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Messages - jmrock

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Playing Card Plethora / Re: Sherlock Holmes by Jackson Robinson (KS)
« on: January 13, 2014, 01:41:08 AM »
Jackson's decks do just get better and better as time goes on… The artistry and high design of these decks are really unparalleled… I don't want to sound melodramatic, but there is not a designer making playing cards today that is in the same league as Jackson… Period…  Incredible group of decks once again… The add ons and additional decks carry the theme, but are original enough as to make them unique and highly desirable… Great work once again Jackson… Looks like you're going to hit another home run out of the park, and from what it looks like you are going to crush your next few visits up to bat as well… Wishing you continued success… You truly deserve all of the accolades that you're receiving…

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Explore Playing Cards (KS)
« on: January 13, 2014, 01:19:15 AM »
Have to tell you… approximately $18 including shipping for a deck is on the higher side, but not outrageous given the quality and design of the deck… I do, however, wish Harris would be a bit more honest regarding the funds being asked for… Falling in line with what most decks cost on kickstarter would most probably yield an amount that far exceeds the $20,000 goal… If the decks sold for $10-$15 with shipping for example and the decks sell out, they're going to be sold in the aftermarket for double, triple, or more for that matter… Harris, you're looking to turn a profit  (rather than everyone that picks up the decks for less) and honesty would be your best policy… You're raising such an amount to pay a designer? It's all just too a little too over the top… You would make more $ if you were charging less… Should've consulted with Don or others regarding pricing prior to having launched… Regardless, good luck… Hope to see this deck roll through the presses of USPCC, which is not something I say often when it comes to kickstarter decks…

With regard to the actual deck, I think it looks great… The only thing I'm not crazy about is either of the Jokers… Dreadful actually… Harris, no offense, but I don't need to see a caricature of you on such a nicely designed deck of cards, and I certainly don't need a caricature of Joe Card Collector just because he paid $600 to have himself placed on the deck… Given it's a travel themed deck, continue the artwork with nice lines and nicely designed Jokers (IMHO)… However, all in all, I think they look great - The back design is wonderful and the clean lines throughout the rest of the deck are really nice as well… Please reconsider the Joker situation… I am not alone regarding my feelings about the Jokers…

As the title reads… I'm in search of the elusive Bicycle Grand Opening Deck… Willing to trade, pay, or both...

As a side note, rather than starting a new topic, since this is Bee related, I thought I'd post a pic of a fun piece of what appears to be a vintage advertising card… It measures roughly 5"X7" and has a cardboard kickstand in the back…

This example is apparently from the Steve Forte Collection… It's supposed to be exceptionally rare… Is anyone familiar with this design?

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Madison Anything Is Possible AIP Bottle
« on: January 08, 2014, 12:31:41 PM »
I am friends with him on fb. Just shot him a message( I am assuming your wanting Jamie D. Grant) to see if he would be willing to. I will let you know what he says.

Thanks Johnny B...

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Madison Anything Is Possible AIP Bottle
« on: January 08, 2014, 10:45:12 AM »
I like the AIP concept and thought that a vintage deck with stamp would look great in the bottle… I tried to contact the guy who makes these quite a few times in the past regarding if it was possible, but he never answered… If anyone has a relationship with him, please reach out to see if this is feasible or have him contact me… Thanks, J.

A Cellar of Fine Vintages / Re: 1881 Sportsman's #202
« on: January 08, 2014, 10:30:53 AM »
Printing block for Rider Back Bicycle Cards
The United States Playing Card Company, Cincinnati, Ohio, Ca. 1910. The United States Playing Card Company Museum.

A Cellar of Fine Vintages / Re: 1881 Sportsman's #202
« on: January 07, 2014, 05:12:39 PM »
Trivia: if I'm not mistaken, Bee is USPC's oldest brand still in print, though it was originally in print by a former competitor that later became their subsidiary.  I think Bicycle's the second oldest, but I'm not 100% certain as I don't know the age of the Tally-Ho deck.

A few comments - NYCC was formed in 1871 through combination of Samuel Hart, Lawrence & Cohen and John J. Levy. Bee brand was introduced in 1892, so Bicycle is seven years older. What is the oldest USPC brand still in existence - it's not Bicycle, rather it is Congress #606 which was introduced as Congress #404 [plain edges] in 1881!!!

Very interesting… Tom, correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the Bee No.92 Back No.67 still the longest running design to have ever been printed?

Jackson… And so the pupil has become the master… Wow is all I have to say… Truly incredible score… The Tourists are just fantastic… Army Navy - Wow… The Tigers - Unbelievable… Are these complete decks?

Unfortunately I didn't open them, as they are sealed… However, I can't imagine that the Ivory Finish is that different from the current Bees that come in either Ivory or Cambric… I've also had Smooth Finish decks as well, which are just that, sort of a flat smooth feel… As for the High Finish, perhaps one of the masters could help with explaining what it actually is and how it handles… Tom? Lee? Bill?

Posting pics of three exceedingly rare decks with unique finishes…
Red Bicycle Racer Backs c.1940-1955 - Ivory Finish
Blue Bicycle Race Backs c.1940-1955 - High Finish
Red Bee No.92 Back No.67 c.1940-1955 - Smooth Finish

A Cellar of Fine Vintages / Re: Fake Jerry's Nuggets?
« on: January 07, 2014, 02:48:28 AM »
I'm more curious about why your Bicycle Maiden Backs have a T11 logo on the bottom!  When did they start making them?

My goodness Don… Does anything get by you???

I have listed many new desirable & sought after decks… Again, refer to the above post for eBay link and additional information...

The Bicycle deck is magnificent (hell they're all magnificent)… but in particular that's a deck I've been searching for forever…  I believe that's the first Ace and first Joker… Wow… Incredible history… The Harts with the two dogs is incredible as well… The Steamboats with watermelon joker - an amazing piece… Lot's of great stuff…

Jackson… With regard to the Bee deck I sent you, you left out the best pic… It's an incredibly rare "Smooth Finish" deck, rather than the common Cambric Finish… They are just not found with Smooth Finish… An exceptional piece…

I would literally give my right arm to anyone that provide me scans of these backs and other NYC backs. These backs are what I've been searching for, for a basis for my Kings wild signature series. Any body please help.

I got your back Jackson… High Res Scans coming to a CPU near you soon…

A Cellar of Fine Vintages / Re: Vintage - Antique Meanings
« on: January 01, 2014, 09:27:52 PM »
I noticed a lot of chatter quite a while ago about the meaning of Vintage and Antique when it comes to playing cards. This is a toughie. I think we have decided for The Cellar of Fine Vintages, that 20 years or older makes sense. Antique means different things to different people but no one will argue that it's antique if it is over 100 years old. That leaves a long era for Vintage - from 20 to 80 years since production.

Then there is collectible. I look at collectible as anything from Antique to this morning - and if it is newer rather than older it has some features that distinguish it from the norm, the standard, the mundane.

Agreed… IMHO, I'm not sure the printing method (Leif) matters as much as the age of deck… It seems that everyone agrees on the above… Sounds good to me as well...

A Cellar of Fine Vintages / Re: 1881 Sportsman's #202
« on: January 01, 2014, 05:42:26 PM »
That is a phenomenal deck… Wow… Just unbelievable… The intricacy of the back design is amazing… Looking forward to more posts Tom...

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Playing Card Art
« on: December 29, 2013, 12:13:28 PM »
Don… I got a little nuts with this one… The piece is not mounted, it's under UV glass, there is a black suede mat, and the frame off silver with subtle brown tones to match the piece perfectly… just over $200… However, I have had one uncut framed with a nice wooden black frame for around $75… You don't need to get that crazy with the uncut sheets, being a very ornate frame would take away from the cards… I'll post a pic later…

A Cellar of Fine Vintages / Re: Tally Ho 1924-1929 Dougherty Pinochle Deck
« on: December 28, 2013, 02:57:55 AM »
The AoS code appears to have an "H" in it, dating it to 1926.  I doubt it was from 1904 because of the size of the indices, and the faces don't look contemporary to 1946, the next year that letter code was used.

It's an unusually long code, with all those extra numbers, but perhaps that was something unique to pinochle decks of the time.

Don, the tax stamp is a square ten cent stamp, which was in use from 1924 through 1929… Refer to the following site regarding tax stamp dates:

Jackson… I need my accountant to talk to your accountant  ;)
Nurul… You know you love cards when you can't wait until you receive your decks to share your pics… Only a true fan would be posting screen shots in anticipation of receiving their vintage finds...

A Cellar of Fine Vintages / Re: Tally Ho 1924-1929 Dougherty Pinochle Deck
« on: December 27, 2013, 08:10:01 PM »
20's indeed… Extremely rare to find a deck with such a stamp… I love the Tally Ho Decks… Even though they're circle backs, the box has a unique and interesting picture...

Playing Card Plethora / Playing Card Art
« on: December 27, 2013, 02:36:18 PM »
Thought it might be fun to post some pics of art or objects that encompass Playing Cards… Being this is a topic we all love and care about, family, friends, and we sometimes purchase Playing Card related art that adorn our homes… For the holidays, my lovely wife gave me this piece by Jason Brooks, the famous fashion illustrator… Not sure if I first read about the artist here or elsewhere, but I'm glad I did… Just got it back from the framer today and it's absolutely gorgeous…

Jackson… I'm jealous… You seem to be making all the right contacts… That's a beautiful deck of cards… I especially feel that it's such an important deck to reflect the climate in the country during this period… I feel that when I leave a deck like this for my kids that it's important for them to know that history of the U.S.  and that racism was running rampant in this country, so much so that it was completely acceptable to print and distribute these cards to the general public… Great piece Jackson… Looks like you've gone from 0-60 in 2.4 seconds in Bugatti Veyron style…

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Daniel Madison Rounders, Players, Dealers...???
« on: December 24, 2013, 09:43:14 PM »
So just to confirm, all of his decks are indeed marked… Correct?

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