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Topics - zmuddiman

Pages: [1]

Take a look it is quite fun! Maybe someone could do something like this with cards?

The time has come and my friend has not claimed his LTD decks. Therefor there are now three LTD decks in my collection that are up for grabs.

ITEM: 3 LTD decks (for individual or group trade)
LOCATION: Shipping from Texas, USA
TRADER: Zach Muddiman
Ebay PRICE: (ranging from reasonable to ridiculous haha) around $47-50 each (someone wants like 100  >:()

If interested contact me through pm here on the Discourse or feel free to Facebook P.M. me (this method will probably gain a faster response).


Magical Cardistry Bonanza / Card Mats
« on: April 16, 2012, 09:48:12 PM »
Good evening (or morning)

I am in the market for a new card mat, although I am not really up to par with a great brand of durable yet useful mats for close up magic.

Any suggestions?


The Conversation Parlor / LTD Quandry
« on: April 14, 2012, 04:05:29 PM »
As some of you may know I was one of the Ellusionist 2011 Holiday Contest winners. I had one a brick of the LTD deck which has given me the great opportunity to expand my novice deck collection. Me and a friend had a pact during the contest that if either of us should win we would split the prize in half to help both of us expand our horizons in our new passion for cards.

Here is the dilemma:

He has moved away from my location (different dilemma) and I have offered to have the cards sent to him but he has made no effort to accept or deny this gift. How long should I keep attempting to have these sent to him before I make use of the remaining decks? (some for collection some for trade)

Any imput would help me greatly,


The Conversation Parlor / My Speech for Class
« on: January 27, 2012, 10:43:23 PM »
Good Evening!

So for my Communications class I am giving a speech in which I am to compare myself to an object.

Of coarse I have decided to describe myself as a deck of cards.

I was thinking of working a trick into the speech somehow as characteristics of myself.

Anyone have any suggestions on maybe what kind of trick I should try and work in?

I was thinking something on the lines of saying that I take on many roles and functions (have someone select a card) and describe how each role I play are different "cards" or characteristics of myself. While I describe that to the audience I will shuffle the deck.

Then i say how I am hardwired to entertain or bring happiness to my friends. At this point i would reveal a card (or in this case purposefully pick the wrong card) and let the audience react showing that this is not the card that they picked.

Then I explain that i feel my most useful characteristic is that I learn from my mistakes and use the blunders as an opportunity to better myself. At this point I would use that statement to change/reveal their actual card.

What do you guys think?



I have up for trade 6 Decks of Ellusionist's LTD all sealed.

I have some offers on the table but I will not accept them without giving my friends here a chance to offer if they wish.

I am using my recent luck (Ellusionist's Holiday Contest) as a means to expand my card collection and to also help my collecting friends get their hands on some of Ellusionist's LTD decks without a required purchase. I am considering offers based on the current price of the decks online ($45-51 each)

Some of the things I am in search of (In rank of current want by myself):

All Smoke and Mirrors
Karnival Dead Eyes
David Blaine Variety Box
Gold Arcane
Red Artifice
White Lions
Uncuts (Ellusionist or D&D)

Although I am interested in many other things that I may not have been previously aware. I am searching for an offer that includes a variety of different decks (some multiples are fine) that are equal or close in value to the price of the requested LTD Decks.

Please PM me offers or message me on Facebook.

Playing Card Plethora / [Trade] 6 Decks of LTD's
« on: January 26, 2012, 09:15:13 PM »
I have in my possession and up for trade six decks of E's LTD decks.

I have a few offers on the table but before I accept any I have to let my friends here options for trade if wanted.

They are out of stock everywhere and I want some.

I am ISO at least two decks of Dead Eyes
They are listed at $8 everywhere but i am willing to pay $10 per deck.

If you have any that are up for sale please pm or post here!

Thank You!

Playing Card Plethora / Lucite Cases
« on: December 10, 2011, 02:50:16 PM »
I am considering purchasing lucite cases for some of my more collectable decks of cards.

The site:

I would like to know your opinions on weither or not you think this is a good investment?

Does anyone have one that they can give a review or comment on for me?



The Conversation Parlor / Look what turned up in my order...
« on: December 06, 2011, 10:39:45 AM »
I will be the proud new owner of a brick of LTD's soon :)

Has anyone else had any luck in Ellusionist's giveaway?

The Conversation Parlor / For Us College Folk
« on: November 14, 2011, 03:10:24 PM »
For those of us in college, how does your college or university go about the order of registration (classes or halls)?

My university has been changing it every semester and it is beginning to get on our nerves and i want to find out how much better others universities compare.

And also what is your universities requirement for living on campus versus off campus?

Introduce Yourself / Welcome
« on: November 11, 2011, 06:46:25 PM »
How is everyone!?

My name is Zach, I am an amateur magician and musician from Texas! I am excited and a backer of the Vortex playing cards as they are making my nerves all excited (not exactly sure what that means).

How is everyone?

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