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Messages - musical_racket

Pages: 1 [2]
Playing Card Plethora / Re: New book for modern playing card collectors
« on: February 22, 2014, 12:40:53 PM »
Thank you Sher! I have been looking in to a few different options on whether I wanted to self publish my book or look in to publishers. I think I am going to personally do self publishing and this surely looks like one of the cheaper options for me. I would have to contact them about rights to the book and how I would sell them, but I believe that this is going to be a very reasonable way to do it! Thanks for the suggestion!

Does anyone else have any input on self publishing?

I can honestly say that I absolutely love this design. I really enjoy the motion involved with the design that makes your eyes always move. Keep up the great work!

Playing Card Plethora / Re: New book for modern playing card collectors
« on: February 21, 2014, 11:06:56 AM »
Sparkz and Emmanuel: Thank you very much for your support! I really appreciate it!

PurpleIce: To clarify on my locations chapter, it is a generalization of various areas. While I have never travelled internationally, these aren't exact locations like an address for the location. But instead they are general locations, like online auctions, other private collectors, thrift stores, retail stores, promotional events. The purpose of this chapter is to compare and contrast what you can expect so you can optimize your collecting. You can use the locations that you have researched here and focus to get the best results. I would assume that some of them apply towards international collectors as well, but as I have never been, I cannot confirm that.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Post Your Collection / Your Newest Acquisitions
« on: February 20, 2014, 05:12:18 PM »
I have far too many decks to post, but I would like to show off one of my displays. Here it is!

Playing Card Plethora / Re: New book for modern playing card collectors
« on: February 20, 2014, 04:52:05 PM »
I really like how everyone is categorizing their collecting styles. I have evolved from The Hunter to more of an Archivist, but I didn't make these categories to lump people together in categories. We all collect cards and that is what it great! However, the reason I bring these up in my book is because depending on which of them we are currently, the book has suggestions for each of them on where to look for cards, and resources for you. For example, the hunter looks nearly anywhere for playing cards. This book gives examples of where to look in order to get the best results!

I also have a whole chapter for "Locations" Which takes 15 different ways or places to get playing cards and ranks them based on quality/variety/rarity/price/frequency. An easy example, a garage sale may have very cheaply prices cards, but the quality would be dismal, versus an antique store where the opposite is normally true.

PurpleIce: I will be sure to give you any discounts I can afford on future volumes! I am just debating on if I should bring this book to kickstarted and self publish it or pitch it to an actual publishing company. Any suggestions?

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Undead Presidents Bicycle Playing cards (KS)
« on: February 20, 2014, 11:44:55 AM »
There seems to be quite a bit of recurring themes in newer decks now. First it was presidents and zombies. Now if the presidents are steampunk and Chuthulu as well, then I might be interested!

Playing Card Plethora / Re: New book for modern playing card collectors
« on: February 20, 2014, 11:23:05 AM »
PurpleIce: You bring up a good point. I will be adding a clearer definition of vintage/modern just to help clarify. I am actually planning on making a glossary of terms in the back of the book. I can include this here as well! I actually have the Hochman with the Supplement as well. That was a good inspiration to my book as well. (Thus why I wanted to interview Tom and Judy) I think of this book like the "little brother" of the Hochman because my goal wasn't to make an encyclopedia. If I tried to catalogue modern playing card, there would be noes decks by the time I printed it, so it makes it difficult. Doesn't mean I won't though!

Sher143: I'm glad you bring up the the different types of collectors. In my third chapter (which might change) I categorize the playing card collector in to one or more of three different types of collectors. They consist of:

The Hunter: The kind of collector who wants to have anything and everything playing card themed. They may buy nearly one of every deck that they can find. Also, they tend to buy anything with images of the courts on them or even pips. This is my category personally. I have mug sets, trump reminders, fine art that is playing card themed, and just about anything that have cards on it.

The Archivist: This form of collector is more specific might their collections. As you said, they may only collect Bicycle branded cards or cards in a certain time period. They probably will not be going to garage sales picking up every deck they can find for a quarter, but instead search for very specific cards that would fit their collections.

The Hobbyist: This is similar to both of the above combined. They normally got in to card collecting because their hobbies allowed them to do so. Like I am a magician or maybe a gambler would do this as well and begin to collect cards and other stuff based on their hobbies. This is why Ellusionist and Theory11 are so successful!

I am obviously not going to copy my whole chapter on here, but I go in to fairly deep detail about it. I'm glad there are such smart people on here! It makes me realize that I am not the only person willing to put this much thought in to this book! Great suggestions from you both! Keep them coming!

Introduce Yourself / Re: Greetations!
« on: February 20, 2014, 02:22:44 AM »
Thanks everyone! I really appreciate the warm welcome. Love collecting cards, and I can't wait to continue! Thank you Tom and Don for changing my status to 52+J member!

Sparkz, I just posted a new forum about it, thank you for the interest!

That is very true. I have a rather large collection of Bicycle decks from the 40s and 50s that have tax stamps. But they are not worth that much. Heck, I might just send you one to share the wealth!

Playing Card Plethora / Re: ORNATE Playing Cards: White Edition (KS)
« on: February 20, 2014, 02:09:29 AM »
I can honestly say, I believe that these are some of my favorite decks in the collection. I can't wait to back the White Decks! I have a special place in my heart for white backed cards...

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Treasury Series Playing Cards Pt1 (KS)
« on: February 20, 2014, 02:04:38 AM »
This is not the first time anyone from Kickstarter has made cheap knock-offs with projects. But they always fail to notice that the backers who may back their projects are probably already familiar with the original ideas.

One of the best examples of this was the very successful microgame called Coin Age. Then a few weeks later a "completely different" game was posted called Wallet Battles. If you read the comments on that second project's most people pointed out that it was nearly a blatant ripoff. However, the creator of that made a better recreation than this deck!

Playing Card Plethora / New book for modern playing card collectors
« on: February 20, 2014, 01:56:32 AM »
Hey everyone! I am still fairly new hear but I am a 52PlusJoker member. I was referred to post about my project here by a few other members. I wanted to get everyone's thoughts on this:

I am currently writing a book which I consider is a "go-to guide" for anyone wanting to get in to serious playing card collecting. I am obviously a collector and most of you are as well, but hopefully my book would be beneficial.

A general description of the book: It is called Modern Playing Card Collecting. While other books focus on collecting vintage cards and pricing them, mine will be more of: how to collect modern playing cards successfully. It is already over 175 pages, and will end up at around 200 once I am done with it. It includes resources for people who want to look for cards, where to look, and how to judge quality of cards when you find them. After wards it also goes over ways to know what kind of cards to collect and how to protect and display them. I also have hundreds of pictures and interviews with some of the best people involved with playing cards (Including fellow members here on this site! Dave Buck, Judy & Tom Dawson, Lee Asher, Owen Packard, and Paul Carpenter. These people were a blast to interview and I'm sure everyone will learn a lot from the interviews alone!)

It has taken me over a year to write and it is very special to me. Now I want to clarify that I am not making this post to advertise it or anything. What I am thinking about is making a Kickstarter campaign for this book. I am curious, does anyone find this something they would want to see on Kickstarter?

Finally, it is getting late for me, but I will gladly answer any questions about the book that anyone has. So please post any questions or feedback! Thanks again everyone!

Introduce Yourself / Greetations!
« on: February 18, 2014, 10:40:16 PM »
Hello everyone! I am Daniel McKinley. I have been a playing card collector for many years now and I love sharing my knowledge. I am from New Mexico in the U.S. and I seems to be one of the few collectors in the area.

I am a member of 52plusjoker and a professional magician as well.

I was referred by a fellow member, Tom Dawson to join the forum, so here I am! I look forward to meeting you all and talking cards.

Finally, I am actually writing a book about modern playing card collecting. its currently sitting at about 175 pages and has interviews from Tom & Judy Dawson, Lee Asher, Dave Buck, Owen Packard, and Paul Carpenter! I have been considering doing a run of the books on Kickstarter for a while. I will post more about it later if anyone is interested. But please let me know which topic would be the best to post this under. Thanks again!

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