- A Discourse For Playing Cards

Off Topic Chat => Introduce Yourself => Topic started by: Alex Willis on March 26, 2013, 09:37:52 PM

Title: Amish Mafia in the House
Post by: Alex Willis on March 26, 2013, 09:37:52 PM
Okay, I'm neither Amish or in the mafia.  I do however live in Lancaster PA on a farm where all my neighbors are Amish or Menonite.  My commute too work every morning requires driving around and passing buggies.  I am a collector and creator.  I enjoy outstanding artwork on playing cards and interesting subject matter.  I look forward to getting feedback from projects I've been working on and appreciate constructive criticism.


Title: Re: Amish Mafia in the House
Post by: Don Boyer on March 26, 2013, 11:28:11 PM
First, welcome to the Discourse.  You'll find we're generally a friendly bunch, and when we bite we try not to break the skin...  :))

I write a report here, as daily as possible, called the New Deck Report (  One of the things tracked in the report are active Kickstarter projects.  I've been thinking of including Indiegogo, but they don't get anywhere near as many projects in playing cards and too many have their projects set up to fund whether or not the goal is reached.  Anyway, on that report, we're tracking your project (, and we have a link there to it as well as the Discourse topic discussing your project (

Bear in mind we can be an opinionated bunch when it comes to new decks, but there's never anything personal behind it.  Our feelings are so strong because we care about playing cards.  Most people here are open to persuasion if you have something compelling to say about your deck design, or are looking into altering the design to make it more popular.