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Messages - chach

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Playing Card Plethora / Re: Freaks Playing cards - (KS)
« on: February 10, 2014, 09:52:03 PM »
One of us one of us, gooble gobble gooble gobble. 

Looks more like the person is marketing the bumper stickers, hats & tote bags than the 2 decks of cards.  Sorry to say but this project is doomed for failure.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Post Your Collection / Your Newest Acquisitions
« on: February 10, 2014, 09:32:14 PM »
Got these in today, looking forward to the Jules Verne deck and have to say the War Horse is better that I had expected.

Just got mine today.  they look pretty cool. Hopefully he will relaunch the next deck in the trilogy

And hopefully change the design. I hated how some cards didn't have a background since they weren't in the area of the map and how the back design was too similar to Propaganda.

+1 agreed 100%.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Post Your Collection / Your Newest Acquisitions
« on: February 05, 2014, 11:16:22 PM »

If you don't mind me asking, what decks are these, and where would I be able to get them?

They're illustrated by a Ukrainian man, Vladislav Erko. To simply say that they are some of the most beautifully illustrated cards is putting it mildly.  Jackson mentioned them in one of his postings and I was absolutely taken away by them.  Even though they're loose cards I will be figuring some way to frame & display them.

Here's a link to a small display of some of his work, playing card and otherwise.

Picked these up off ebay, from what I can tell they're a '59 vintage.  Z code on the AoS with a 1 tax-stamp.  They're very nice condition, the only issue is that they came from a smoker's home. 


I just acquired an original secret weapon. I be willing to trade but it would need to be  a solid trade. It is not my holy grail but a great deck. Lol iv noticed that I almost like doing character references of a person before trading one of my vintage decks. :)

Also mine is open. I care not for cellowrap. (I received it open)

I just PM'd you, didn't want to derail this thread further.

Thanks for the encouragement.  I like that USPCC released a commemorative deck, but it sure has made searching for an original one all the more tedious.  An eBay search used to take only a few secs to check through, now you have to go through 20 different listings to see which one is pictured.   I've been looking for one for years and have seen them only twice.  First one I saw was at a gunshow and to say the dealer was proud of his items is an understatement.  His belief that because half the tuck was missing along with most of the cards automatically meant that it was carried by Hal Moore himself.   ::)   It's very possible that particular deck was carried in the field and that's why some of the cards were missing, but what's more likely was that the guy distressed the pack himself and came up with his wild stories to improve the price without any actual providence.  The second time was at a friend of a friend's place and he didn't want to part with them at all as his father gave them to him.  I know I can relate to that, my father served in Vietnam and I have a few things from that time and there's no way on earth I'd give any of them up for any price.  Heck, the first deck of the Desert Shield version I got was a gift from a friend of mine that was stationed in Kuwait during DS and I wouldn't sell that one either because of its providence. 

As you said, the differences between the three versions are slight, though easily sussed out.   Thanks again.

Not sure if this post belongs here or in the Plethora, but seeing as these aren't from the last 20+ years, I'll throw it here.

Some buzzed browsing netted me these two decks via eBay.  The Secret Weapon is a Desert Shield variety that was going for way less than any of the other auction asking prices.  I already have one, but it never hurts to have an extra copy on hand and at 50% less than what everyone else was asking, how could I pass it up?  At least that's what the alcohol in my system told me... The Bee deck is unopened and lightly glued to the cardboard backing.  I'm not sure of the date, but I'd say late 60's or 70's since there's no tax stamp on it yet also no bar code.  Price tag on the card stock states 65cents.  Have to say, I wouldn't mind being able to pick up Bee decks for 65 cents a pop.  Anyways, I says to myself, "You've never seen one like that self! You best get it now!"  Again, Buzzed Browsing can be dangerous when your paypal account is directly linked to eBay.  But for less than $20 for the pair (including shipping), I'm a happy customer.

BTW - I'm looking for an original Vietnam version of the Bicycle Secret Weapon deck.  It is my grail deck, my white whale, the end all be all for my collection.  If anyone has any leads on where I can get one (opened or sealed, doesn't matter),  I would be much appreciative.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Inspire Playing cards - (KS)
« on: February 01, 2014, 04:58:27 AM »
... an uninspired design with "inspirational" quotes in the Aces...

Playing Card Plethora / Re: ‎"How to make a rose from playing cards"
« on: February 01, 2014, 04:31:58 AM »
Once you get the hang of it, they're really quite easy to make.  I'd suggest practicing on an old deck you don't care about first.  Here's a dozen roses I did out of a Love Me deck, I used regular fake plant stuffs for the leaves.

 :karrit:  Don't know why, but that's about how I feel.  Dazed, able to do nothing but munch on a carrot because of the sheer beauty of these cards.  I hope I'll be able to get in on the LTD editions.  I'll be going in hard on these.  I come from an Army family and have a lot of friends that served as well. 

Playing Card Plethora / Re: The Jules Verne Deck - Club 808 2014
« on: January 31, 2014, 07:27:03 PM »
Picked up my allotment.  Even though it's a blatant one way back design, I kinda dig it. 

Playing Card Plethora / Re: HMNIM Playing Cards
« on: January 31, 2014, 03:26:06 AM »
Looks like an awesome deck, I haven't bought anything from D$D in a long time.  This will probably break the streak.


Those are two of my top 10 favorite decks. Great snag! Enjoy those. Don't leave them in the cello please.

No need to worry about that, already open.  I see why you like 'em, absolutely amazing imagery.

Two Russian decks.  One is about bridge size, the other is slightly larger than poker size.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Most Expensive Deck Opened
« on: January 28, 2014, 03:17:15 PM »

Not many people have noticed but I have lowered the price of the LE Uncuts to $40 for that very reason. :)

Darnit, I just got mine in the other day and now you drop the price.  Ah well, only $10. ;)

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Most Expensive Deck Opened
« on: January 26, 2014, 12:15:58 PM »
I also try to buy at least in pairs so I can open one.  I liken it to a car that just sits without being driven; what's the fun in buying a deck that someone puts hours upon hours into the artwork just to stare at the tuckbox, or worse yet, hide the deck away in a storage box, never to see the light of day?  That said, not counting vintage decks since this isn't The Cellar, and going based on resale value I'd say it's pretty even between some of the Fed 52 series decks, Blue Bloods and even the Firehost decks (which also go for a fair amount on ebay at times).  So, around the $50 mark. There are a lot of decks I have that I won't open though because they are IMO too valuable and as such drift into the investment art category. 

I do have 2 of the black unbranded limited edition Fed 52s which are going for crazy numbers, maybe one day I'll take a peek inside but I really doubt it.   ;D

Has anyone else had issues with UC since the weekend?

You're not alone, haven't been able to load the page for a while now.   Figured there were issues on the back end again.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: My One Year Anniversary Giveaway
« on: January 22, 2014, 05:42:10 PM »
Wow, great Karma.   

My original guess is already taken so I'll go with:

Jack of Clubs

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Anti-KS : Encarded Zenith
« on: January 22, 2014, 05:36:19 PM »
Loved the Exquisites, love Encarded, love those courts.

I think you have a winner here, Paul :D

Took the words right out of my mouth. 

Even though it's not really my cup of tea, for some reason I keep getting drawn back to this, which I guess means that the artist in one form or another succeeded.  The more I think about it and look at the artwork, the more it all grows on me.  The only thing that is really bugging me at this point is the grammar on some of the cards.   

Well, it certainly is unique.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Origins playing Cards (KS)
« on: January 19, 2014, 11:48:14 PM »
I've also been watching the development of these since the beginning, well, I was more or less lurking in the background, silently saying, "my precious" while drooling over the deck's development.  To say I'm glad the day's finally here and they've been launched is a gross understatement.   I came close the the $1 pledge as I was able to select it but not process it.  Guess Sparkz was hitting F5 faster than I was.  ;)   Still was able to get in on the early bird  and got an uncut on the side.  Just hope that the Grail deck is able to get printed as I do like the white more than the black.  But that's not to say the black isn't phenomenal in it's own right. 

Design & Development / Re: Origins Playing Cards
« on: January 18, 2014, 09:37:52 AM »
@Sparkz: Did u get the HISTORIC FIRST reward tier?  :)

I did, thrilled to death!

Damn, that was you?  I was so disappointed to be able to click on it only to get the message on the next screen saying that I have failed at life and shall die a miserable existence.  Or at least that's what it felt like. 

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Playing With a Full Deck (Indiegogo)
« on: January 16, 2014, 05:09:32 PM »
Ya know, some of these decks wouldn't be all that bad if they got artists to contribute good work.  I have some friends that are amateur artists, and their work is pretty damn nice so I'd imagine it really can't be that hard to find people that are willing to contribute good imagery for a deck.  But instead, the project managers always seem to get the "artwork" submissions from the bin of the art class at an elementary school. 

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