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Topics - Sher143

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Starting bid only $14.99. Shipping from Guam.  Shipping to US only.

Auction only for 3 days.

Lot includes:
- Hotcakes Red w/ Modesty sleeve
- Bicycle Spectrum 1st Edition with Gold Seal
- Bicycle Warrior Horse
- Bicycle Thorn

Starting bid $51.99. Shipping from Guam. Shipping to US only.

Willing to sell directly without bidding on a case by case basis. Please PM me.

Decks for sale -  shipping for 1-5 decks is $5.95. Shipping from Guam. Shipping to US only. 

- Dia de Los Muertos Painted Edition: $13
- Colonial Unrest LE: $13
- Origins First Edition: $13
- Aquila Standard: $11
- Triplicate Standard: $13
- Civil War Red and Blue: $5 for the set
- White Monarchs (latest one released by theory11): $7

Hi, I'm looking to either sell or trade the following decks:

Golden Spike Blank Ink (x10 available)- $18

Triplicate Set - $50
- Triplicate Standard.
- Triplicate 2nd. Ed.
- Triplicate LE
- Triplicate 2nd Ed.
- Triplicate Coin design #1
- Triplicate Coin design #2 (x2)

Looking for the following decks:
- Bohemia Red
- Bohemia Blue
- The Hive Set
- Bicycle Black Reserve Note
- Unbranded White Reserve Note
- Ornate Sapphire
- Ornate Emerald
- Ornate Amethyst
- Ornate Scarlet
- Aurum Sovereign

Shipping from Guam, USA. I prefer US addresses, but will consider shipping internationally on a case by case basis.

Anyone got Aurum White Gold or Laser Cut decks for sale/trade? I was moving my collection around today, and I knocked over a stack of decks that included these. Now I've dented two white golds and a laser cut. Stupid of me, I know. If I had to knock over something, I wish I knocked over a deck that's easier to find. Anyway, please pm me if you have either one and are interested in selling/trading. Thanks.


Initial offering price - White Gold $30, Laser Cut $100, willing to negotiate

Country -  Shipping from USA,  willing to buy from worldwide. 

Some decks I have for trade:
- Original Blue Blood by Uusi
- Sherlock Holmes LE Bakerstreet
- Sherlock Moriarty V1 special edition with sticker
- Sherlock Moriarty V2
- Sherlock Holmes Edition
- Sherlock Bakerstreet
- Federal 52 (both Bicycle and unbranded)
- Silver Certificate (both Bicycle and unbranded)
- Reserve Note (both Bicycle and unbranded)
- Branded Black Reserve Note
- Ornate Obsidian (both Bicycle and unbranded)
- Ornate V2 (all colors, both bicycle and unbranded)
- Origins Grail
- Origins First Edition
- Bohemia Red misprint deck without seal
- Bohemia Red misprint deck with seal
- Bohemia Blue misprint deck
- Ultimate Deck
- Seven Seas Deck
- Captain Deck
- Unbranded Treasure Chest Deck

Willing to trade combinations of these decks for the Aurum White Gold/Laser Cut. I am only interested in trading for an Aurum White Gold or Laser Cut, so please don't offer other decks for trade. I honestly never intended to trade any of the above decks, but this is a special case. I have other decks available for trade, so if you don't see a deck you're interested in on this list, please ask me about it.

Playing Card Plethora / Codename: Prime Backs by Encarded
« on: May 26, 2014, 06:41:29 AM »

Along with some other projects in progress <cough>tendrilv2<cough>, I have been working on an “everyday” deck. The goal of this deck is to be traditionally inspired, to make it usable in magic or card games where it’s important to have high card readability and no surprises, with clean and simple design. Also, this deck will be very affordable and produced as a staple deck. While it will still be produced in smaller runs, we can make new editions as they sell out.

My decks have historically never been alike from one to the next and I am generally also not a “traditionalist” so I’ve been playing with two concepts inspired by some of the Bicycle decks from the very early 1900's. One design is much more vintage, while the second uses some of the same elements but in a more modern approach. My concern with the “vintage” design is that while it is easy to accept for the average viewer, it has also been done many, many times and as most of you probably know I tend to not be a “me too” designer.

Regardless of design, the deck will have one color backs, courts with a traditional coloration and layout and nice readable pips. White borders will be there, but as small as possible. These will come in a normal top-loaded tuck box and will be printed by EPCC, probably in runs of 2,500. Colors and tuck boxes will be changed if a second edition is done, with red/blue/black (metallic versions, hopefully) being the first few choices.

If you have any thoughts or opinions, feel free to let me know as I continue to develop this deck idea.



Court Figure Sample

Link was posted on the Design/Dev page but I thought I'd start a new topic here, since it's now live :)

The Conversation Parlor / Traithalon for a Cause
« on: January 31, 2014, 07:05:27 AM »
I'm trying to help a friend with his fundraiser. Does this count is spam? (If it is, I'm sorry. Mods, feel free to delete this post)

From the page:

About me:
"My name is David Wong and I am a 21 year old born and raised in Seattle, Wa. I am currently in the US Navy and I have been stationed here in Guam for about 1 year and 7 months. I am about to leave in June and before I leave I am hoping to do a fundraiser for One Day's Wages."

Why I'm doing this:
"I am doing the Xterra Guam Triathlon, which consists of a 1500M swim, a 31km Mountain bike course, and a 8km trail run. The triathlon is on March 29th and want to use this opportunity to fundraise money for ODW's partnership with Haritika to provide food an economic security in India. This triathlon will be my first triathlon and I was thinking what would be a better way to celebrate this event, but with ODW and to help a cause.

I was honestly hoping to have everyone come and support me in my first triathlon, but I know that would not be possible especially since it's so expensive to fly to Guam. Instead of having people spend money and fly out here I would like to bring awareness to the causes that ODW is doing in India.

Join me in making an impact! Help me reach my goal!"

Playing Card Plethora / Texas Playing Cards - Live on Kickstarter
« on: December 25, 2013, 07:19:21 AM »
Forgive me if there's already an existing thread on this. I did a search, and nothing came up. Mods, please merge if I was mistaken. I thought for sure Sprouts would have had a thread in this forum somewhere...

Introduce Yourself / Hello :)
« on: November 27, 2013, 11:01:51 PM »
Hello Everyone!

My name is Shermaine, and I just recently started collecting playing cards. I started getting really interested in cards when I saw The Black Book of Cards project on Kickstarter. I really liked the concept behind these cards and thought it was well designed, so I backed them. Since then, I started noticing a lot of playing card projects on Kickstarter and eventually came across the United Cardists forum discussing several of the projects. There were references to the "aether" and a quick Google search brought me here. :) I visited both forums often to check for any new and noteworthy playing card projects on Kickstarter, since there was usually a thread up with pictures and a discussion going within a day of project launch (usually courtesy of badpete69). Although I have been reading these forums for a while, it has taken me a while to participate in discussions because I didn't know very much about cards and had a lot to learn. I've really learned a lot from these forums, not only in regards to Kickstarter projects, but also about the manufacturer of cards, common terms used when describing cards, different designers, and other miscellaneous but interesting things. I don't know as much as the more experienced card collectors here, but hopefully enough not to make a fool out of myself. Well, I still do that from time to time, but at least not too often. :P

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