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Topics - enyspacecaptain

Pages: [1]
Introduce Yourself / Eny Space Captain here
« on: November 21, 2014, 09:33:42 PM »
Right. I haven't been on forums for ages.... More than ten years, I think! Rose introduced me, so I thought I'd check it out and give it a go... So...

I'm Enyka Lien, but people call me Enyka, Eny, or Space Captain (except friends, who call me "Ed" from Cowboy Bebop; kind of long, very boring story, won't go into it). I'm from a little town in Massachusetts. It's cute, but generally has nothing exciting going on.

I collect cards I like mostly: Playing cards, tarot cards, trading cards, and anything similar. I like nice designs, pretty pictures, symbolism, and cards related to other interests. I also like vintage or antique cards, but don't have many decks due to lack of funds.

I don't know why I became interested in cards, but I've liked them since I was a kid. I just feel cool holding them and find them inspiring and -- magical? I've wanted to make my own since then, but haven't been able to do so until recently (Kickstarter: I hope to do more and to learn more about what others like about cards too.

So, um...hi!

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