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Messages - bethsobel

Pages: [1]
Introduce Yourself / Re: Hello!
« on: August 26, 2019, 11:28:22 PM »
Not sure! The most famous ones are probably Lanterns, Arboretum, Wingspan (I didn't do any bird illos, just the other stuff) and Viticulture, but I've worked on about 30 or so. Here's the list if you're curious.

And thank you! It definitely seems like a friendly place. :)

These look very interesting! Your art style is lovely. A note about the RPS game; as someone who's main work is board / card game focused, be sure you get your game reviewed and submitted on before you go to KS with it. It's an easy process to submit, and gives folks a place to find more info. Board and card game folks expect it.

Reviews / previews are trickier, but people usually expect at least one written and one video review, if possible. Having those done before you go to KS will be super helpful.

Introduce Yourself / Hello!
« on: August 25, 2019, 09:52:37 PM »
Hi! I'm Beth, and I'm here to learn more about playing card culture as I gear up to produce a deck of cards. My day job is board game illustration, but I've always been interested in the elegance and versatility of a deck of cards, so this project has been a fun one. I'm sure I'll make lots of mistakes along the way, but hopefully I'll learn a lot, as I do! Great forum, from what I've seen poking around. :)

Design & Development / Re: Working on first deck
« on: August 25, 2019, 05:56:00 PM »
Haha, thanks! No, Pacific Northwest theme, so we have ocean / jellyfish, forest / fox, sky / raven, and mountain / pika (pika crack me up because they look like furious spheres of cuteness ). Wizards of the Coast is just a couple hours away though...

Design & Development / Re: Working on first deck
« on: August 25, 2019, 05:46:50 PM »
Here are some of the hearts (ocean / jellyfish).

Design & Development / Working on first deck
« on: August 25, 2019, 05:42:17 PM »
Hi! I'm putting together a deck of PNW themed cards, with each suit being a landscape & animal. Every card will be fully illustrated. Here's the 2-6 of diamonds.

My day job is board game illustration, but I've always loved a simple deck of playing cards as well.

Pages: [1]