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Introduce Yourself / Hello World!
« on: January 23, 2014, 04:44:15 AM »
Hi all,

I am here as I am working on a deck of cards.
So my real interest started over a decade ago, working casually in bars, clubs etc. to pay for uni, during the poker explosion. This led to me specializing in the gaming area, running tables, fixing and working with slot machines etc.
After uni finished, things scaled back to running weekend poker games whilst working as an investment banker. Then came the financial crisis in '08, pushing me to float around for about a year between jobs and uni again, before being dragged to work full time in gaming.
The deck I am working on is rather unique, I'm looking to launch it around June-July. The story behind the deck is last year I had 2 months extra annual leave saved up for October - November, with no strict plans other then being in Las Vegas in september, and Australia in late November. Talking to an old school mate, he asked me to join an Archaeology excavation of a site in Greece, so I went...
The deck will be featuring finds, the site, and more  from the trip, which is not so easy as Government approval is required for many images as the finds have yet to be publicly released. Slightly making the process easier, and making the deck more in-line with being something more then a souvenir travelling deck showing pictures of a movie or location, images will be sketches of the designs from the finds and buildings dug up.
Hope to learn and discuss things over the next few months and beyond,

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