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Messages - max

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Playing Card Plethora / Re: First run of black tiger deck (white pip)
« on: July 02, 2012, 10:07:40 AM »
I can't see the seal color of this deck. Can you tell me if it is red?

I have four different versions of Black Tiger decks(just boxes or seal, all unopened) (all Ohio made)

Can't see it?  Where are you looking?

The red/white pipped decks came with red seals, not the all-white pipped ones.  Those (if I remember correctly) were black.

Well, I was looking at the photos in the thread and I can't see the seal on any of them, that's why I asked.

all my red/white lipped decks have red seals but I have one white pipes deck with red seal.

Summarizing, I have (ALL FROM OHIO)

- White pips no barcode Air Cushion red seal
- White pips barcode (no reveal) UV500 red seal
- White pips barcode reveal UV500 red seal
- White pips barcode reveal UV500 black seal
- Red pups barcode reveal UV500 red seal

Just in case it helps. if you need photos, I can try to scan them when at home...

Playing Card Plethora / Re: First run of black tiger deck (white pip)
« on: July 02, 2012, 04:20:53 AM »
I can't see the seal color of this deck. Can you tell me if it is red?

I have four different versions of Black Tiger decks(just boxes or seal, all unopened) (all Ohio made)


I have two new opened rare bicycle game decks (blue and red)

Boxes are opened in very good condition but cards are completely new and unused (unboxed just for scan)

If anyone is interested, I can trade them for another rare bicycle deck(s)

Email me with any offer


PS: I have another thread with rare test decks (looking for a garden set). More info HERE

Playing Card Plethora / Re: USPCC deck: The Dog Deck
« on: June 28, 2012, 10:19:25 AM »
Well, you can see just A FEW of the decks I have duplicated. Many are bicycle, and all are mixed :) :)

Playing Card Plethora / Re: USPCC deck: The Dog Deck
« on: June 26, 2012, 08:10:22 PM »
I think there is a CAT version too. AM I right? I have seen this deck in miniature too...

Yes, these decks are really hard to find, and I think these pinochle decks are specially rare, that's why I offered them for trading. They seem to be a test set with a very limited edition. Don't know too much more about them. Just I need a crazy-for-bicycle-decks man (like me) with a Garden set available :D

Playing Card Plethora / Re: HOPC - New Deck Coming Soon...
« on: June 21, 2012, 11:51:25 AM »
Don, are you authorized to post any photo? I would like to see it. And, of course, if you have more information about the release... Thanks!

Playing Card Plethora / Re: HOPC - New Deck Coming Soon...
« on: June 21, 2012, 11:14:13 AM »
Max - one try per person, but you were wrong on both counts anyway.  No more tries!

Don! You have to admit I deserve the prize as I told all the gold possible versions excepting the correct one!!! :D :D :D

Congratulations to the winner!

Playing Card Plethora / Re: HOPC - New Deck Coming Soon...
« on: June 20, 2012, 07:29:18 AM »
Is it a gold mechanic or something like that?

Another option is a Gold Vaudeville?

May I have more tries?


after so much time looking for a Cage Garden set beginning on $60 after the release and seeing the price is impossible to me, I almost closed a trade but finally it didn't happen.

As I am not going to buy this set in my life (I am afraid) I am offering the only thing I have to trade for that: these pinochle test decks.

I only want to trade for a garden set or for another very rare bicycle deck(s). Not interested on selling it as the money is not all in my life (although I need it now more than any other thing).



Playing Card Plethora / Re: Contest
« on: June 18, 2012, 11:56:38 AM »
Not sure if I understand... So, to participate, everyone has to "send" a deck somewhere where the winner is?

Playing Card Plethora / Re: NEW DECK- The Great Lazarus Deck
« on: June 09, 2012, 03:45:47 PM »
Sorry, I am confused when both threads are combined. Could the creator (I think it is here) clarify about:

is it a copy of another deck?
why the joker is so similar to the Batman joker?
When is it going to be released?


Just to say I have received my stuff today.

Stephen is a honest guy, perfect communication, fast shipping and perfect packaging.

The prices are fair and the service is worth.


I think it would be a good idea. So many people making reviews justify their own section in the Cards Plethora IMO...

I love almost every deck of cards but this seems ugly to me...

Playing Card Plethora / Re: NEW DECK - Blood Red Doomsday Deck
« on: June 02, 2012, 10:47:14 AM »
well, I posted it in thinking it was already posted here... :(

next time I will try to be sure

I like this style. nice cards! Any info about potential availability?

Related to this, is there any post (I have made a search and haven't found it) with a "complete" list about stocks and finishes available and used (in the past) by USPCC? I am completely lost on this with so many words like Air cushion, Aurora, Magic finish, UV500, and many other...

It would be cool if some expert on this could make aa glossary about this matter...


The set has been sold. What should I do with the thread? Thanks

Sorry Don, I already had a price in mind but forgot to comment. I have four people interested and all have asked me and all have been asked for the same amount. Post edited and price stated.




I have this set available just in case anyone is interested.

It is a brown bonded leather display with EIGHT sealed decks of playing cards (L.A. 1984)

Items are in perfect condition with no defects or blemishes

Case is lined in white silk and has the letters US embossed in gold.


The set is in the US so it would be cheaper to send within the US.

Price: $100 plus shipping


Playing Card Plethora / Re: Wait what?
« on: May 09, 2012, 03:33:43 PM »
Perhaps I am not the best to answer as I am a sealed decks collector but I have heard many times that when USPC moved to Erlanger they packed old rider decks in new boxes so perhaps this is the case.

Another similar thing happened with seals.... Black seals on old rider boxes with new and old decks. And those rare decks with colored jokers on boxes with just the logo instead of the regular box back....

I imagine a terrible mess around this move moment, with a lot of things mixed (old boxes, new cards, new boxes, old cards....). Perhaps you find a hamburger inside a riders box :)

By e way, can you post any photo of the set? not sure if I have seen it before....

Yes, you are right, it probably sucks, but I am a playing cards collector that enjoy  the single feeling of having a new bicycle deck. I have all my decks still sealed so I cannot enjoy the cards themselves.  Know it is weird, but it is what I collect, sealed decks. And not all decks are "nice". Indeed I collect decks just with small differences on the box (it is the only thing I can check). but you and me know that what make a deck valuable is not only the quality, or not only the design. It is just a thing of what you decide to pay for it. these wheel decks are not stupidly expensive like if they would have been released by D&D or Ellusionist.... I like them just because I have not them. tell me you have not felt this sometimes :)

Anyway I perfectly understand you but not in this case, as this is an affordable deck. Let me remember decks such as Garden cage, tungstene, magic con, or indeed S&M. I am really tired of these decks I cannot get in a reasonable price. in fact, if Merz would sell his decks for $6 each, I would probably buy them all (although, to be honest, I have had many problems in the past with his deliveries.

@Aaron... I couldn't agree more...

Do you know I actually clicked on the link registered for the site and added them to the cart and when I went to pay there was a problem... They said to check back later and the more I looked at the pic of this 396 of 1000 I was like who really cares... It's a mediocre reprint of a vintage deck not even done that well... The box is simple and of all the vintage decks to reprint this could possibly be one of the worst choices... Thus, I never went back to complete the purchase and I feel very free... These silly reprints, $99 Lu Chen, Pandora Vine Back, Triangle Prototype... I've said it before, but I continued to purchase so many new things, but at this point I truly feel that the bubble has burst and any idiot with adobe illustrator and a few grand is getting a deck produced... Actually the few grand is not necessary because kickstarter is in the mix... The truth is I've passed on so many decks as of late... I used to feel I was missing something from the collection, but now I feel that I haven't added another silly @$$ deck to the collection... I'm sticking with decks that I really like or feel something for... New Eras are great, Americana, various vintage or rare decks, etc...

Wow, you have saved a lot of money in psychologist with this thread!!!!! At least, this wheel deck has had a good purpose in this case :)

To be honest, I do not like everything I buy, but I am mainly a Bicycle playing cards collector and I try to get every bicycle deck (including the Merz's ones when they have a reasonable price).  I don't know anything about this wheel deck but it is a deck created by a good friend, a cards lover and a honest guy in this comunity so I will get some for my collection and to share with other collectors here.

I really like this design, Sean. Wishing to see more about the whole deck design :)

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