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Messages - KPopFever605

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If people wanted White LTDs more cheaply, they could have bought a DVD last week (about $30-$40 with shipping) to get one...
Oh, yeah! Is that promotion still going on? Probably not, huh?

I believe it ended at the end of last week.  You snooze, you lose.
I wouldn't consider it losing, because I wasn't really interested in them. I just like knowing things. :P

UPDATE: theory11 just posted a teaser for one of their three releases on Black Friday, Decoy. It's a rising-card effect, where a card is out-jogged and slowly rises to the top. The also said that one of their other releases will be another deck of cards, possibly rounding out their three, unless they make the BlackJAQKS a promotional item.

If people wanted White LTDs more cheaply, they could have bought a DVD last week (about $30-$40 with shipping) to get one...
Oh, yeah! Is that promotion still going on? Probably not, huh?

Magical Cardistry Bonanza / Re: David Blaine Special
« on: November 21, 2013, 09:57:43 PM »
The trick he does with Jamie foxx n the smiths where he touches ones shoulder and the other feels it was a trick done by Tom wright. I think it's on his Chill video.
Thanks Nurul!

I just have a few educated guesses!
Okay, how can you possibly find a solution to some of his spectator's thought of card, color, or even related name? Unless it was predisposed, which I highly doubt is it, how is he able to have that type of mind-reading capabilities?

I'm not usualy a fan of decks with logos, but there something about this deck with this particular color scheme that makes me appreciate it a little bit more.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Bicycle Brosmind
« on: November 21, 2013, 12:22:48 AM »
I'm just going to leave this and this here. You bros. mind?

P.S. - Not mine by the way. Probably the seller badpete69 mentioned.

So far, looks like they're doing it up right.  I think raffles are easier to deal with for us than last year's collecting of poker hands.
Although I think they're doing a fabulous job, I am a bit irked by the $300 reward level for the White LTD. deck, compared to last year's $150 level for the original. Although I'm not going to buy any, I was just shocked. I know you're going to say that Ellusionist is doing this to target those collectors that MUST obtain all in a collection (me), but do you think they may a bit unreasonable? After all, having a steep reward level may deter more potentials buyers, right?

Since I just started collecting this year I've never partaken in the "holiday season" sales.  I'm looking for advice on when is the best day to buy. 
On Black Friday, that's usually when the greatest deals are released, such as theory11 is doing this year, but other companies choose to release their specials a bit earlier, such as Ellusionist. Generally speaking, you'd want to be there for a release, in the case that it does sell out. Other than that, I don't think there is a specific "day" to make a purchase, because it ultimately stems down to when the companies release their deals/products and how long such would last. Regarding Cyber Monday, there are still some sales, but I think the peak is obviously on BF.

This year is even better than last year in my opinion because the raffle system will be much more simpler than last years poker hands as Don mentioned.
Although a raffle system is much simpler this year, I did enjoy Ellusionist's variety in terms of their approach last year. To me, it felt like playing a hand of poker, not know what cards you will be dealt. :))

Magical Cardistry Bonanza / Re: David Blaine Special
« on: November 20, 2013, 10:03:30 PM »
It was an absolute blast to watch, especially with those tricks you can obtain through purchase, such as Regeneration. Very convincing to those who haven't bought it and are considering to. What trick absolutely blew my mind was how he was able to reveal a spectator's THOUGHT OF CARD in unimaginable ways, one of which was springing the card into someone's pants. The trick that surprised me the most was his telekenetic effect, one of which was performed on Will and Jaden Smith. Truly extraordinary!

And did you see Willow's hair? XD

So, Ellusionist released/announced somethings today:

1) The Gaff System - Eric Jones, Calen Morelli, Daniel Madison
- Freaking amazing! The three most creative minds in magic came together to create a truly stunning work of art.

2) Messado Rings
- A unique variation on a timeless classic.

3) Announced their annual holiday sale with two ways to win/earn awesome prizes!
- You can earn amazing prizes by reaching a certain amount of dollars instantly when purchasing, such as an Artifice Stainless Steel Card Clip, Halo Wristband, White LTD. decks, and more.
- You can also earn by making a shipable purchase, where, in that purchase you will receive a raffel number. By the end of the week, Ellusionist will raffle off all entries from the previous week or win one of sixty prizes, such as an Apple computer, signed decks, signed DVD, a gross of playing cards and much more.

What do you guys think of Ellusionist's take this year on their holiday special?

Playing Card Plethora / Re: [NEW] White Luxury Crown Deck by The Blue Crown
« on: November 18, 2013, 10:42:03 PM »
I'm excited. I remember them having an event like this last year. Here we go again.

I think it's just a seal placed on the back of a card, because wasn't this the trailer for PM's "Lock, Stock, and Riot"?

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Playing Cards Made Not From Paper
« on: November 17, 2013, 11:11:59 PM »
I know why playing cards are created from paper, and I'm not saying that we need to change our entire method to something entirely different. I just wanted to know your opinions on this new field that appears to be arising among card creators.

Playing Card Plethora / Playing Cards Made Not From Paper
« on: November 16, 2013, 07:24:59 PM »
This idea came into my mind when I backed the Hardwood Playing Cards from Biblot Games.

The idea grew when, finally, my sampler pack game from them and also when I saw another Kickstarter project marketing playing cards created from carbon fiber.

What are your opinions on this new style of creating playing cards from materials other than paper and plastic? This new perspective offers many benefits, but also some disadvantages. Personally, I love how artists are venturing out of the norm to test the limits of card creation, and am highly excited to see what others can create next.

With that, where do you think creators will take this concept? What Ideas to you want to be possibly created during your lifetime?

Playing Card Plethora / Re: 2013 Holiday Shopping Season
« on: November 16, 2013, 02:57:12 AM »
Brian Brushwood from Scam School is having amazing deals and bundles on his site (I believe it's if you'd like his autograph, he also have some signed decks included in some of he bundles as well.

Other than that, yesterday, I found that Best Buy, Amazon, Target, and Wal-Mart all have viewable ads foreshadowing their Black Friday deals. When I looked at them, nothing was extraordinary. Except for, some name-brand phones under a dollar, of course, with a two-year contract.

That's nice.  But please try to keep it to playing cards, magic or cardistry.  If I want cellphones cheap, I'll find, rack up a zillion posts and be named High Exalted One...  :))
Oh, I thought this thread was for "EVERYTHING related to the holiday seasons"? Guess I took that too far. :P

Playing Card Plethora / Re: 2013 Holiday Shopping Season
« on: November 15, 2013, 10:50:30 PM »
Brian Brushwood from Scam School is having amazing deals and bundles on his site (I believe it's if you'd like his autograph, he also have some signed decks included in some of he bundles as well.

Other than that, yesterday, I found that Best Buy, Amazon, Target, and Wal-Mart all have viewable ads foreshadowing their Black Friday deals. When I looked at them, nothing was extraordinary. Except for, some name-brand phones under a dollar, of course, with a two-year contract.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Smoke and Mirrors orange?
« on: November 12, 2013, 01:34:42 AM »
Wait here while I go photoshop Dan and Dave doing the W.E.R.M. next to a neon pink Lamborghini using cards that match the car.

It's probably an effect with that card as a gaff.

Inventory has been updated! PM me if you are interested in purchasing an item. Thank you very much. :))

This deck is going to be AWESOME! Although it sucks that they've waited until the series was six decks deep, I'm still excited for the trio to come out with something spectacular. :))

The Conversation Parlor / Re: NSFW 18+ please. The Chive
« on: September 23, 2013, 11:30:18 PM »
You GUYS just on theChive for memes? Even I know that's a lie. :P

Will be adding a few decks soon. If you have any questions or would like to order something, please feel free to personal message me. Thanks!

You can see view my review ( and compare it to the numerous 2nd Edition Black Ghost reviews out there.

Here's the basic breakdown though:

- Box has a grayed Bicycle logo and grayed boxes on the side.
- Jokers are different.
- Back designs are a little bit different.
- Also think some different ad cards are included.

If anyone knows something I left off, feel free to add it on.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Black Arcane w/o Seal ?!
« on: September 15, 2013, 06:48:09 PM »
Republic No 2, Executive, Artifice Tundra, Blue, Green, and Purple.
The problem is that those decks originally does not come with any seals. The Arcane deck originally had custom seals, except for the few seen here, and as Don mentioned may be a technical glitch.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Ellusionist Ignite playing cards
« on: September 11, 2013, 11:09:03 PM »
You sure? They did that with the Fathom deck.  ;D
Huh. Didn't notice those at first. Cool.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Ellusionist Ignite playing cards
« on: September 11, 2013, 09:21:06 PM »
Wonder why they decided to add squares to the adjacent corners of the cards. Don't think I've seen that before.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Ellusionist Ignite playing cards
« on: September 11, 2013, 07:23:12 PM »
Asked this question yesterday to clear up the controversy. Didn't receive a response until this morning:

We were completely unaware of any controversy. There's no connection between those events and our cards. This series is based on the elements.

Here the ad copy from Fathom:
The voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes. When we took our world apart and examined its make up, we were left with four simple elements. Earth. Air. Fireā€¦ and Water.

This is the first of those discoveries, born from the graceful flow of water.

This is from the Ignite page:
The second release in the Origin Series, Ignite Playing Cards captures golden flames, glowing embers and the smoldering black char of a scorching inferno.

From the blazing ace of spades on the front of the box, to the world of flames on the back, there is no mistaking the theme of this deck.

Featuring line-art embellished pips, court cards colored in the orange glow of a dying hearth, and polarized jokers, reds and blacks in contrast, for a color-change illustrating the very name of the deck; Ignite.

Conjure the spirit of fire and set your performances alight.

As you can see, we're working off the theme of the four elements from ancient thought. As far as I know, there is also an air and earth deck planned though they haven't been designed yet. We are a magic company, we're not looking to make political statements.

I will also add that we have delayed the release of the deck in respect to the date. The public release will be tomorrow.

Have a great day!

Also explains how they're calling this series the "Origin Series". Seems fitting.

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