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Messages - sr15

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Playing Card Plethora / Re: Altruism Deck from The Blue Crown - ON SALE
« on: October 29, 2012, 04:14:49 AM »
do i have to use sarcasm green font here or what, obviously that was a joke

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Altruism Deck from The Blue Crown - ON SALE
« on: October 29, 2012, 02:34:29 AM »
so what you're saying is if I buy a brick of snow owls, I'll get a regular altruism deck for free?

Playing Card Plethora / Re: NEW DECK -- Aurum from Encarded
« on: October 27, 2012, 07:16:45 AM »
Haven't been around in a while, congratulations on selling out on your decks, but $175? Really?  It appears that a greater gap between myself and collecting new designs has grown, because I really just don't get excited about any new releases anymore. Even one that appears to have a great following as this deck... Again, good luck, but all the hype to me is just over the top and I have other things to spend my hard earned $ on these days...

it's 175 for one really rare version of the deck. the regular decks go for like 11-12 bucks so it's not like it's that much more expensive than any custom deck coming out these days. The decks themselves look awesome and definitely deserve the hype imo, even though I most likely won't be buying any of the special editions.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Altruism Deck from The Blue Crown - ON SALE
« on: October 27, 2012, 06:44:38 AM »
if you're not even going to consider it being a deceptive marketing strategy when they did a very similar thing with the gold crown deck, then I don't know what to tell you. Wording a description in a way that is vague and could be misconstrued into making someone feel they need to buy more decks than they would've wanted in order to get a deck that isn't released is not an honest business practice. Is it legal? Yes. Is it going to piss off some of your customers and make them feel like they got taken advantage of? Probably.

I didn't buy any of these decks, but if I bought a brick for a special deck only to realize it would be released stand-alone a few weeks later, I'd be pretty mad. Clearly people were misled, as you can plainly see in this topic.

edit: and no one is mad at you or hassling you for posting the tip. Not sure where you got that idea. I actually appreciate you posting information that I otherwise wouldn't have known, even though I'm not getting the deck. Everything was directed at TBC, not you.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Altruism Deck from The Blue Crown - ON SALE
« on: October 27, 2012, 04:22:45 AM »
again with the insults? all I'm saying is that it is not obvious that the decks would be released later, and it seemed like TBC was purposely making their availability vague in an attempt to sell more decks. I didn't read what they wrote about the deck until today in this topic because I actually didn't care for the deck. I'm not saying it was their intention, but given their history it shouldn't be automatically ruled out. They didn't say that the deck would be available, and even if it was implied that would be available later, there was no reason to think that it wouldn't have been months before their release, especially given that you had to buy a brick of the regular deck in order to get just one. Instead they release it less than a month later, essentially screwing over the people who bought a brick for the one extra deck who were misled by their description. It's a shady marketing practice at best and TBC is now a repeat offender.

Don't get me wrong, I usually love their decks. The Ornate decks are some of my favorites. Making the release of a deck intentionally vague while offering it as a special offer for buying likely many more decks than most customers originally intended to buy is not a good practice and is preying on their consumer base.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Altruism Deck - Snow Owl Edition
« on: October 26, 2012, 08:43:57 PM »
I'm disappointed in The Blue Crown's business techniques so far, honestly I think its blatantly taking advantage of the customer through wording loopholes. They know as well as everyone else that if they made it more clear to everyone that the Snow Owls were going to be put up for sale previously than the amount of sales from the Altruism deck would be lower, as not as many people would have bought a brick.

agreeing with this. It certainly seems like a deceptive marketing practice

Playing Card Plethora / Re: New Deck from E - Sultan Republic
« on: October 26, 2012, 04:18:18 AM »
yeah...I'm not buying that, specifically when he first said that people who weren't liking the deck "were failing to see the simplest details" and then followed it up with that comment. That obviously wasn't just referring to the people who didn't explain why they didn't like the deck. I'll let moon clarify if he wants, but don't speak for him. Either way I don't really feel like arguing this anymore. It's mostly subjective and E will sell a bunch of these decks anyway. I don't like them, some people do.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: NEW DECK -- Aurum from Encarded
« on: October 25, 2012, 10:26:37 PM »
I definitely can't justify getting either the lucite case or the laser-cut deck. Might get a White Gold edition though if I'm able to. Definitely looking forward to these cards though. I loved the Tendril design and these look awesome as well.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: New Deck from E - Sultan Republic
« on: October 25, 2012, 03:05:12 PM »

Sr15, he does design work - do you?  He does have a clearer idea of the REASONS why a deck is or isn't well-defined.  Perhaps you're the one that's being pretentious?

in an area as subjective as card design, I really don't think being a designer of a deck automatically makes you any more or less qualified to make statements on what makes a deck appealing to people. Same reason that someone who puts out an album doesn't get to make pretentious comments about other's taste in music. And I'm not the one who started insulting people by implying that their opinions weren't "educated" enough.

When someone tosses out the idea that "metallic ink would make this better" - in what way would that make it better?  Should they have simply splattered it all over the place?  That statement is not an educated one.  The same applies to someone who simply tosses out that they're "disappointed" but doesn't say why

I personally don't really care for metallic ink, but as others have mentioned (including myself), the design really feels uninspired and maybe something like metallic ink would've made it stand out more. I don't think it would have and it probably needs a more interesting design, but as I said before the card industry is getting more and more competitive and the standards for a deck are always being raised.

Your opinion actually had some of the thought behind it that he was looking for, smartass.  You gave details for why you felt what you felt in terms of the design.

I guess I am kind of repeating myself at this point. If you're seriously going to call me a smartass because I replied to a comment calling me uneducated then I don't think this discussion is going to go much further.

Make sure the next time you touch the keyboard with the intent of disrespecting someone in the community for no intelligent reason, shift your brain into drive for a few minutes first.  You'll find that you go much further and people will give a damn about what you're saying.  And if you think that's the most pretentious thing here, you haven't been around much, have you?

Funny how I'm accused of disrespecting someone who blatantly called me uneducated. And yes I am somewhat new here but that really doesn't excuse it, does it? If you want to single out that one comment and for the most part ignore the rest of my post, I can't really do anything about that.

He actually does have some idea about design, seeing as how he's been putting together a deck of his own that looks great, based on the preliminary artwork.  So, he does in fact speak with authority rather than speaking out of his ass...

and just to address this point, I get that you're siding with the member who has been here longer and may have more credibility in your eyes. I understand that. However, even if he had already released a deck, which he has not, it does not give him more authority to speak on design quality over anyone else.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: New Deck from E - Sultan Republic
« on: October 25, 2012, 01:41:19 AM »

What is it exactly that you guys don't like? There's so many comments about being disappointed, but so little explanation. Does every deck that's release have to have metallic, full-custom court cards and a crapload of gimmick features?

I already pretty much answered this, but I'll just emphasize that as competition increases in design, with more and more decks coming out with lots of customization, very intricate and beautiful designs, metallic ink and whatever else, the standard for decks is constantly being raised. I do appreciate a simple design (again some of my favorite decks include White Lions, Vintage Plaid, Bee Stingers, etc.).

It's really annoying to see that so many people say they're "disappointed" yet fail to see even the simplest details in a deck. You guys have been so stuffed with the big things that you don't see the subtlety anymore.

Maybe you'd like to point out some of these details that we so clearly missed? I'm not quite so sure what you mean by simple details in these decks since the Rebels/Sultans actually have pretty detailed back designs. You can put a lot of detail in a back design, but it can still feel uninspired.

A lot of times it does come down to personal taste, and I'll use the comparison of White Lions and Players as an example. The designs are very similar in style, and have a simple yet elegant feel to them. I wasn't a fan of the Players partially because there was too much blank space on the back design that made it feel empty. Also because there wasn't a ton of hype surrounding the deck that ended up being a letdown.

Of course everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but at least try to have an educated one.

and lol at this. Who made you the expert on what constitutes good personal taste in a back design? Probably the most pretentious thing I've seen on these forums

Playing Card Plethora / Re: New Deck from E - Sultan Republic
« on: October 25, 2012, 01:27:52 AM »
It doesn't have to be any specific thing, but in general I am underwhelmed with the deck. A few factors would probably be the increasing quality of designs in decks, the increasing competition in decks with so many kickstarters and custom decks being released, and the far greater than average hype that comes with decks like these compared to decks released by smaller companies/individuals. Also it can come down to personal taste, and personally the deck just doesn't do it for me.

I can appreciate simplicity in design. White Lions, for example, are one of my favorite decks and the design is very simple. Conversely, I just bought the new seasons decks and those look phenomenal. I only have so much money and when my choices are between sultans/rebels and the seasons decks, it's no contest for me.

And don't get me wrong, I usually love the decks that Ellusionist puts outs. I would say the purple artifice deck is my favorite design, and I love the designs of the Arcane decks and Shadow Masters. Maybe part of me not liking these decks is due to higher expectations for Ellusionist/T11, who usually make awesome decks.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: New Deck from E - Sultan Republic
« on: October 24, 2012, 06:10:07 PM »
I actually didn't know these were coming out until today. Much like the Rebels, I am underwhelmed with the design and I probably won't pick up any of these for a while. I will say that I do think these look better than the Rebels. The box design is definitely better and the faces are better by default since the Rebels are standard faces, although I will give a slight edge to the Rebels in back design.

Either way, big ol' meh on the deck. There are quite a few decks out there that I want far more than these to justify spending money on them now.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Seasons Playing Cards - Platinum Series
« on: October 21, 2012, 11:40:43 AM »
thought about getting two sets but don't really have the money for it...oh well, finally got a set of these so I'm happy

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Seasons Playing Cards - Platinum Series
« on: October 12, 2012, 08:06:06 PM »
side note: I'll probably get the gold version anyway once I can afford it. It's seriously the best looking deck I've ever seen besides maybe red artifice (I love the red artifice deck)

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Seasons Playing Cards - Platinum Series
« on: October 12, 2012, 07:59:18 PM »
I missed out on the first edition, and I really don't feel like paying 40+ bucks on ebay for a set of them even though they look amazing. I'll settle for these and probably pick up 1-2 sets depending on the price because they look pretty similar, even though the gold looks slightly better I think.

For all the hype that these got, I'm not really feeling them. Limited or not, I think I'm gonna pass for now, and probably won't get them unless they're around for a while.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: NEW DECK- Split Spades Silver Edition
« on: October 03, 2012, 05:20:34 AM »
anyone have any idea when these will be released?

I think that seems like the best way to do it. Gives everyone basically an equal chance to get it.

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