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Messages - medieval

Pages: [1]
The Conversation Parlor / Re: Medieval Magic & Myth
« on: April 08, 2019, 06:36:15 AM »
On another note whoever would like to help i have set up a referral program through
Check it out if you're interested. I would like to have you onboard. :)

The Conversation Parlor / Re: Medieval Magic & Myth
« on: April 08, 2019, 06:33:10 AM »
Well a honest creator would return the money if his project is unsuccesfull and as i have mentioned in a previous repply that would be more benficial to him rather than keep the money and run away which would be also a low move not just a bad move.
I have joined the forum to let people know about my game and my crowdfunding campaign. I dont really see why would you keep pushing on an indiegogo vs kickstarter conversation which is totally out of topic.
Some might think you are trying to drive the attention away from my game.

The Conversation Parlor / Re: Medieval Magic & Myth
« on: April 02, 2019, 04:37:28 AM »

well all platforms have their problems. if creators work honestly doesnt matter which platform it is.

The Conversation Parlor / Re: Medieval Magic & Myth
« on: March 30, 2019, 06:33:45 PM »
From what i have read around kickstarter would have been a better deal than Indiegogo for this kind of business but unfortunately my country is not part of EU and kickstarter doesn't accept projects from countries outside of EU.
About the flex funding I chose it because if i don't reach the entire goal i wont be able to make a mass order production but ill be able to produce only for those who backed it and obviously the cost is high when you don't order large quantities. At the end of the campaign I will be able to calculate the total amount of money gathered and the production and shipping costs and if i can produce enough decks for those who backed without me having to spend money from my pocket i will do it no matter if i wont earn anything, in this case i would win some good backers for future projects and people would trust and support me again. If i wont be able to gather enough then i will just refund all the backers and this will earn me their trust for future projects as well because they will know i won't run away with their money. So flex funding if not earning me money will earn me my backers trust,that's why i considered it a better option. I am a freelance graphic designer and crowdfunding is something new to me so maybe i am not running the perfect campaign but i will learn from it. I have read alot about the shadiness and suspicions that flex funding might raise but its a risk i had to take because as i explained above for now its more important for me to earn a good group of supporters and hopefully make them happy with my work.
I have applied this way of working in freelancing and it gave me good results.
All i know for sure is that i will not fail my backers.
BTW why haven't you backed me yet? :D joke
Thanks for asking me questions and giving me the opportunity to talk about my project more.
Take care

The Conversation Parlor / Re: Medieval Magic & Myth
« on: March 27, 2019, 10:53:27 AM »
Capaign is live
Your support is highly appreciated.
By supporting this campaign you will not only get just a good cardgame in your hands but also you will be helping an indipendent artist get his work in the crowd and start something beautiful in the Tabletop game industry. Thanks in advance for all your help

The Conversation Parlor / Medieval Magic & Myth
« on: March 20, 2019, 07:26:17 AM »
Our small studio is launching an Indiegogo campaign for our cardgame.
Indiegogo link:

About the game:
Dropping cards and winning a hand has the logic of the game Hearts (we are big fans of that game) but here is the difference. Our game has 5 factions with 10 type of cards for each faction.
4 factions (earth,air,fire and water) will give players positive points while the evil faction will give players negative points.
There are also 8 special cards which when dropped will give the player special abilities for that hand like:
Game starting card : used to start the game on the very first hand
Winds on your favor: Player who drops this card starts the next hand first no matter who won the previous hand
Purple Magic: Converts all the negative points (ie: from the evil faction) to positive points

We will be very gratefull for your support!
Please help us bring this game to life.
More games to follow in the future with different theemes.

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