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Topics - Yashi

Pages: [1]
Playing Card Plethora / Atelier Playing Cards
« on: April 08, 2014, 09:24:41 AM »

Seems to me like another case of "Just another designer riding on the waves of playing cards on KS" without wanting to put in much effort.

Playing Card Plethora / Steampunk Playing Cards (KS)
« on: February 03, 2014, 06:00:31 AM »
Quite the generic name.
From the creator of Kingdoms of A New World playing cards.

Playing Card Plethora / Traditional Abstractions (KS)
« on: January 27, 2014, 08:29:18 PM »
Non USPCC playing cards and no mention of the printer.

Playing Card Plethora / Playing With a Full Deck (Indiegogo)
« on: January 16, 2014, 09:05:53 AM »
Another collaboration of 52 artists. Sorry Don.

one-way card back :(

It's $35 for a deck if you order/pledge from now until January 17. After that it's $50 for a deck. It's really expensive but I think it's more about the art than being cards which is why they emphasize it being "pocket sized art".

Playing Card Plethora / The Æsir Deck- Viking Gods on Playing Cards (KS)
« on: January 11, 2014, 08:09:15 AM »
Didn't see a topic on this so here it is.
USPC printing as a stretch goal.

Not sure how the embed works.

Looks like Gandalf on the tuck.  :)
I like the courts but not the backs.

Introduce Yourself / Hello world (Discourse)!
« on: December 30, 2013, 05:53:09 AM »

I'm Yashi (I'm a guy!) and I'm from the Philippines which kind of sucks since I don't get free shipping unlike Americans. :(
Anyway, I've only recently begun collecting cards when I stumbled upon Kickstarter and I just fell in love with some card designs. But it's because of Kickstarter that I stumbled upon Aethercards. I can't remember which project I saw the link to this site though. Since then, I've been trolling here for some time now but have recently decided to integrate with society and partake with the community.  :D

By the way, that verification image was tough!

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