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Messages - z1g

Pages: [1]
Playing Card Plethora / Re: How should I store my cards?
« on: June 18, 2012, 11:43:14 AM »
Some creative ideas... really like them. Love the wooden display box CBJ has. I have some big wooden cigar boxes lying around might see how they would go in there. Curts shelves are amazing looking.

The Conversation Parlor / Playing Cards Display Cases
« on: June 17, 2012, 09:37:07 PM »
Have been interested in finding out what others are using to display collections.
I thought this was a nice looking/smart way to store your decks.

(Not taking into account that some have many hundreds of decks - for a small *cough* new *cough * collector like myself this would be ideal)

Hope it's ok to post this here, as I believe they are a forum member here. (Delete if in-appropriate)

5x12=60 (Click for larger image)

Would anybody else have any other pics or links to other alternatives. I really like the idea of framing an uncut deck (what I lack in originality, I make up for in enthusiasm) ;)

google is evil, but they have pretty pictures to!

Google Images

The Conversation Parlor / Re: Technology and Magic
« on: June 11, 2012, 02:13:50 AM »
had to lulz at some of the YT comments. such as "That's it, I'm getting an iPad" ;)

Hey Max,

Here's what I put together

a list of decks that have been released over the last year and a half.. it's not complete.. I'm sure decks are missing...  but I'm sure it'll help



thank you for this. as a *newb* this is very helpful and has been something I have been looking for to use as some sort of reference

Sorry re-hashing old thread. Searched "impossible bottles" and found some threads.

Like others here, I find these kind of things not only art and magic related, but a great cognitive exercise. I have looked at almost every picture/post/book that discuss "impossible bottles". (Not literally but many hours nevertheless trying to figure it out) ;) *without much luck to date* have not had enough time to really sit down and try. It's on the "to-do"list

I enjoy the thought of thought, and have tried myself *briefly* using a empty packet of cigarettes. I respect Jamie's wishes not to engage in "divulging" the methods. It would be great for the occasional hint mind you which I am semi sure those that know the "how" do help in suggesting to others, pointers. (I may be mistaken here -it seemed to be the general vibe on a few forums, if you had put in your time reading/trying/thinking and were serious)

Harry Eng must have been an amazing person based on the things others have written about him, much like his home made detachable vice
which in itself is an engineering feat.

I do hope the art of producing such works is passed on to others

I look forward to the day, when I achieve even halve the looks some of these guy's can produce, I can not get how a lock can go into a bottle. I must be over thinking it!

edit: here's one I recently found.

The Conversation Parlor / Re: Birthday of ....
« on: June 06, 2012, 09:27:42 AM »
A belated, Happy BDAY!!!

The Conversation Parlor / Re: Technology and Magic
« on: June 06, 2012, 03:26:47 AM »
Most likely been posted already - sorry if it has (it's Similar to OP)
I thought this looked amasing.

Shown by Daniel Garcia posted YT Nov 30 2011
Trick Starts as 1:20-ish.. from "Scamschool"

*Contains Spoilers*

Introduce Yourself / Re: Greetings...
« on: June 06, 2012, 02:04:59 AM »
Thanks all for the welcome;)

Welcome to the forums! I hope you'll enjoy it here!
To get to know you better, which of these would you describe yourself more as?
Magician, Flourisher, or Collector? I'm guessing Magician and Collector by the decks you own. Any ways, good luck with your collection, and hope to see you soon!

For me it went like this, started becoming interested in card tricks, bought the cheapest possible Bicycle decks I could get (as every trick used them) - got a twin pack, destroyed 1 pack in trying to learn flourishes (Hey it looks great but when your not used to the hand positioning things bend and crease) ;) many hours of practice still required.

That deck became a Card Box as seen here ;)

I am still on the basics of card tricks/flourish but practicing every day, because of this got interested in bicycle cards as they feel awesome (having never used them before). Started to research into them, and discovered the variety on offer. Watching YouTube video's of all these people with amasing collections and hearing from them about limited edition's etc.

At the moment I am in a collector mood, as the designs are amasing - although it must be hard to have an unopened *rare* deck and not be tempted to open it ;)

So US cards are on my wish list, but I am also interested in English decks (De La Rue whom was French)??

Welcome to the forums z1g! Say, where did the inspiration of your name come from?

I had a dog called ziggee (Rhodesian ridgeback) ;)

Now I've even begun branching out and getting vintage decks as well, though that collection is far from impressive - about a dozen decks or so.

I have a deck of 1930's bicycle (on the way which are used and abused - ie. cheap) that will become some form of wall display, testing out my *cough* creative side ;P

Introduce Yourself / Greetings...
« on: June 05, 2012, 04:00:06 PM »
Found this forum by reading a recommendation, browsed as a guest for a while, terrific info, took the plunge and registered. ;)

new to cards/magic but am 100% addicted now.  Looking too learn more about the history and increase my collection. which stands at a pitiful 4 x decks (standard), 1xinvisible deck, and 1xmillion dollar monte ;)

Yeah, embarrassing too be sure!

edit: I have Deck one v1 on the way, red artifice (in two minds about dropping the money), and many others on the wish list ;P much to learn yet.

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