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Messages - chas0039

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I'll be waiting for the Carmine version.  Hope it is available at the same price.

... Did CPC buy the rights from John Rangel- rip him off, or did they both just do a lazy job of copy and paste of actual Van Gogh work?

They look quite different to me.  I would have preferred the prior one to this one.  In any case, van Gogh seem to be a hard sell.

Thanks Rob.  I looked high and low and could not find this thread.

Playing Card Plethora / Bicycle Vincent's Royals (KS)
« on: June 16, 2015, 10:16:21 PM »

This is not my project; it is Collectable Playing Cards, so I don't know the rules about posting their pictures.  But it has been active a few days and I see nothing here so I figured I would give it a plug.  You don't need to be a van Gogh fan to appreciate the art, but it helps.

I love the way the back art fans.

The Conversation Parlor / Re: Theft is always theft!
« on: June 14, 2015, 02:37:07 PM »
That response stinks!

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Kardwell Closeout Sale
« on: June 13, 2015, 04:09:56 PM »
Thanks for the tip.  I found nothing there I needed, but you never know.

  Went back to look harder and Wow!  $16 shipping for 3 decks and a box.  Kind of ate up the savings.

But thanks again.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Bicycle Pin-Up
« on: June 13, 2015, 09:13:57 AM »
Hopefully, CPC will kick in a bit to put this over the top.  While Don‘s comments are spot on,  I still like it.  It would be a shame to see it fail for a few dollars.

You must have found a different article.


Overall, I like the design but I have two questions.

1) What's with the court faces?  This looks like another deck's courts that I've seen before.

2) Why do the backgrounds of the cards appear different from card to card in some of the photos, like they're slightly different shades of white/ivory?

I'm not sure about the court faces, but these are just renderings for the KS project. That is probably why the color is off a little.

What is "an unbeatable price" and where are they for sale?

chas0039, they will be on KS 6/17/2015. I'm not sure what the price is going to be, but I've spoken with Anthony a little bit about the deck. The idea behind the deck is like a house deck. A users deck. Similar to what Paul Carpenter is doing with the Encarded Standards. Think of TriKard as a brand- like Bicycle, Encarded, Kings Wild, Legends.......

Thanks much.

I‘ll be checking back as well.

What is "an unbeatable price" and where are they for sale?

Clearly, with all the success, you are doing something right here.  But I truly hope I never see another project listed like this again.  It is very frustrating to essentially gamble on what the reward is.

I don't gamble and it really bothers me when things are sold this way.

Please do not take it personally.  The artwork is stunning and the backers clearly agree.  I just wish it had not been so convoluted and tricky.

My problem, not yours.  I look forward to your next project.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: The UnTied States Playing Card [KS Live]
« on: June 07, 2015, 08:21:01 AM »
I wonder if many backers will pull out?

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Gemini by Stockholm17
« on: June 06, 2015, 09:08:44 AM »
Will this be on Kickstarter?  Any date?

I agree, Don is wise.  But no matter how you spin it, I am forced into buying something I don't want.  No Sale.

Fortunately, missing my sale won't cost you a thing.

Fortunately for me, there is very little left that I must have so when a scheme like this comes up I just pass and they lose a sale.  The days of buying something I don't want just to get something I do want are long gone.  Sellers who think this is a good idea also turn me off so I tend to avoid them in future transactions. 

Maybe I have just gotten stubborn in old age, but I was not really ever one to fall for marketing tricks.

It is a shame you can't get the Suprema deck without spending $44.  Oh well, maybe in the secondary market...

Playing Card Plethora / Re: The UnTied States Playing Card [KS Live]
« on: June 02, 2015, 06:28:42 PM »
Now I really want to stay away.  I avoid things that make no sense when I cannot understand.  Keeps me out of trouble.

This seems an odd way to structure a project.  After 100 single decks are sold, you are only allowed to buy multiples??

No thanks.

Thanks, he added the link to where they are for sale and now it makes sense.

I must be missing something.  This campaign is over 2 years old.

Speaking of projects that were clueless when targeting their audience, this has to be a record:

Makes me proud to be part of a group with such good taste as to ignore this project.

They may get me yet.  The more I look at it...

Nuts, AU time zones and I missed the early bird.  $14 is a bit too high.

I agree, and what is the idea behind the blindfolds?

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