After the back design was posted, ONE member did not like the colour of the whole back, and ONE Member (YOU) wanted to change the colour/font of the discourse. Everyone else was happy with this back design Don included.

Im trying to urge you to make a final decision, Not just because I like this back design but because this has been going on for ages now.

Also look back through all your posts and see how often you've posted the words "I Think" I think (oops) you'll be surprised, I was going to post about it earlier, but thought you'd get over it.

Criticism is one of the hardest things to accept, I know, I'm awful at accepting it myself.

I'm not going to post about this issue anymore, if you decide to settle on this back don't do it to appease me, do it because it's what the members of The Discourse want.

I've been following this project closely and shall continue to do so.

Good luck everyone!!!

@Dee1orean - The idea was for every card to be however the artist intended it to be, but the back design to fit everyone. If it weren't for constructive criticism, the back design wouldn't be where it is now. I am just making suggestions, nothing less, nothing more. I do realize I am not the best at leading this project, but if it weren't for me, this project wouldn't even exist. I have maybe spent 3 hours a day on average on this project, and I have tuned in to the best of my abilities. If you aren't happy, you can find a better solution.

Nathan, I don't doubt your commitment to the project, I wouldn't want to do it, However look at your quote above specifically, "The back design to fit everyone". that's exactly my point. a leader needs to listen. look at all the posts after the current back design was posted the MAJORITY approved the design, then you posted:

I thought it over and here's what I think. I do like the C better in fans, but we need to make sure it looks nice when holding a single card in our hand.
Also, I think we should do some changes to the "Discourse" running along the side. I just think it looks kinda awkward on version C. Maybe we could make the color a bit more turquoise-ish.
Finally, I really liked the little shape in the center of back B. Maybe we could put two Ds back to back, kinda like for D&D S&Ms.
I think version C is the way to go but I think it still needs some subtle changes. Also, @
Derek, why is it so pixelated?

YOU want to change the colour
YOU want two D's in the middle of the deck (something way to similar to Dan and Dave)

The only valid constructive comment there about the pixellation.

The MAJORITY approved or are happy with the design then you want to change it quite drastically, that's not collaborating, that's dictating.

The back design ticks all the right boxes for a lot of people. Let it be, otherwise as I said above it will never get finished. You can't please all the people, the best you can hope for is to please most of them.

This Deck is looking awesome, it really is, I said in an earlier post I was very dubious about this project, but it really is moving forward brilliantly..

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